Berserk Stick System Novel

Berserk Stick System Novel
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What happens if the game you've been playing for a long time turns out to have a world of its own?
A boy who experienced death in a strange way.
Reincarnated into the eroge game he had played before.
Reincarnated as protagonist's best friend character in the story, who will be killed by protagonist himself to make protagonist strong, doesn't make him give up, with help of the system he has now.
Watch his journey in conquering the hearts of heroines and saving the world.
Strict warning!!!!!! if you don't like where the 10-year-old MC has puppy love. Don't read this novel. You know, a lot of novels start very young, and mine is one of them. If you've ever read Little Tyrant, you'll understand because my novel was inspired from here. MC started at the age of 9 years.
Warning: This Novel is only FICTION, don't compare it with the real world.
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Chapter List
- Chapter 1: Raincarnation? Is That a Good Thing?
- Chapter 2: Meeting Heroine For The First Time
- Chapter 3: Start To Move
- Chapter 4: Battle Together
- Chapter 5: Consuming Elixir
- Chapter 6: Going To The City
- Chapter 7: Angry
- Chapter 8: Will Lightning Strike Me Again?
- Chapter 9: To City With Celyne
- Chapter 10: Cliche Scene
- Chapter 11: Guild Master Plan
- Chapter 12: Celyne's Willpower
- Chapter 13: Late Hero
- Chapter 14: How Could That Be?
- Chapter 15: Solving Bella's Fear
- Chapter 16: First Ero Skill
- Chapter 17: Silvie's Meeting With Celyne
- Chapter 18: Arrival Of The Ashleigh Family
- Chapter 19: First Massage
- Chapter 20: Two Sisters
- Chapter 21: Faster Than Expected
- Chapter 22: Celyne Is a Little Different Than Usual
- Chapter 23: Becoming Strong Gradually
- Chapter 24: I Was Struck By Lightning AgainEdited
- Chapter 25: Emergency FoodEdited
- Chapter 26: Unlock Berserk
- Chapter 27: Pink Liquid
- Chapter 28: Red Riding Hood (1) R-18
- Chapter 29: Red Riding Hood (2) R-18
- Chapter 30: Alice's Worst Memories (1)
- Chapter 31: Alice's Worst Memories (2)
- Chapter 32: Alice's Worst Memories (3)
- Chapter 33: Who is My True Self?
- Chapter 34: Lute, A-are We Going to Have Children Now?
- Chapter 35: Is This The Difference in Luck?
- Chapter 36: Unlimited Blade Room
- Chapter 37: Secret of Bloodline
- Chapter 38: Dowry
- Chapter 39: Qilin Father's Thoughts
- Chapter 40: Calming Alice