Castle of Black Iron Novel

Castle of Black Iron Novel
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After the Catastrophe, every rule in the world was rewritten.
In the Age of Black Iron, steel, iron, steam engines and fighting force became the crux in which human beings depended on to survive.
A commoner boy by the name Zhang Tie was selected by the gods of fortune and was gifted a small tree which could constantly produce various marvelous fruits. At the same time, Zhang Tie was thrown into the flames of war, a three-hundred-year war between the humans and monsters on the vacant continent. Using crystals to tap into the potentials of the human body, one must cultivate to become stronger.
The thrilling legends of mysterious clans, secrets of Oriental fantasies, numerous treasures and legacies in the underground world — All in the Castle of Black Iron!
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Chapter List
- Chapter 1: Arrival of Black Iron Age
- Chapter 2: National Male Middle School
- Chapter 3: Fight
- Chapter 4: Fighting Back
- Chapter 5: Hit-Plane Brotherhood
- Chapter 6: Blackhot City
- Chapter 7: Commercial Area and Grocery Store
- Chapter 8: Mental Arithmetic by Abacus
- Chapter 9: The Attic
- Chapter 10: Benefits of the Hit-Plane Brotherhood
- Chapter 11: Fool’s Gold
- Chapter 12: Mysterious Object
- Chapter 13: Castle of Black Iron
- Chapter 14: Attributes
- Chapter 15: Red Scarf Burglars
- Chapter 16: Re-entering the Castle of Black Iron
- Chapter 17: Growing Up
- Chapter 18: This Is My World
- Chapter 19: New Target
- Chapter 20: Ambitions of the Youth
- Chapter 21: Orphanage
- Chapter 22: Land Reclamation
- Chapter 23: The Poor Lord
- Chapter 24: Merit Value
- Chapter 25: Belief
- Chapter 26: What Would You Do in Front of a Red-Scarf Burglar
- Chapter 27: Feel No Regret
- Chapter 28: Rewards from Captain Kerlin
- Chapter 29: Molesting a Beauty
- Chapter 30: The First Close Encounter with the Upper-Class Society
- Chapter 31: It Might Be Good
- Chapter 32: Mysterious Knowledge
- Chapter 33: Human Body Energy
- Chapter 34: Bloody-Scorpion Fighter
- Chapter 35: Realization
- Chapter 36: Come on, Baby
- Chapter 37: It Depends on Your Attitude
- Chapter 38: An Inevitable Life
- Chapter 39: A Bloody Case Arisen from Several Plates
- Chapter 40: Plot and Rat Poison