Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou (WN) Novel

Chapter 429

Chapter 429

Author’s Note: Sorry that it was a bit late!

Inside the past replay, Carm and the other Haurias were currently  doing hellish training where they kept complaining and letting out  agonized cry pathetically.

The Haurias who were undeniably the weakest would be transformed into their current selves through this training.

They were only made to do that training for ten days before Hajime  and co departed to the great tree. However, in contrast with the  shortness of the time, the training contained a harshness that made it  understandable how drastic the Haurias transformed.

『U-umm, Hajime-dono? What’s with the monsters……』



『Simply kill.』

The expressions of Carm and others spasmed.

In front of them, a swarm of monsters that was lured here with they  themselves as bait had been shot at their limbs so they couldn’t move.  They were all lying on the ground unmoving.

Just like the monkey monsters that were chased by those monster  maids, there were a lot of monsters in this sea of trees that formed a  group. Perhaps because of that the number of monsters that gotten  rounded up wholesale by Hajime after using the delicious looking weak  rabbits as bait was staggering. They could even form a small mountain if  piled up.

They couldn’t move at all even while groaning in agony and rage.  Hajime who ordered the Haurias to kill them like it was just a routine  work was looking serious. His eyes were also terribly terrifying with  not a shred of emotion could be seen there.

『W-why should we do something like that! Even though they’re monster,  it’s simply too cruel to kill living creatures that can’t move!』

『That’s right big brother! What’s the point of doing such horrible thing in our training!?』

『We promise we’ll do our best in training! That’s why please spare us from doing such pointless murder!』

Inside the replay, the past lovable and ordinary handsome boy Par-kun  and pretty girl Nea-chan could be seen. Their moist eyes were pleading  adorably.

In respond to the two, Hajime sweetly……not smiling,

『I see. You can’t kill them huh.』

*Dopan* Gunshot echoed. AAAAA The scream came from an  unrelated Hauria male as he jumped in agony. Because his solar plexus  got shot, he was crouching on all fours while going oeeeee on  the ground. The liquid he vomited got censored with rainbow color. Then  he stayed crouching on the ground while convulsing *twitch twitch* in  pain.

What in the world……the Haurias were watching with their eyes wide open in astonishment. Hajime told them this with his expressionless face.

『Each time any of you hesitate to kill, I’ll shoot. Not at the one who couldn’t kill, but at someone else.』


『I’ll still shoot somebody else if you talk back at me. I’ll shoot  even if you’re just asking. I’ll shoot even if you beg or argue or run  away.』

It was a nasty practice of collective responsibility carried out for  real with gusto. Carm and others were looking with teary eyes and shaky  body that expressed That’s a lie right? Those feeble figures were the extreme opposite of their current selves.

With that, Hajime finally smiled sweetly.

『Now, who will be the first one……to destroy their friend’s stomach?』


At first Hajime tried to train them normally, however, the Haurias  kept getting distracted with giving consideration to the plants and  animals in the sea of trees. They didn’t learn anything at all from  their training. With that Hajime snapped and thoroughly beat them up,  but as long as it was only themselves who got punished, they only  weirdly got into the mentality of self-sacrifice. In the end the effort  didn’t produce any decent result.

After repeating such thing for one whole day, the voice of Hajime’s  heart whispered at him to give up on them already, but he pushed that  thought down and thought hard. At the end he adopted this method and  certainly, the method seemed to be effective against the extremely  sympathetic rabbit race.

They were shaking. They were begging for forgiveness. Even so their  comrades kept getting shot at the stomach. In order to protect them,  each Hauria gripped their knives and dealt the finishing blow on the  monsters.

After continuing that nonstop for 48 hours.

There was no sleep and no food. It was a hell of a time where they  were made to do nothing but killing monsters. If the monsters ran out,  the Haurias would get wrapped up in a mat again and hanged up, or else  the flesh and blood of the monsters got used to lure another swarm as  replacement, then the Haurias would be made to kill them again  mechanically.

The area became a sea of blood. It was to a degree that it felt like the smell of blood was transmitted even across the image.

After 24 hours passed, the bodies of Carm and others also changed  color to black from being soaked in blood. The color of emotion had  completely fallen out from their eyes and expressions. They were turning  into manufacturing robot.

Because they were monsters, they would be culled immediately anyway  when the security force of Fea Bergen encountered them, even so the  scene was still too gruesome.

However, Hajime didn’t stop. Passed forty hours, people whose  consciousness started to be cloudy appeared and he breathed life back  into them with physical means, then at the end of that,

『How’s that! Those monsters are turning into your nourishment! Aren’t they lovable!』

『『『『『Yes, they are lovable!』』』』』

『Offer your gratitude to them for becoming your nourishment until every last drop of their life!』

『『『『『Thank you very much!!』』』』』

『I can’t hear you, you fuckin’ “pii-“! Yell your love and gratitude more while stabbing your knife!』

『『『『『I love you die! Thank you die!』』』』』

The brain dead chorus of the mentally cornered Haurias reverberated.

