Her return sparked more news and the fact that she had not been seen with him for about a week since she came back became more alarming;
The news got to his grandparents and they summoned him home, telling him to come back with her but he refused to go; he called to tell them that everything was alright and they shouldn’t listen to the rumors although that wouldn’t keep them out for long.
Liling had been living a shadow of herself close to a month now. Her initial plan was that she would leave as they said and when she was sure that they had released her father, she would sneak back into the country; take him to a safe place and tell Liu Wei everything so he would go after them and lock them up for good, thus saving her father and saving her marriage; but things didn’t turn out that way; contrary to her thoughts, they never planned to let her father go in the first place. The whole plan was to make her leave the country and use him as a control over her.
Thus when she came back to the country and called him; Yan Ran picked up and told her that she should not make a mistake to go back to Liu Wei else her father dies; that was when she realized that she had been used.
It was hell for her living without Liu Wei but knowing that she was going to come back to him helped her survive; what about now that her hands were tied?; what if she tried telling him and they kill her father before his men arrived?
She was indeed between the devil and the deep blue sea.
All she had was the necklace and countless pictures of him and the ones they took together.
Xin Yong had tried calling but she had sent her calls to voice mails. She knew that she would have to tell her the truth once she picked the call and she wasn’t ready yet.
She had cried till her tear glands dried; her daily routine was to work to stupor then come back to the hotel and watch him on TV; then go to bed with her phone hugged to her chest; her necklace forever on her neck.
She knew it wouldn’t last forever but she didn’t know how much longer she could survive without him; she was visibly dying. Sometimes she wondered whether he was okay, how he was faring without her, she wanted to call him countless number of times but she figured it would be a wrong move, she didn’t want to risk her father’s life.
She had to take up the modeling contract, not because she was enthralled about it but she wanted to stuff herself up with work that she wouldn’t be able to breathe;
The media wasn’t helping her problems; they were saying a lot of things which could make one hang one’s self. She had emaciated a lot and her eyes had bags under them which she coated with makeup anytime she went out. A lot of reporters were calling to ask her for an interview but she didn’t respond to any of them.
One day; she finally met the person she had been avoiding for over a month now.
It was on a Monday, she had a meeting with a perfume company which wanted her to be a brand ambassador; the meeting was held in a hotel and she didn’t know that in the next private room, Liu Wei was holding a meeting with some people.
Unluckily for her; when they stepped out, Liu Wei stepped out of the other room too.
Her steps paused unconsciously; there were many people around and she wanted to pretend that everything was okay, but she couldn’t. She just couldn’t bring herself to.
She was stunned not just because she saw him, but because there was a woman beside him and he was fucking-looking-at her!
She told him not to look at any woman but it wasn’t even up-to two months and he was already with another woman! Was that how much he meant to her?
So many thoughts flooded her head and tears gathered her eyes; almost at the same time Liu Wei sensed something and looked in her direction and as though struck by electricity she turned around swiftly and walked away; but this act didn’t go unnoticed by the stalkers who branded themselves as reporters and in the next few minutes; the whole internet was blown up.
That night was hell for Liling, she cried out her eyes. The media could ruin a person; they said so many hurtful things that she wondered if that was how hard it was to be popular; she thought of a lot of things; from the hateful comments coming from the media to the beautiful woman she saw with him at the hotel; She didn’t know when sleep caught up with her, the next morning, she found herself passed out in the kitchen with a can of soda in her hands.
For a split second Liu Wei lost his breathe; Liling was right in front of him but he couldn’t do a thing. He couldn’t even call her. Not because he didn’t want to but because before he could speak, she had turned around and walked away.
He managed to drive himself home that night; so many thoughts filled his mind.
If she really wanted him, why would she glance at him and walk away like that? He had been struggling to live without her and she just glanced at him and walked away as though he didn’t matter. Although he didn’t take a very good look at her, it was obvious that she was doing just fine.
He didn’t know what to do; now the media had started talking again; his grandparents would soon call him for the second time and this time he knew he was left with no choice than to tell them the truth; if he didn’t find a solution before then.