She released him for a moment and walked out the door to the balcony to see the view from upstairs;
”Wow, so pretty! ”
There were a few houses in the estate as beautiful as theirs too, the houses were spaced apart, and she could barely see people, everywhere was so quiet. Her eyes glanced downwards and they met a swimming pool;
”A guitar…”
She whispered as Liu Wei cupped her from behind, his hands going around her waists,
She remembered that in his former home, his swimming pool was a guitar, now here again;
”Is there something behind this, it seems you love the guitar, do you know how to play? I noticed your swimming pool was a guitar at the former house, now here again;
She turned around to stare in his eyes as she couldn’t resist asking;
Liu Wei paused for a bit before he replied;
”Come in; let me show you something; ” He said, pulling her by the hand and taking her back into the room;
He led her to one of the rooms connected to the master’s bedroom,
” Oh my God! ”
Liling’s hands flew to her mouth;
‘The walls are sound proof, no matter how much you practice, it won’t affect the other rooms; ”
”My… my own studio? ”
She didn’t know how to feel at that moment, she was glad at the same time shattered;
Glad that he was as thoughtful as to make a studio for her in their home and shattered because she was not going to be able to use it;
‘Do you like it? ” He asked, raising his brows as he waited for her response;
Liling stared at him; her eyes still wide;
How could someone love you so much? How was he still asking her if she liked it when she clearly did? And to think he was quite nervous as he waited for her reply?
God! How was she supposed to leave such a man? He had given her his all, his heart, his soul!
How would he cope without her?
She was about to hurt him and she could do nothing about it.
She hugged him around the waists as tears streamed down her eyes for the umpteenth time. .
”What do I do? What do I do? ”
She cried uncontrollably; Liu Wei kissed her and patted her back;
”’It’s okay, I don’t like seeing you cry, you don’t need to do anything, just stay here with me, okay? ”
She didn’t reply she just remained in his arms; inhaling his scent, knowing she might not be able to do so again;
”You wanted to show me something?”
She asked when she remembered what led them there
”yeah, this way ”
He replied and led her into the studio, he walked to a locker and opened it, taking out a bag, and he went to her, who was already sitting;
”What’s in there? ”
She asked inquisitively;
Liu Wei replied by opening up the bag and taking out a guitar;
”This ”
”A guitar? You can play? ”
She asked reaching out to feel it, her eyes still wide open to know if her suspicions were indeed true.
”Well, I could play, I always wanted to be a musician but my family was against it, cause by doing that I couldn’t take over the company; so I quit music but I made my pool like a guitar cause this was my favorite instrument;
Even though I might not be able to play again; I still want to play for you, that’s why I got this one, so when you’re stressed out and feeling weak, I’ll play you a song…”
Stop! Please stop! Why? Just why? Why are all these happening now? Why?
Tears clouded her eyes again but she immediately wiped them out; thinking for a bit, she asked,
”Do you know? ”
”What? ”
Liu Wei was surprised at her sudden question;
”Do you know that there are two men in this world?
”Who are they? ”
”My darling husband and the others ”
She replied, smiling gently; her heart was filled with sorrow but she wanted to smile, to smile for him; she wanted him to be happy, she wanted him to know how much he meant to her and she couldn’t do that while crying.
”You’re the brightest in a zillion twinkling stars, you’re my morning sun; my first snow in winter; I love you; I love you to the ends of time. Baby, if I could turn back the hands of time, I’ll forever replay the day we met.
Baby, I’m glad that I told you my name that day, I’m glad that you came to gahll, I’m glad that you chased me and I’m the luckiest person on the galaxy to have someone like you love me. ”
She lifted his hand and kissed it;
”Baby, I love you, if there were a million lives, I’ll choose you over and over again; they say no person can be perfect but in you I see utmost perfection;
No matter the troubles that come our way, I promise you that I’ll still find my way to you, promise. ”
She concluded; pecking his hand again;
Liu Wei pulled her close and covered her lips with his; kissing her passionately;
They kissed till their breath was almost lost before Liu Wei let her go;
”I love you more than you can ever imagine sunshine, every day and to the end of my life, I’ll keep loving you. We’re going to pass our hurdles together, okay? ”
He said, peeking straight in her eyes,
Liling pursed her lips but after a few seconds, she nodded and kissed him again.
”Play me a song. ”
She said after their kiss session was over; a gentle smile on her lips;
Liu Wei grinned;
I wrote a song for you but I’m not through with it yet, I promise I’ll play it to you when I’m through.
Actually, he had finished with the song, but her birthday was near and he wanted her to hear it on her birthday, and that was when he wanted her to hear him play for the first time.