The persistent 48 hours of monster culling! It was also killing two  birds with one stone because the act increased the safety of the land  that would become their base from now on! But after that plan’s  successful execution, the expressions of Carm and others had changed  completely. They looked like Hajime after he ate his first monster.

But, naturally it still wasn’t over yet. This was simply the end of  the first stage for smashing their preexisting sense of values,  thinking, and mind so that they could be reborn.

After that they immediately moved to a real life hide and seek without any rest. Naturally, the seeker was Instructor Hajime.

──Know that rest is too luxurious for “pii-“ like you bastards!

──You think you’re going to be let off if you collapse? This spoilt “pii-“!

──Look! You spoilt bastard caused your “pii-“ friend to become “pii-“! Happy now!?

Half more day passed while under such rain of verbal abuses. The hide  and seek that didn’t even allow one to fall down or faint and merciless  shooting caused people who started going crazy to finally appear.

With a superb timing,

『It’s time. One hour, if everyone can get away in one hour then I’ll allow a whole day of rest!』

Hearing that, Carm and others returned to sanity for an instant with bright smile,

『But, there’ll be one hour extra for each person caught!』

Before they were instantly kicked back into the depth of despair with that demonic statement exploding in their ears.

Naturally, their heart broke. Everyone fell on their knees without any regard of what would happen to them.

Hajime soberly looked at Carm and others who were in such condition while questioning them in monotone.

『You guys want to quit already? It’s not like I give a damn.』

Carm and others looked bewildered and relieved in equal measure  hearing that. And then Hajime thrust the hopeless reality before them.

『You guys have tried hard enough. I’m amazed that you all could  endure to this point for such a pathetic race. Yeah, that’s why nobody  will blame you guys even if you abandon Shia.』

『Shi, a? Abandon?』

His daughter’s name was suddenly mentioned. While everyone was so  tired they couldn’t move their lips, Carm was the only one who managed  to wring out his voice.

『That girl isn’t a normal rabbit demihuman. Right now Yue is training  her……it’s likely that she’ll be really strong. And then, I wonder what  she’s going to do after that.』

『What she’s……going to do……』

『Most likely, she’s going to leave this place. So that she won’t trouble her family anymore.』

『Tsu, that’s……』

『Just so you know, don’t think that I’m going to protect her or  anything. She’s going to live alone from here on. At the world outside.  While facing persecution and fighting the people targeting her.  Meanwhile you guys, you won’t be able to hold her back here or even  following her. There isn’t any more home for Shia Hauria to return  back.』

You weaklings won’t even be able to protect Shia’s home or birthplace. Being told that, Carm’s, no, all of Haurias’ eyes changed color.

Their dead fish eyes that begged for death so that they could be  saved from their misery were starting to be filled with strong light for  the first time. That radiance was like a flame that was fueled by  anger.

『……You went too far, Hajime-dono. Have you forgotten that we left the sea of trees together with Shia?』

『And then, you guys only ended up adding on the wounds in her heart with that.』

『Tsu, that’s-』

『You guys were stomped on because you were weak. That girl, there’s  no way she’ll ever forget that fact, the events that led to that.』

『That wasn’t Shia’s fault! Are you saying that it’s her sin for simply being born!?』

『No, she is sinless. The sin, lies on you weaklings.』


『You guys being rabbit race isn’t an excuse. I should have told you  guys before starting the training, that I was a useless weakling. But  didn’t you guys decide to undergo my training even knowing that?』

Indeed. They heard how Hajime was weak and useless in the past, but  he crawled up until his current height. They were in high spirits that  such man said that he would train them.

Carm shut his mouth. The other Haurias were also unable to argue, however……

Nobody realized. That even though they were from bunny race,  natural-born pacifist with timid and mild temper, their faces were  warping in rage in front of Hajime saying whatever he pleased about  them. How they were grinding their teeth. How they were glaring at  Hajime, an overwhelmingly strong person who they had no way to match.

『Didn’t you guys decide in this place, that you will change even  though you’re weak and cowardly? Are you guys going to yield just  because of some pain? Aah, that’s fine. In the end I’m just an outsider  anyway! I’m not going to give you guys a piggyback ride and kindly show  the way! It’s your own life! Do whatever you like! You guys can just  forget about Shia and live in peace!』

『T-there is no way we can do something like──』

『Aa, or perhaps you guys just wanted to justify yourself with “we tried our best”?』

『……shut up』

『Then that’s great! You guys already worked hard until your heart  broke down! On top of that the nuisance is going to cut ties with you  guys without any prodding! Come on, rejoi──』


For the first time, Carm attacked with his own initiative. He charged at Hajime with bloodshot eyes.

