A Stay-at-home Dad’s Restaurant In An Alternate World Novel

A Stay-at-home Dad’s Restaurant In An Alternate World Novel
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There is a very strange restaurant in the City of Sin.
Elves and dwarves must share a table, orcs are strangely well behaved, dragons are only welcomed on the small square in front of the restaurant, and the demons must bring their own stool.
This strange restaurant with their strange rules continuous to attract a long line of customers.
“This place serves the best food! The chef of this restaurant is a genius!” Some of the guests in the restaurant left glowing reviews. But these guests have a word of warning for other guests, “No matter what you do, never, never attempt to kidnap the boss or try to ‘eat and run’. You will die.”
A cute little girl stood near the door, and demanded in her tiny voice, “You have eaten the food, now pay up, or I will beat you to death.” The five-meter tall dragon suddenly felt a chill running up its spine.
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6 Latest Chapters
Chapter List
- Chapter 1 - Little Loli In My House
- Chapter 2 - A Little Dream And A Purpose
- Chapter 3 - I'll Show You A Magic Trick
- Chapter 4 - A Small Promise
- Chapter 5 - Cooking Standards
- Chapter 6 - Hello, Mag
- Chapter 7 - Love Breakfast
- Chapter 8 - Give Me Seconds, Father
- Chapter 9 - The Ingredients From Mysterious Places
- Chapter 10 - The Benefits Of Yangzhou Fried Rice
- Chapter 11 - Amy’s Wish
- Chapter 12 - A Pretty Hard Start
- Chapter 13 - Pay! Now!
- Chapter 14 - Owner, Your Menu Must Be Wrong
- Chapter 15 - Owner, Give Me A Plate Of Yangzhou Fried Rice!
- Chapter 16 - Owner, Give Me Seconds!
- Chapter 17 - Owner, I’d Like One More Plate Please
- Chapter 18 - Okay, Dwarf Grandpa Mobai
- Chapter 19 - Teaching—the 9x9 Times Table
- Chapter 20 - System, Do You Sell Clothes?
- Chapter 21 - The Sad Story Of The Ugly Duckling
- Chapter 22 - The Second Customer
- Chapter 23 - To Eat Here Or Not?
- Chapter 24 - A Very Beautiful Elf Big Sister
- Chapter 25 - I Heard Your Tummy Rumble
- Chapter 26 - Curiosity Towards A Man
- Chapter 27 - Start With Your Daughter
- Chapter 28 - Could You Buy Amy An Ugly Duckling?
- Chapter 29 - Amy Will Just Let It Fall Down …
- Chapter 30 - The Way To Deal With A Nuisance
- Chapter 31 - Buy An Ugly Duckling Egg
- Chapter 32 - Mag? My Father?
- Chapter 33 - You Must Follow His Rules
- Chapter 34 - Nothing Can’t Be Taken Care Of By A Plate Of Yangzhou Fried Rice
- Chapter 35 - You’re A Real Piece Of Work
- Chapter 36 - It’s Very Good!
- Chapter 37 - So, Why Can’t I Start Crowdfunding?
- Chapter 38 - Crowdfunding
- Chapter 39 - Mission Complete
- Chapter 40 - You Can Call Him Black Coal