1127 The battle for Maynard Island (4)
This was what the Chimaeric Demons’ Metal Fur brain crystal power did, albeit it didn’t create plaques. The ability depended on hairs, but the base capabilities relied on such a mechanism.
However, Brain Crystal’s powers conjuring armor up were more rare than that. This guy’s, Gwen’s, and Erik’s own Force Bastion were examples of that.
<The difference is that Force Bastion was born because of the mergings I did, and it is not even a power focused on defense; it’s more of a hybrid. This guy’s power, instead, must be fully defensive, meaning the effectiveness at which his mana strengthens his armor must be higher than mine.>
This didn’t mean they were impossible to kill. Sure, wounding them with conventional means might be hard., but there were other ways. For example, unless their armor had some kind of environmental resistance, they could still be drowned.
<Or burned… Well, more than burn him, I might be able to give him a heat stroke. Damn… I never thought I would kill someone by making him sweat to death.>
The most problematic of them was the second dude.
“Spatial and time manipulation. Luckily, it is not too overpowered… ”
Erik had never seen or even heard about powers like this. The second time manipulation must have been this dude’s birth brain crystal power. The simple idea that a thaid must have possessed something like that was scary.
The Spatial manipulation must have been the second one.
<The first ability makes him slow down time, pretty standard. He can also freeze it, but the mana demand is damn high.>
Time manipulation was a complex affair, of that Erik was sure. This guy, based on what the system said, could manipulate it for brief bursts.
<But that can still be deadly, or at least unreasonably hard to deal with.>
<The second should, in theory, be a power that makes him teleport himself and his allies. He can prevent me from reaching him or his companions, or he could teleport right in front of me, and that without even using the time manipulation ability.>
These were powers difficult to fight against, but Erik had a way to do it. “Phantom Veil, Instability, and Telekinesis could do the job.”
The idea was simple. He might create illusions to make it harder for him to target his real self; he could use invisibility to prevent him from targeting him specifically; or he could use telekinesis to move him the fuck away.
<Without the ability to fly, he shouldn’t be able to resist me in the air.>
He thought back to his fight with Levium. If Erik couldn’t shapeshift into animals and make wings sprout out of his back, he wasn’t certain he might have won against Uncle Benjamin.
Maybe he would not be dead, but the chances of that happening might have been greater. The problem with Uncle Benjamin wasn’t telekinesis itself, but the Will of the Hydra. A parallel will brain crystal power was as powerful as it was common.
<Maybe not by itself, like in Martin’s case. The pure dude had just that, after all. But coupled with another power, especially one as dangerous as Telekinesis, it makes everything about the opponent worse.>
Erik tried many things when the Chimaeric Demons weren’t there yet. He tried to sneak with Invisibility, but somehow Uncle Benjamin had been able to see the ripple of lights in the air change and pinpoint his location.
He tried doing the same with the illusions, but he found out what were and were not fakes in instants. He tried sneaking his way in by shapeshifting in something small, but in an open space, noticing him with such a powerful ability was easy, especially considering the man had surely more than the two heads Erik made.
Erik had been able to win that fight because of the chaos the clones created, because of the chaos he and Levium made, and because Emily was simply a godlike sniper.
<And yet I can’t do what Levium did yet. Telekinesis and Will of the Hydra basically have 0 neural links…>
That meant that while he could really use Levium’s same tactic, done that by Erik, it would just be a mild inconvenience to them.
Their powerful bodies, combined with Erik’s lack of neural links in Telekinesis and Will of the Hydra, made that strategy unsustainable. In a battle where mana was everything, he’d quickly deplete his reserves—a virtual death sentence.
<I should stick to my usual powers, unless I’m forced to…>
Besides, with the single head created by the Will of the Hydra enhancing his mental capabilities, Erik was sure he could fight against them at the same time.
The clone got serious.
The young man opened his status screen. There were still 80 available attribute points. For him, the choice was obvious.
“System, dump them all into energy.”
“Sure thing, boss,” the AI quipped. “You will end up with 1502 energy points and 30,140 mana points. You should pack a punch!”
“Shut up.”
Erik felt a surge of energy course through him as the points were allocated, but this boost alone wouldn’t make the impending battle easier.
He turned to a nearby Chimaeric Demon.
“I’m going to fight them alone.”
The clone got serious.
“Are you sure, Master? These guys are three Vindicators…”
“Do I have another alternative?”
The clone sighed. “Be careful, then, Master.”
Erik nodded. “Oh… Tell the others to keep themselves at a distance. The last thing I want is for more of you to die. Focus on killing as many blackguards as you can. Take advantage of your bodies; focus less on your brain crystal powers. You do not have enough neural links yet.”
That was something Erik had to address soon.
“It will be done, Master.”
Erik then made six insect-like wings sprout from his back, iridescent and semitransparent. They allowed to see what was behind him; they were even hard to notice because of that.
They were there though, because you could see the small vein-like line crossing them like a grid. Erik flew towards the three Vindicators.
Hey guys, thank you for your patience during these past ten days. As I said, I’ve been really unwell, that was why I was able to upload only one chapter a day. Hopefully, from now on things should get back to normal. Anyway, we are actually getting close to the book ending. I don’t know how many chapters I will need to write to do what I have in mind, but honestly, I feel the book got a ton already, and stretching it too much will just be detrimental. Aside from this, I wanted to mention I resumed my rework. When the book is complete, aside from working on new projects, I will also focus on doing the rework. I should be able to fix and change around 4 chapters a day, if everything goes well, but that depends on many factors, so I won’t make promises. I’m saying this because if you want, maybe in the future you might reread this, just to check on the changes I made. Grammar and hard to comprehend sentences are just some of the things I’m going to fix; most of the work will be done on the pacing structure. Well, I’ve said what I wanted to say, so, bye!