His movement was tottering. The charge was unsightly.

But, Hajime didn’t dodge or counter attack or anything. He only looked down with a chilling gaze at Carm who grabbed his collar.

『Don’t make fun of me! Shia is my daughter! She is our family! Our  important family! There’s no way we can forget about her! Who the hell  is going to let her be aloneeeee-』

His slowpoke fist hit Hajime’s face. With his stamina at the limit, the punch didn’t even feel itchy.

But, in contrast to that weak punch, Carm’s eyes were filled with  burning spirit to the brim. It was clear to see that something had  changed inside him.

And then that,

『Stand up you guys! Let’s teach this brat a lesson! That the rabbit  race absolutely won’t abandon a family! This kind of stupid training is  nothing!』

The other Haurias were also the same. Their age or gender didn’t  matter, everyone of them was standing up with guts and anger filling  their eyes.

『Don’t let Shia, our family-, cut us offff!!』


It was the moment the war cry of rabbit race reverberated through the sea of trees for the first time.

『You guys are going to continue?』

『That’s right! Come hell or high water, just bring it on! We’re going  to overcome everything so that you won’t be able to say anymore stupid  shit ever again-』

『Hah. Then, first let’s see whether you guys will be able to run from me for an hour!!』

『『『『『Suits us fine!!』』』』』

The Haurias simultaneously scattered everywhere. Seeing their back, a second passed.

Hajime made a smile that looked exactly like a certain user note of death,

──Just as planned-

He whispered.

The training after that was so effective and efficient as though  everything before that was just a lie. The Haurias were ordered to rest  and eat properly. Even during the hide and seek, even though the  locations of the Haurias were marked with skill, Hajime intentionally  adjusted the intensity of his pursuit while,

──Analyze my movement! Find out my habit!

──Rack your brain! You guys know some poisonous flowers right! Why didn’t you use them!

──Don’t play fair! Lay out traps! Work together to lure me!

──Where are we! Ain’t this your own territory!

He was giving out advices on and on. The weaklings who were  considerate to nature and animals while complaining and bawling weren’t  anywhere to be found anymore. Carm and others were doggedly hanging on  with crazy desperation.

Despite being the weakest, the rabbit race still had survived in the  sea of trees until now. Their talent── presence manipulation was  leveling up in proficiency with tremendous speed. Their coordinating  ability that was brought about by the strength of their compassion was  combined with their rabbit ears’ hearing to level up by one rank and  then two ranks.

In addition,

『Carm! Nice order just now! I was tricked by that!』

『Eh, t-thank you very much?』

『Par! You got guts for a kid! That’s manly!』

『Eh, y-yes! I(Boku), no, I(Ore)’m a man!』

『Nea, nice job! You got a wide outlook! You’re the best in adapting!』

『Fue!? I-I’m the best? T-thank you very mucch-』

A carrot after an extreme beating with stick. When someone did  something well even just for a bit, the instructor who was the demon  personified would give praise.

They had never even been praised or anything by other race in their  normal life until now. Being acknowledged for their effort after giving  it their all desperately was simply too delightful for them.

Furthermore, when they were passed in the hide and seek and felt  great joy welling up inside, they were even bestowed with extraordinary  weapons that even the warriors of Fea Bergen didn’t have……

Four days remaining. Two days of those were devoted for assassination  battle where they were split into two camps, and then at the ninth day  there was the finishing touch in the form of all Hauria VS Hajime.

There, they were once more impressed by the strength of Hajime who didn’t even get a scratch……

『……Yosh, very good. We’re going to have the final exam tomorrow, so go rest for now.』

『『『『『Sir, yes, sir!! Boss, permission for voluntary practice-!!』』』』』

『Ah, yeah, do whatever you like.』

『『『『『Thank you very much-, boss–!!!』』』』』

Without noticing it, the current Hauria who called Hajime boss with  love and respect had been created. Eyes that were blazing burningly with  fighting spirit, fearless grin, a look where they looked like they were  going to yell Hardships, marching into hell is our favorite activity! anytime.

Hajime’s eyes were obviously wandering around with the thought of 「I  might have gone too far……」. Hajime too must be too emotional because it  was like looking at his past weak self. It seemed that he  unintentionally got too heated up with training them.

The past replay of “What happened at the training that time” that  ought to be titled as “The Birth Annal of the Reborn Hauria” or  “Hauria’s Tale Zero” was gathering everyone’s rapt attention──


Shuu and Sumire, also everyone of Shirasaki family and Yaegashi  family, also Akiko and Gil were watching, but the show didn’t register  in their brain at all.

Surely it was something that couldn’t be helped.

「Kiii-! Ka-ka-ka-! KIIEE!!」

「Yo~sh yosh, everything is fine seeee. Looook, Shia. You’re a good girl, so don’t struggle okay~?」


Because right beside them, Shia was going insane.

