1084 Chapter 69- Trinity – Leading Up to the New Year (VOLUME 6)
Friday the twenty-eighth came around, and that meant that it was time for us to sit down and watch the special that Lara had filmed of us on Christmas. We knew that there was nothing to worry about with it, but we needed to sit and watch it anyway.
With bated breath, and while gnawing on my lip nervously, Reece and I settled into the special with all of the kids and a large group of other people. We were airing the show in the theater room so that there was more than enough space for us all to sit.
The show started with Lara standing in front of the gates to our private community that had been here long before I was even born.
“Good Evening America, my name is Lara Timmons, and I have a special show for you this evening.” She was smiling as she looked at the camera. This had obviously been filmed the day that she came to visit with us, but, by the lightening of the sky, I was sure that she had done it in the morning as she got ready to come to the castle. How long had she been out there trying to get it just right?
“I am going to show you what it is like to spend the day, specifically Christmas Day, with a family of supernatural beings. I am going to be spending all day with Trinity and Reece Gray, known among their people as King Reece and Queen Trinity. Together they lead their pack of werewolves as well as the entire shifter and magic community worldwide. They have invited me to have a first person look into their lives. And I am bringing all of you along with me as well.”
The show moved on to start incorporating all that we were doing that day. Lara showed a lot of the interpersonal interactions between us and the kids, as well as the interactions with the people in the shelter and the family at dinner. She showed a very human looking family. None of us looked like monsters. None of us acted like monsters. None of us were monsters.
When it was all done and over with, that entire day being shortened down to only an hour long show, I felt like I had been given another Christmas gift, just three days after the actual holiday.
“That was pretty good.” Reagan was the first one to break the silence.
“I agree.” Rika nodded. She had done an interview portion with all of the kids, letting them talk about themselves and what they liked and disliked. That part had been a little iffy for me when it was happening, but I see that it was a good idea now. The kids had been able to tell the world that they were no different from the other kids that inhabited it. They were normal, well as normal as anyone else in this day and age.
“We don’t seem to have anything to worry about.” I smiled and we put an end to the stress that had been hanging over us for the last week. “Things are going to be just fine.” Indeed, I really did think that. There hadn’t been a major incident since the attack on the stadium. I was beginning to think that this was just a fluke that happened because people hadn’t had the time to process what was happening just yet.
The day after the special aired, nothing at all seemed to happen. And nothing happened on the thirtieth either. This had now been ten days with just minor disturbances and blips on the radar. Nothing at all was happening that would make me think that there was going to be a major backlash to the knowledge that werewolves, vampires, witches, warlocks, Fae, and other nonhuman creatures inhabited the world. However, I was getting ahead of myself, and that was the first mistake.
I had thought that if there was going to be anything happening, that it would happen right away. Like the attack on the stadium had happened immediately. I had thought that, if anyone was going to do anything to protest or oppose us at all, they would do it on the twenty-second or the latest of the twenty-third. I thought that after Christmas had passed and it had been four days since the world found out, that there would be nothing to worry about. And I was dead wrong.
At midnight on New Year’s Eve, just as the day began, a bomb was set off. They had planted it in the stadium that we had held the reveal. They hadn’t known where else to set one off at, so they put it somewhere they thought was important and special to us. And that wasn’t the only one either. A bomb was planted and exploded in the broadcasting station in New York City. It had been the one that had the female news anchor outed herself on national television that she was a vampire. There were others as well.
In total, there were a dozen bombs that had exploded at the exact same time. And with the explosion, there was a manifesto that was delivered to the police. Actually, that wasn’t the right word for it. A manifesto was usually something that was sent by one lone mad man. This was obviously a group that we were dealing with, and they had a mission statement.
This mission statement that was sent out, that I received a copy of on the thirty first, spoke about why they had bombed these places and what they were likely to do next.
‘We, the human people of the world, do not accept the news that was so rudely thrust upon us recently. We do not accept the monsters that want to live among us. They are not welcome here on our planet, living among our people.
We, the human people of the world, will eradicate them from this world using any means necessary. Let these bombings be a warning. Understand that this is just the beginning. We will be hunting down all of these monsters. We will be killing them, because that is what you do to a monster. You kill them. You destroy them. If we let these monsters stay, let the problem fester, then we will be signing our own death warrants. We will be eliminated.
We, the human people of the world, know that these monsters are not our friends. They are out to destroy us all. They want to cage us to use us as food. We are nothing more than cattle and crops to them. We are not safe. No human is safe as long as monsters and beasts roam the land.
We, the human people of the world, will not rest until we have made this world a safe place for us all to live in. All of us humans now have a common enemy. Even those inferior races that walk among us are to be protected and cherished until these monsters are destroyed.
We, the human people of the world, are willing to forego the hunt and execution of those inferiors to eradicate the monsters and beasts. If those inferiors among us help us to fight the monsters and beasts, we will forgive your race’s sins and allow you to live among us as well.
We, the human people of the world, need to all stand together and work together. From this day forward we will hunt down and destroy every monster that walks among us. They cannot total in numbers what they claim to be, there are not as many of them as there are of us. We can and will wipe them off the face of the planet. We will make this world safer for all of us to live in.
Join us, all of you other human people of the world. Join us in making our world safe once more. Join us in destroying the monsters. We will start with the Gray family, the only such family that we know about. From there, we will find them all.
The Gray family is going down. The Gray family will be killed, one by one or all at once, they will die very soon.’
