Liling’s body froze and the hairs on her body stood upright, the fingers that held her phone shook but she tried to contain her fear to prevent Liu Wei from noticing;
The air condition was put on in the car but she was sweating;
”what’s that?”
Liu Wei, who had heard her phone beep, asked when he saw that she was still peeking at the phone;
”Oh …it’s manager Su, she’s congratulating me on my marriage; ”
She tried to hide her panic but she couldn’t help stammering a little, Liu Wei didn’t notice because he wasn’t looking at her at that moment;
”Okay ”
He replied, his eyes still on the road;
Liling’s heart beat against her chest rapidly; millions of thoughts ran through her mind; there was only one person apart from Liu Wei that mattered so much to her but they hadn’t been in contact for years; although he had told her to leave, she still took him as her father, the thought of Yan Ran or Da Xia having her father in their custody sent chills running through her;
She didn’t know what to do, she couldn’t bring herself to open the video, cause she didn’t trust herself to not scream and if she does, she wasn’t sure of her father’s safety afterwards, if it was really him;
Throughout the journey back home, she was as stiff as a rock, no longer talking, just peeking outside the window and staring blankly at the trees and houses as they swept by;
What would she do if it was really her father?
What if Yan Ran or Da Xia tells her to leave Liu Wei else they’ll kill her father, what was she to do;
The mere thought of leaving Liu Wei sent sharp knives piercing through her; she bit down on her lower lip to prevent herself from crying;
When they reached home; Liu Wei stepped out and held the door open for her, she didn’t know they’ve arrived at the hotel until her door opened; immediately she forced a smile onto her lips and stepped out of the car;
”Is anything wrong? ”
He, noticing her change in demeanor, although she tried her best to hide it, it was still obvious to him;
”What? ”
She forced a laughter; ”Do I not look okay?” She said touching her face;
”Maybe it’s my period, let’s hurry up so I can check myself”
Luckily for her, it was almost time for her period, so Liu Wei believed her;
As soon as they got to the penthouse, she went to bathroom and locked herself in; she unlocked her phone and peeked at the downloaded video;
Her heart raced terribly; she couldn’t bring herself to watch the video, she was not a bit ready for the outcome; tears clouded her eyes as she crouched on the floor;
Why was something sad always happening to her?
Why was this fate? She was so close to happiness now this?!
She knew she couldn’t remain in there for long because Liu Wei would soon come knocking to ask if she was okay; so bracing up courage, she clicked on the video;
The last hope that she was clinging onto dashed through the window when she saw the person in the video;
He hadn’t changed much; just a few extra wrinkles and some gray hairs sticking out of the bunch; he was sitting on a chair, his hands tied to both sides and his mouth covered with a tape; he looked like he had been beaten, his eyes were slightly swollen and there was blood dripping from his mouth;
At that sight, Liling flung her phone and shut her eyes trying to hold it in but she couldn’t stop the tears that came flowing down like rain;
What did she do so wrong to deserve this? What did she do so wrong?
She was trembling as she clutched onto her knees for support;
Almost at the same time; Liu Wei knocked on the door and she stood up immediately in shock;
”Sunshine, are you there? ”
Wiping her eyes, she rushed to the sink and put on the tap;
”Yeah, I’m here, I’ll be out in a bit; ”
She said; raising her voice, so he won’t realize that she was crying;
”Okay, ”
He replied and stood by the door for some time before he walked out;
When she heard him move away, she reached for her phone;
As though the person who had sent the message sensed that she had seen the video; there was another text;
”How do you like my gift, beautiful Liling? I see your marriage certificate online already, so quick? I warned you baby but you refused to listen; too bad now you have to choose between the two men that matter the most in your life…
So beautiful Liling, these are my terms; if you want your father alive, this night, I want you to write a letter telling Liu Wei that you don’t want to be with him again; pack your stuff and leave the country this night; else your father will die and I’ll send his head to you on a platter;
This are my terms; when you’re at the airport, call me and I’ll let your father go, he’s in safe hands now, but I can’t guarantee his safety if you don’t comply;
By the time Liling was through with the message; she was already wailing like a baby; she quickly put on the shower to prevent Liu Wei from hearing her voice;
She cried till she could feel her limbs no more;
How would she tell her to leave Liu Wei and the country without saying goodbye to anyone?
How would she leave everything behind and go away just like that?
All the while, she had thought that Liu Wei would be the one to leave her, never in her world had she imagined that she would leave him;
The mere thought of it, sent waves of pain coursing through her bones;
She immediately picked up her phone and dialed the unknown number;
It rang for a few seconds before the person on the other end picked;
”Hello beauty, you finally called, took so long;”
She recognized the voice immediately as Yan Ran’s
”Please, I need more time, please, give me more time… 2 weeks… a week… please…”
”baby girl, you’re in the bathroom right now, am I correct? ”
Liling froze at that statement;
”Yeah, I can see you, I’m just trying to let you know that if Liu Wei finds out; your father is dead and trust me, I’ll make sure I don’t go down alone, you are going down with me, so do the rightful, cause I’m running out of patience. ”
Liling bit her tongue to hold in her tears;
”Yan Ran, what did I do so wrong? What did I do to you? ”
”Are you asking me that?! Are you really asking me that?! ”
Liling shuddered when she heard the sound of glass breaking;
There was quiet for a moment before Liling spoke up again;
”I’m sorry Yan Ran, please can you give me 24 hours, by tomorrow night, I should be out of the country; please…”
Yan Ran was quiet; as though thinking about it;
”Okay, you have it, if I call to remind you, his head will go in for it, ”