She was embracing Hajime right from the front. His arms and legs were  firmly locked around her body. It was the so called “Luv Luv Huuugg”,  but in actuality, it was a restraining in the form of hugging by Hajime.

The evidence of that was how Shia’s eyes that were looking across  Hajime’s shoulder looked like <●><●>. One of her arms was grasping  forward like a zombie seeking for prey.

The prey in question was of course Carm who was sweating rivers. In  addition wrapped in a mat behind him while floundering like a fish on  land was the masochist elf princess──Altena.

「Uuuu, how can this be, the “Soul Repose” isn’t working!」

「Thy art wrong, Aiko! It’s working! Shia art simply going insane right away after it worked!」

「Shia! It’s me! Ka – o – ri! Do you recognize me!?」

「Please, I’m begging you, at least speak with human language!」

「Mama! This is where mama shine nano! Bring Shia-oneechan back to sanity with your invincible my my ufufu smile!」

「M-my my. Mama wonder if mama can do it……」

Remia moved to in front of Shia, in other words behind Hajime. She  put on her best soft and fluffy smile and atmosphere that had  outstanding calming effect.

「Shia-san, Shia-san. Please I ask you to calm down. You saw the  replay just now didn’t you? In there, Carm-san and also everyone else,  they were able to become strong for Shia-san’s sake.」

Actually, the past viewing tour was resumed even though Shia’s SAN  parameter was blown up was to show her the impetus of the change in the  hearts of Carm and others.

Wasn’t what he did plainly brainwashing? It was a method  that couldn’t avoid such criticism, and at the end it became a waste  because the training was transforming them to the boss’s subordinate, banzai! rather than a training so that Shia wouldn’t be able to cut ties with them, but setting that aside.

Although it was the result of an intentional provocation, the  greatest reason why Carm and others changed themselves by throwing  themselves into hell and back was undoubtedly for Shia’s sake.

「I, felt really moved. For the sake of a daughter, they went as far──」



Shia’s pupils shrunk. She turned her gaze at Remia with bloodshot  eyes. And then there was the shriek at the end. Remia who heard and saw  that from very close range kept smiling……as she slowly backed away.

And then, she said a sentence.

「Myuu, it’s hopeless.」

「Giving up already!?」

Please forgive your powerless mama, Remia muttered while  retreating toward where Sumire and others were standing. She must be  plainly scared. She was shaking while a bit of tears gathered in her  eyes. Sumire patted her head while muttering good girl, good girl to soothe her.

Carm’s sweat was already like a waterfall that it became a concern he  would turn into mummy at this rate. Even so he kept pleading.

「Shia! Come back to your senses! Tou-sama swear that I never thought of making this crazy pervert into a spouse!」

「Puhah, Carm-sama! In other words, you’re only targeting my body in our relationship!?」

Altena who removed her gag by her own effort pranced like a fish on land while prattling 「That’s nice in its own way-」

Shia’s eyes snapped wider open. Tio was going haa haa while saying 「Nnn, nice abnormal-」. Aiko’s “Soul Repose” also flew at Tio. Teacher was super busy.

「Don’t say such misleading words! You slut kept entering the room  without permission, taking private property without permission, and  stalking other without care of time and place, that was why I beat you  up!」

「Thank you very much for the treat!」

「Dammit, my words won’t go through!! Now I understand boss’s hardship completely-!!」

It seemed, their relationship was really only that far. But, the  other Haurias thought 「If he get it on with Altena, won’t we be able to  drag him down from the clan head seat and tear him away from boss?」 and  completely ignored Altena’s outrageous action and apparently that helped  Carm’s “physical relationship with Altena” to escalate day by day.

Shia’s pupils started to shrink back to normal size. Perhaps she  thought that Carm’s words might be the truth with how heartfelt and  troubled his voice tone was. Her words were also turning slightly milder  like 「Kii?」.


「You are so cold, Carm-sama! At the night three days ago, didn’t you  accept me when I sneaked into your bedchamber!? That night you did  nothing except hugging me close, without giving any punishment or  reward……poh」

「T-that was……it was……」

Eh? Carm looked……awkward!

After hearing that boss would come visiting, he got carried away and  drank too much alcohol. Because of that he unconsciously sought for the  warmth of human skin, so he made the trespassing Altena into his hugging  pillow. That was all he did and nothing else, but it didn’t change the  fact that he spent a night sleeping together with an unmarried woman.

Carm tried to explain that clearly, but in this current situation, that “pause” was fatal.

Shia’s expression changed into Asura once more!


