A Demon's Journey Novel

A Demon's Journey Novel
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Frascoia Continent… Various races like Celestials, Demons, Humans, Monsters, Elves, Dwarves, and so on occupied this continent.
Humans and the other races lived on the mainland of the continent while the Celestials and Demons lived in Heaven and Purgatory, respectively.
Within the Demons, a prodigy named Azaroth rose quickly, even by demons' standards, to the point of being dubbed a "Demon God. There was only one person above him within the demons: The Great Demon Venerable, the Demons' Supreme Godfather.
Azaroth's extraordinary talent never had the chance to blossom to its full potential; a terrible calamity struck him down and he died soon after. But was this calamity just misfortune or was it hiding an opportunity for him?
Near his deathbed, he prepared for his future ascent to achieve his lofty goal.
Millions of years had passed after Demon God Azaroth's demise and now a young aristocrat called Edwin Rhodes came across a mysterious cave.
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Chapter List
- Chapter 1 - The Beginning
- Chapter 2 - Rebirth
- Chapter 3 - Triquetra Ardor
- Chapter 4 - Deep Anemone Inn
- Chapter 5 - Suspicious Men
- Chapter 6 - In The Rhodes Estate
- Chapter 7 - Meeting Tronte
- Chapter 8 - Glerian Kingdom
- Chapter 9 - Market
- Chapter 10 - Spiritual Clothes
- Chapter 11 - Merchant
- Chapter 12 - Terrifying Demon
- Chapter 13 - Dispute With The Pope
- Chapter 14 - On The Way To Kloras Town
- Chapter 15 - Miss Sophie
- Chapter 16 - The Two Academy Graduates
- Chapter 17 - Hypocritical People
- Chapter 18 - Searching In The Outer Area Of Alpine Gerbil Woods
- Chapter 19 - Alchemy Division
- Chapter 20 - Controlling The Heavenly Aura
- Chapter 21 - Azaroth Vs The Beasts
- Chapter 22 - The White Wolf
- Chapter 23 - I Am Demon God Azaroth
- Chapter 24 - Removing Impurities
- Chapter 25 - Suspicions Regarding Azaroth
- Chapter 26 - Beginning The Act
- Chapter 27 - A New Leader Of The Palm Valley Academy Graduates
- Chapter 28 - Alchemy Divison Head
- Chapter 29 - Formation Was Damaged
- Chapter 30 - Reading A Demon King's Soul
- Chapter 31 - The True Target Of The Beasts
- Chapter 32 - Leaving The Encampment
- Chapter 33 - Azaroth And Abyssal Hound Against Peter (1)
- Chapter 34 - Azaroth And Abyssal Hound Vs Peter (2)
- Chapter 35 - Eternal Icicle Rainfall
- Chapter 36 - Returning To The Encampment
- Chapter 37 - All Beasts Attack
- Chapter 38 - You Are Already Dead
- Chapter 39 - The Killing Array Activated!
- Chapter 40 - The Golden Ape Vs Azaroth (1)