When I was done reading the words that had been written on that statement, I just sat there and stared at the page in front of me. I wasn’t able to get past what it was that had been written, especially at the very end of the document. They were threatening me and my family. They were threatening my children, who they now knew the appearance of because of that special that aired the other day. They knew all about us, and had even seen our home. Dammit!
“Trinity?” Reece called out to me as I clenched my hand into a fist. I was angry and just wanted to put an end to all of this.
“Yes?” I looked up at him.
“Are you OK?” He was looking at me with eyes that were filled with fear and concern.
“How can I be? You read what they wrote.” I gestured at the paper with my unclenched right hand.
“Yes, but I was referring to that.” He pointed at my left hand, the one that was still clenched tightly in a fist. When I followed his eyes, I saw that I had dug my nails deep into my palm and blood was pouring down my hand past my wrist and to my elbow.
“Oh!” I immediately grabbed a handful of tissues from my desk and started to clean away the blood. It was more than I thought at first, and I ended up just using magic to heal my hand and clean away the red stains from my arm.
“I am sorry.” I said as I looked up at Reece, Vincent, Shawn, Shane, Dietrich, David and Gabriel.
“You’re stressed, Trinity. It’s understandable.” Vincent said as he stepped a little closer to me. “We all are.”
“Yeah.” I nodded, but I wanted to move on. Dwelling on my hand wasn’t going to help at all. “Was anyone hurt in any of the bombings?”
“No. Thankfully.” Reece said as he pulled his chair closer to mine. He didn’t seem like he wanted to pick me up and put me on his lap right now. Probably because I was too tense and angry.
“That is good.” I nodded, trying to let that little positive thing settle into my mind. “They didn’t hurt anyone else.”
“Likely, it is because they can’t tell who is human and who isn’t. They don’t want to hurt humans. Only the monsters.” David said as he explained what he was thinking.
“I have a feeling that they would hurt humans.” Shane said as he walked closer. “If the humans were sympathizers to us, then they would likely try to kill them as well.”
“Agreed.” I nodded at him. “We can’t let this happen again. We need to find these people and bring them to justice. Where is the FBI with this case already?”
“They are looking into it.” Rawlynne said as she sat across from me. She was the one that had brought us the report this morning. “I am heading up the investigation here in the city. We are all in agreement though, the others that are leading their own teams. This can’t be overlooked. We need to make sure that whoever did this pays for it.”
“What about that hate group, what were they called, PAWs?” I looked at her as I thought about what happened the day of the reveal and the people that had attacked then.
“They are being tried for their crimes, but most of them were bailed out. Most have tethers though, so we can track their whereabouts.”
“Yeah, if it really is them in the tethers.” Shane snorted at her.
“Excuse me?” Rawlynne looked at him incredulously.
“Think about it. If you are part of a terrorist group like that, would you allow yourself to be tether? Or do you think that you wouldn’t be able to get out of it? No, I am betting that these people are a part of it, and that they were actually there when the bombing happened.”
“I agree.” Reece said as he turned to face Rawlynne. “These people are smart, partially. They will know how to get out of their tethers, or how to manipulate them. They’re stupid enough to do this shit, but they’re smart enough to cause us problems with it as well.”
“So, what are we going to do?” Rawlynne asked, wondering what they had to say about it all.
“We do what we always do. We look for the bad guys. We do the right thing. And we try to make sure that everyone is safe. Our people and the humans. And we do it all without ruining the quads’ birthday tomorrow.” I looked at them all with determination in my eyes. “That is all that we can do.”
“Yeah, I think that you’re right. We show the world that we aren’t monsters. We go on those shows that Vincent has scheduled us for. We talk, we explain, and we protect. That is all that we can do for right now. Rawlynne, can you handle this without us there this time?” Reece’s voice was that of his true Alpha self.
“Reece, I have been an FBI agent for a long time. I investigated before I met you, and I am capable of doing it without you now. We will find these people. I promise you that.”
“Good.” I nodded at her. “This just became our number one priority. We all need to make sure that we find these terrorists and put an end to their plots.”
“We will. However, I am not sure that we can eliminate the fear and the paranoia. It is possible, Trinity, that this will happen again. In a week, in a month, in a year, or in a decade. It can happen again, and we will never see it coming.”
“Anything can happen, Rawlynne. I know that. We can only take care of what we are capable of at the moment. We will deal with the other incidents as they arise in the future.”
“Understood.” Rawlynne nodded at me as she got to her feet. “I will find these people. I promise you that.” Without another word, she and half of the others in the room left. It was just me, Reece, Vincent, and Shane left now.
I stayed silent for another moment as I looked at them all. They were watching me, waiting for whatever revelation that I was going to drop on them. I didn’t have anything for them though. Nothing overly special that is. I only had an order to give them, one that I knew was already in their minds.
“Increase the security for the kids. At home and at school. Protect the school itself as well. Make sure that the kids are never in any danger.” The kids were my number one priority. I knew that Reece and I would be able to protect ourselves. And while the kids, even the quads, would likely be able to escape anyone that is attacking them, they weren’t as skilled in battle as we are. They needed us and their guards.
“Yes, Trinity, we know.” Shane nodded at me. “And we will make sure that the world knows the truth. It may take a while, and things might get hectic for a while, but they will understand that we are not their enemies.”
“Thank you.” I took his hand then, not shaking it but just holding. “Thank you, Shane.”