「Wait, Shia! Too stro-, rela──GUWAAAAAAAAAAAAH!?」


「Aaa, Hajime’s spine is making creaking sound!?」

「Papaaaa, do your best!! You must not loseeee~~~」

Hajime was getting forced into the posture of “luv luv mackerel  hold”, but 「A-ain’t no way I’ll loseeee, LIMIT BREAKKK」 he let his  crimson magic power burst up. Meanwhile Yue who was in charge of the  past replay only said this to Shuu and Sumire. (TN: Try this link, the hugging to see the state Hajime is in)

「……Ah, don’t mind them over there. Next is Shia’s training with me, enjoy.」

「「「「Impossible! We mind!!」」」」

A beautifully timed tsukkomi was fired from Nagumo couple and Shirasaki couple.

「Yue-chan, you’re the one who don’t need to mind with that, you need to stop Shia-chan quick!」

「Look, I never saw Hajime looking that desperate!」

Yue glanced aside briefly, and indeed. Hajime was yelling  「UOOOOOOOOH, LIMIT BREAK – SUPREMEEEEEE-」 while desperately bracing  himself so that he wouldn’t get crushed.

「……Nn~. But well, it’s fine. Just now she also stopped when Myuu  stood in her way, so it looks like she still retain a shred of  restrain.」

「I-I wonder if that’s the problem here.」

Actually, the one who stopped berserker Shia in Hauria’s settlement at the end was Myuu.

Yue’s super gravity, the magic of binding chain that was endowed with  Kaori’s sublimation magic, Tio and Aiko’s “Soul Repose”. Shia’s fist  didn’t stop even with all of those at work in concert, but Myuu cut in  just a moment before her fist landed on Carm’s face.

It was an interrupt that succeeded due to Shia’s movement slowing  from the effort of the four. However, it was a tremendous courage when  in the presence of the berserker rabbit.  No, perhaps it was more trust  rather than courage.

There is no way Shia-oneechan will ever hurt Myuu! Like that she spread open her arms and legs to the limit 「MYUU ABSOLUTELY WON’T STEP ASIDE NANOOOOOOO!!」 right on her way.

That figure was truly an exact reproduction of when she stopped  Hajime’s rampage in the demon king castle. The small hero had stopped  another monster.

Using that opening, Shizuku overlapped sublimation magic to sever Shia’s consciousness.

It was shuddering that Shia woke up from that in just five seconds,  even so with Hajime hugging her fully from the front to restrain her,  she quieten down to more or less a containable level, perhaps because of  the transmitted warmth.

「Now that it reach this point, Hajime-kun! There’s no other way but a kiss!」

「I see, it’s a tactic to return Shia-san to her senses by tickling  her maiden heart! Hajime-kun, let’s do it! My magic power is also won’t  last any longer heree!」

「Umu, I agree with Kaori and Aiko! Goshujin-sama! Push her down before Goshujin-sama turn into foldable human!」

「There’s no other way than that! Chu, give her chuu~, Hajime!」

「You guys, are you sane!?」

The mood felt like there was a final battle against something.  Hajime’s eyes turned into saucer from the suggestion of Kaori and  others. He noticed the attention of Shuu and others and hesitated but……

「Papa! A deranged woman can be silenced with a kiss nano!」

「Myuu!? Where did you learn that kind of thing!?」

「Mama’s favorite afternoon drama said that nano!」

Remia-san, she hid her crimson face with both hands.

「Myuu, mama once read you the story of the sleeping beauty right?  Mama wished, you would at least say it like the prince waking up the  princess with a kiss!」

「But, Shia-oneechan not only awake, her eyes are blazing with fury,  and papa isn’t a prince but the demon king nano! That’s why, Myuu think  that staying quiet and stealing the lips is more fitting nano!」

「Let’s hold a family meeting later okay-, Myuu!」

「Let’s have a family meeting later okay-, Myuu!」

Myuu ignored the worried words of papa and mama. She widened her legs  to shoulder width and she started rhythmically swaying her body left  and right while applausing 「Ki~ss! Ki~ss! Ki~ss!」. Kaori and others also  started rhythmically making kiss call in concert.

While pondering just what kind of punishment game this was to be told  that in front of their parents, Hajime went 「Eeei, I just gonna do  ittt~~」 while diving to the ground. Then right away he pushed down Shia  and gave her a deep kiss, like the reversal version of when Shia  greedily sucked Hajime’s lips while he gave her CPR at the edge of the  spring after getting out of Great Labyrinth Raisen.

Shia who had been letting out nothing but the strange shriek of  「KIEEEEEEH」 started leaking out slightly sweet voice 「Nnnuu~~~~~~」. She  was being firmly hugged, so the impression their current posture gave  looked unnecessarily bad.

Sumire, Kaoruko, Akiko, and even Kirino made a clamor of 「Kyaaa~~h」,  while the men turned toward another direction along with their body like  a gentleman. However, for some reason they met each other gaze and  nodded 「Umu」 to each other for some reason. Also, Gil-san had entered  his complete shut out mode from the middle of the training image, so he  was silent like a Jizo statue.

