After Leaving The CEO, She Stunned The World Novel

After Leaving The CEO, She Stunned The World Novel

Source: Webnovel


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After Leaving The CEO, She Stunned The World Novel

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Mo Rao was born into a family of military doctors. Her parents had risked their lives to save Fu Ying’s grandmother, so the latter forced Fu Ying to take Mo Rao in as his wife. Mo Rao always knew that Fu Ying had a dream girl named Qu Ru. This girl failed to marry Fu Ying as she desired because Fu Ying’s grandmother stopped them. After their marriage, Fu Ying was very considerate of Mo Rao. They even had high compatibility especially in bed. Fu Ying would always find himself deeply immersed in Mo Rao’s tenderness.

Until one day, Fu Ying said, “Qu Ru has returned. Let’s divorce. I will transfer the property I promised you to your name.” Mo Rao said, “Can we not divorce? What if… I’m pregnant…?” Fu Ying answered heartlessly, “Abort it! I don’t want anymore obstacles to appear between me and Qu Ru. Also, Qu Ru has leukemia, and your bone marrow happens to be compatible with hers. If you’re willing to donate yours, I can promise you anything.” Mo Rao said, “What if my condition is that we don’t divorce?” Fu Ying’s eyes turned cold. “Mo Rao, don’t be too greedy. Even if I promise you for Qu Ru’s sake, you know full well that I don’t love you.” The words ‘I don’t love you’ stabbed at Mo Rao’s heart like a knife. Her smile suddenly became twisted and she was no longer the docile woman she used to be. “Fu Ying, this is the first time you repulse me so. You call me greedy, but aren’t you the same? You want me to divorce you so you can be with Qu Ru? Sure, I’ll agree to that. But you’re even dreaming that I’ll save her? Don’t forget, there’s no such thing as getting the best of both worlds in life, just like you and me.” Then Mo Rao left. Fu Ying actually felt suffocated, and this feeling drove him mad.

When Mo Rao appeared once more, she had become a dazzling star. When she appeared before Fu Ying, holding hands with her new beau, Fu Ying couldn’t care less and said, “Baby, didn’t you say you would only love me?” Mo Rao smiled faintly. “Sorry, ex-husband. I was mistaken back then. You were only a replacement. I actually love someone else.”

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