After Experiencing Morning Sickness On A Livestream, Fake Young Lady Become An Internet Celebrity! Novel

After Experiencing Morning Sickness On A Livestream, Fake Young Lady Become An Internet Celebrity! Novel

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After Experiencing Morning Sickness On A Livestream, Fake Young Lady Become An Internet Celebrity! Novel

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[Live Broadcast Variety Show, Hidden Marriage, Scum-torturing, Mary Sue]

The fake young lady with tons of scandals to her name, Gu Ran, participated in survival in the wild variety show. Everyone was waiting to watch her fail, assuming she would cry and retire from the program ten minutes into it.

Three days into the live broadcast, other people looked disheveled, lacking food and clothing. Meanwhile, she was out hunting wild boars, fishing in the river, making salt from seawater, and cooking mouthwatering dishes. Everyone cried, “We were wrong! We shouldn’t have stereotyped you, please help us!”

Then, Gu Ran, whose survival skills were maxed out, too appealing for words, and had a ton of female fans, suddenly experienced morning sickness in front of hundreds and thousands of viewers! Fans shouted, “Who did this?! Show yourself! We promise we won’t kill you!” The world began searching for her baby’s father. Yet, Gu Ran’s only concern was that her almighty identity might be exposed!

A genuine and vicious young lady had wanted to send Gu Ran to the survival program, in hopes of letting her die there, was panicking now. “Isn’t she just a cheap pretty face? Why is she getting more and more popular?!” And so, she began to spread more scandals about Gu Ran. Only, she miscalculated the response this time. Not only did Gu Ran’s fans stand on Gu Ran’s side, but even Gu Ran’s parents came looking for her. They were actually a wealthier and more reputable family compared to the young lady’s!

Meanwhile, after excruciating effort on the fans’ part, they finally found the baby’s father. He was the legendary super tycoon of C City whose influence could easily cause an uproar in the entire city! Mo Yancheng feigned distress on a live broadcast, saying, “I don’t hope for much. I just want legal status.” The fans chirped, “This is wonderful. They have to get married!”

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