While such heated battle (?) was unfolding right at the side, Yue  opened a window using space magic and replayed the past of Shia’s  training with Yue that was being done at a slight distance away.

「……Right, everyone. Shia is going to be all gloomy and melancholic  later from this dark history, so let’s look over here instead.」

「Yue-chan……this must be the dignity of the first wife!」

「Oh dear-, really Hajime-kun, he’s going that intensely-. So Kaori usually must also be…….」

「Stopppp, please stop Kaoruko! You made me imagine it!」

Even with such hectic chaos, the past training scene was playing like it was an outdoor movie theater.

The screen was politely expanded in the position where everyone would  turn their back on Shia and others. And so, while they could hear a  voice 「Ki, ki……kiie……ki, nnfuuh」 that seemed to waver between inhuman  language and indecent voice, everyone was adult so they didn’t do  anything like looking back.

Or rather, Yue was single-mindedly slapping Shia inside the image, so their attention was distracted toward that way.

『……Quick, strengthen your body already. Quick!』

『I-it’s impossible ouch-. Even if I’m told to strengthen my body so suddenly hebuh!?』

『……If you can’t then you will only end up as a rabbit with bloated face. Here-, here-!』

『Hiih, it hurts-. It hurts desuu-』

*Slap-slap* The voice reverberated with very nice ring to it. Yue was  single-mindedly slapping back and forth the face of Shia who was  kneeling on the ground. Coupled with her expressionless face, the scene  was truly terrifying. Perhaps it was a case of like boyfriend like  girlfriend.

Shia’s cheeks were already turning red. The dam in her eyes looked like they were going to burst anytime.

『……There is no point in training if you can’t even strengthen your body! Get fired up! This flirty rabbit!』

『Auh, I’m not flirty desuu』

『……That desu is also flirty! Also you glued yourself too closely on Hajime! This horny rabbit! You-you-』

『This is absolutely your personal grudge getting mixed in isn’t it!?』

『……I am Yue. A woman who won’t hide her personal grudge toward this rabbit with transparent ulterior motive!』

『As I thought it’s just personal grudge isn’t ittt!』

Shia jerked back while both her hands rubbed her cheeks that had really swollen bright red like a homely woman.

The gazes of Sumire and Shuu and others turned toward Yue. Yue’s gaze looked around at Sumire and co,


She gave them a magnificently sly tehe gesture while sticking out her  tongue. She also didn’t’ forget to poked her own head with her knuckle.

Normally such gesture would only provoke irritation, but Yue’s look  was too great that she simply looked cute. Sumire and co blushed a  little and averted their gazes.

From behind, voices like 「Aah, Hajime-kun! You went that deep!?」 or  「Awawah, you two are still students, so getting entangled anymore than  that is-!」 or 「No, Aiko. It’s too late for thee to say that」 or  「Myuu-chan must not look」 or 「Shizuku-oneechan, so you too. But it’s  fine. Myuu is a good kid so it’s fine though!」 could be heard, but they  were adult so they ignored it.

『……Muu. Even though you’re using your characteristic magic, why can’t you use magic power to strengthen your body?』

『Even if you ask me that……』

『……You aren’t using magic power to do magic, but simply directly  controlling magic power inside your body to strengthen yourself. Anyone  is doing that in subconscious level. In fact, Shia’s physical attribute  is clearly higher than all other Haurias. You can strengthen yourself  subconsciously, so there is no way you can’t do it intentionally.』

『Y-Yue-san talked in long sentence!』


*Bechin* A slap flew. Afuhn Shia pressed her hand on her  cheek with teary eyes. Yue sighed as she took the hand of Shia who was  sniffing with runny nose. She took Shia’s hands in each of her hand and  created a circle with her arms.

『……You should already have the sense of controlling magic power  directly. I judge that you simply don’t understand the feeling of  strengthening. I’ll do it so feel it and then copy it.』

『Y-yes desu!』

Like that it looked like Yue had it hard at the beginning, but after  half a day Shia too looked like she had grasped the trick. It was the  same like when she awakened her derivative skill, her eyes snapped wide  open from the sensation of jumping over a wall. Even when she let go of  Yue’s hands, she kept circulating magic power to increase her flesh’s  strength and toughness on her own.

I did it, Yue-san! Shia expressed her delight and turned her gaze to Yue. At that moment,


『Hiih, it hurt──not?』

A slap that Yue did using more strength than all of her previous  slaps slapped Shia’s cheek. But, *wham* in contrast to the loud sound,  Shia was only looking dumbfounded. It seemed she didn’t feel any pain or  even itch. That was the proof of her success in strengthening herself.

『……Nn, nnn. I-it went well.』

『Ooh, it’s amazing desu! Thank you very much, Yue-san!』


Waai! Waai! Shia rejoiced greatly while hopping around.

