Date: Unspecified
Time: Unspecified
Location: Lil. Red Storm, Seed World, Devil Merchant Code, Inter-Realm City, Sector WS9909
[Dear Demon Marchant,
Welcome to Sector WS9909…
Note: Behave.]
Appearing next to the Rainbow liquid Rule Power Fountain Pool of Sector WS9909, Wyatt overlooked the vast expanse of the sector. To his surprise, it wasn’t empty and barren like other sectors; it was filled with high-rise buildings. It looked more like a developed metropolitan area than Sector DS0909, which belonged to the Dark Realm time zone. Unlike the bustling DS0909, Sector WS9909 was tranquil and serene, with a pin-drop silence that had a soothing effect on its visitors, similar to the atmosphere found in temples and churches for their believers.
Wyatt discovered this realm by searching for the sector with the highest time dilation from his native sector, where he could spend a significant amount of time without adversely affecting his physical body back home. The Devil Merchant Codes promptly provided a list of sectors, but he chose this one because its time rule had a special meaning known as “Time Relativity.”
Due to this unique time rule, regardless of which native sector you belong to, one hour in your native sector equates to a month in Sector WS9909. Most importantly, this time dilation had zero side effects on both spiritual and physical bodies regardless of how long you were on his sector. This unique feature had made it a hub for demons and devil merchants looking to practice combat or various arts that did not involve rule comprehension or cultivation.
Wyatt then headed to the bulletin board next to the fountain to examine the detailed map of Sector WS9909. Although this sector was smaller in expansion compared to DS0909, it was still the most beautiful sector in the entire inter-realm city. Most notably, the cost of staying in this sector or purchasing property here was fifty times that of Sector DS0909.
He summoned his Demon Merchant Codex to learn the do’s and don’ts of this sector, especially since everyone-even the devil merchants-seemed to maintain order and keep to themselves rather than acting arrogantly or openly trying to pry into others’ affairs as they did in DS0909.
To his surprise, Wyatt was unable to find any information on WS9909 within the inter-realm network. He had to use his executive access to the Infinity Library and pay a hefty price of ten devil-grade ingredients to uncover details. It turned out that the reason for the lack of information about this sector on the inter-realm network was the native demons and devil merchants of this sector. They were so feared that even demons and devil merchants from the Dark Realm dared not sell information on them, except for the Librarian.
The myriad realms’ race records that Wyatt consulted did not mention anything about them, which did not surprise him, as he had long concluded that these records were not absolute-especially since they lacked information on Lil. Baem’s race.
However, despite paying the ten devil-grade ingredients to gain privileged information on the sector, Wyatt could only access limited historical data on Sector WS9909 and its rules. There was nothing about the native race or the realm this sector belonged to. To access that level of information, he would need a higher-tier access and pay an even steeper price.
Determined to satisfy his curiosity, Wyatt turned to the Devil Merchant Code, only to discover that a devil merchant from this race had secured a privilege from the devil merchant code that prevented any information about their race and realm from being disclosed to anyone by the devil merchant code. Having come this far, Wyatt’s curiosity about this race grew even stronger. However, he had more pressing matters to attend to.
According to what he had learned so far, the native demons and devil merchants of this sector had pooled their privileges from the Devil Merchant Code to create a set of strict rules and regulations that everyone had to adhere to while in this sector. No mistakes would be tolerated, and violators would be permanently banned. This was why even the most reckless devil merchants with strong backing did not dare break the rules in this sector and willingly remained civil.
Many demon and devil merchants, unaware of this fact, ended up breaking a rule shortly after arriving in this sector or on their first day, leading to their permanent ban. Although the accused had the right to appeal through the Devil Merchant Code, the influence and wealth of the native merchants in this sector made the outcome predictable. It seemed as if the native race of this sector was doing everything possible to keep other merchants out.
It is worth noting that almost 97% of the land and property in Sector WS9909 belonged to its native demons and devil merchants, while the remaining 3% was owned by ruler-class forces. This dominance indicated a strong monopoly of native races over the sector, with the remaining minority was held by ruler-class families, clans, and guilds, mostly from the Dark Realm. Even ruler-class forces struggled to afford property within this sector as of the remaining 3%, one percent of the land was owned by the Librarian, mostly used for the Infinity Library.
This fact alone demonstrated the immense power, influence, and wealth held by this race, as well as the unique status of the Librarian among ruler-class forces. It served as evidence that there were races across the myriad realms that even the dark races
However, it was also possible that this native race had acquired all the land before the dark races realized the unique properties of this sector, driving up property prices to the point where even ruler-class devil merchants had to think thrice before considering such an investment. This demonstrated that they weren’t just strong but also possessed keen foresight, which was crucial for a race’s survival in the myriad realms, especially with predators like the dark races lurking around.
Aware that practicing by the fountain pool was against the sector’s rules, Wyatt decided to first visit the Infinity Library of this sector.