At the side, Yue quietly turned her back on Shia for some reason. She started muttering something in small voice.

『……I-it hurttt. My wrist broke……. What’s with her. Why is she turning that hard so suddenly?』

It seemed she let her guard down and slacked off with activating  “Sense of Pain Control” that was a derivative of “Automatic  Regeneration”. Her wrist immediately healed but, she blew on her wrist fuu~fuu~ while getting a bit teary.

「Hey dear. Yue-chan is too cute it gives me strange feeling.」

「I’m recording it. Let’s crop it later for photo.」

「……Okaa-sama, Otou-sama. It’s embarrassing……」

The past teary Yue and also the current fidgety Yue were both extremely cute. The expressions of the adults slackened.

Behind them, 「Ki, kii……fuwaa!? Hyajime-saan?」「Shia! You came back to  your senses!」 such exchange and, 「Carm! Don’t let Altena  speaketh!」「Acknowledged! I have rendered her unconscious!」 such  conversation could be heard……

But right after that, 「Hajime-saaann」「Oi-, wait! Shia──nnh!?」「Aah,  Shia is in heat!」「Stop stop! Going berserker at that direction is not  permitted!」 that kind of conversation could be heard. It really tickled  the curiosity.

After all, Shia was currently in the middle of negotiation with  serious expression inside the image. Before they started the training  for real, she wanted to be allowed to join Hajime and Yue’s journey if  she managed to deal even just a single wound on Yue. At the very least  she wanted Yue’s backing when the time came she asked Hajime about it.

『……This shameless rabbit.』

『Uh, that I am but……but but, I want to be together with the two of youuu!』

『……You’re going to abandon your family?』

『I want to protect my family. This weak me right now can’t stay at my  family’s side. It doesn’t matter even though they’re saying that it’s  fine for me to stay with them, I can’t permit myself desu. If I’m not  staying with them, the people who don’t agree with the elders’ decision  also won’t lay their hand on the clan. And most of all, along the  journey I’ll also be able to repay our life saviors!!』

『……Even though you’re just in love with Hajime.』

『T-that’s certainly play a part but……it’s meaningless if Yue-san  isn’t there too you know? I-I mean……I, I, I want to become your friend  or something-』


『You scoffed!? That’s horrible desuu! I’m serious hereee!』

Shia wept while leaping at Yue, but Yue smoothly dodged.

「T-that’s really a cold treatment. I can’t imagine it at all from the current Yue-chan.」

「……Nn. At that time, I was also as prickly as Hajime. My heart was completely thorny.」

「We also saw at Raisen, I see now. So Shia-chan unraveled the hearts  of Hajime and Yue-chan who had that kind of attitude. No wonder both of  you really treasure Shia-chan.」

「……Yes, Otou-sama. If Shia wasn’t there, surely even Aiko’s words  “Don’t cut off everything other than what’s important to you” wouldn’t  reach us at all.」

At the end, Shia provoked 『Fu, fufuhn! Yue-san, you got the jitters  aren’t you! You’re scared of losing to me desu!』 while shaking. Yue who  had decided from the start that she would accept all challenge from  women who aimed at Hajime head-on and crush them responded to the  provocation and the negotiation was concluded.

Although the past replay was fast forwarded, it could be seen how the  one-on-one fight was increasing in severity each day. Yue narrowed her  eyes at the scene and spoke.

「……Without our encounter with Shia, if she didn’t work hard and hang  on this doggedly, surely we wouldn’t go to the town of Ur, or saving  Myuu, or going to rescue Kaori and others.」

Shia was covered in mud and wounds. Even her rare beautiful face was in terrible state with tears and snots stuck all over it.

Yue who was driven by woman’s pride and distrust toward humans other  than Hajime still remaining inside herself was merciless. She slammed  Shia to the ground and through trees over and over. She froze her in  ice, grilled her with fire, shocked her with lightning.

However, Shia stood up. She kept standing up. Even when she fainted,  even when the agony, fatigue, and empty stomach were making her mind  hazy, she immediately stood up using her guts and stepped forward. No  matter how much she cried, her heart was the only thing that never broke  no matter what.

It could be easily seen how the way Yue looked at Shia was gradually changing.

Her gaze changed into incomprehension seeing such inexplicable  creature, then next it changed into a gaze of interest, then after that  there was shudder getting mixed into her eyes.

At the last day, before they got into their last battle, Yue asked, 『……Why aren’t you giving up?』.

Shia’s answer to that question was very simple.

『Because Hajime-san and Yue-san smashed my reason for giving up desu!!』

She learned that she wasn’t the only unique existence in this world.  The lives of her family had also been saved. And most of all, she  learned that she could become strong.

No matter how hard she searched, she couldn’t find a single reason for her heart to break anymore! She declared.

She yelled that, and at the end of the hard battle, the training of  actual battle ended with Shia’s victory as stipulated in their  agreement. Although there was only one wound that was just a scratch, a  wound was still a wound.

「Geez Shia-chan……she is really a main character.」

Sumire’s words was the right expression of Shia’s true nature.

「Hahaa, that’s embarrassing.」

When everyone looked back, Shia who looked like she had come back to  her senses was walking toward them. Her complexion looked really good.  Or rather, she looked a bit erotic. The way she licked her lips was  really similar to Yue.

Behind her were bright red Kaori and others, and Hajime who was  looking up to the sky with dead eyes as though various things had been  sucked away thoroughly from him. They could somehow guess that something  had happened. The fierce attack of the rabbit in heat had been evolving  even further than the past, so perhaps it was only natural.

「With the conquer of Great Labyrinth Raisen, my bond with Yue-san  turned into something rock solid. No, it won’t be an exaggeration to say  that Yue-san became madly in love with me from there!」

「……That’s an exaggeration, stupid rabbit.」

「You don’t need to be shy you know? Didn’t Yue-san write it in your  diary? I’ll protect Shia’s future from here on. So that she won’t lose  anything important to her anymore.」


「I’m also protecting Yue-san, so we’re invincible aren’t we? What’s more it’s a mutual love desu!」


Yue looked aside with a blush. She was embarrassed without even making any denial. It made everyone melt seeing that.

It seemed Yue couldn’t endure the atmosphere and fast forwarded the  past replay. Shia’s confession scene played, and although she was  resolutely rejected, with Yue’s backing Hajime allowed her to accompany  them in the end.

「Well, if I have to say, it’s like that. Shia is a natural player. She’s seriously full with main character attributes.」

Hajime spoke with a wry smile. Then Carm added with a gentle expression.

「Mona was also like that. You’re exactly like her in that respect, Shia.」


Every single one of them was wrapped in a warm atmosphere, but……

Strange. Shia’s gaze wasn’t directed at Carm. She was ignoring him as though she didn’t perceive his existence.

I-is she still angry……crap, she might turn into berserker again! Shivers spread through the group.

Sumire hugged Shia’s arm in panic and made a suggestion.

「Shia-chan! Can you show us the way to your mom’s grave now!?」

「Ah, you’re right. It’s not that far from here, so no problem desu!」

She was acting cheerfully like usual with Sumire. Guess it’s fine if she’s like this……everyone patted their chest in relieve. Right after that.

「Then, please wait for a bit here, Okaa-sama! I’m going to kill Altena for a bit!」

There was madness in that normal smile! Sumire and others looked with spasming expression.

「Y-you mustn’t do that, Shia-chan!」

「It’s fine, it’s fine. Right now there is only family here so it won’t get found out!」

「No no no, Shia-chan! There’s Gil-san too here!」

When Shuu pointed that out, Shia’s gaze turned at Gil. Gil jerked, and then,

「I don’t know anything. I can’t hear anything, and I’m also not  seeing anything. Surely Altena-sama has vanished deep into the forest.」

「「「「「Abandonment of professional duty!?」」」」」

Shia was also a Hauria, so his shut out technique was working in full force.

「Then, the possibility of me getting a mother-in-law who is the same  age with me is gone now! Ain’t no way that kind of future can exist  desu!」

「That’s why, don’t say something murderous like that with such a lovely smile Shia-chan!」

「Hajime! Do something!」

「Myuu! Do something!」


It looked as though the Shia Panic was going to start once more, but right at that moment.

Something came rushing with a speed like a wind. That something made their entrance with a splendid sliding dogeza and,


Yes, it was Alfrerick.

「Please allow me to give everyone here a feast in the capital for the  welcome as well as apology! The mob──I mean, the nutty Kaori-sama  worshipper──I mean, the people of the Angel Religion are also waiting  eagerly there, so please, I hope tat everyone can come visit as soon as  possible!」

Even though she was the oldest elder, he looked like a salaryman in  midlevel managerial post whose stomach kept receiving damage daily from  being put in the tough spot between the higher-ups and the low level  employees.

The way he smoothly took out medicinal herb and gulp it in one breath  was partly similar with the quick stomach medicine drinking that was  mastered by a certain uncle from the public safety department.

Even Shia’s natural madness vanished and she looked awkward with how  wretched the factual leader of Fea Belgen looked. It seemed that she had  really returned to her senses this time.

Under that situation, the one who spoke up first was……

「As expected from dogeza. Dogeza will solve everything. This makes it clear.」

「Yes, world peace is maintained with dogeza.」

The dogeza masters (self-proclaimed) Nagumo couple who had performed innumerable dogezas in their life until this point.

In a sense, these two are the most amazing huh……it went without saying that the two gathered such gazes.

AN: Thank you very much for reading this every time.

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