1095 Chapter 80- Reece – Birthday (VOLUME 6)
I knew that my Little Bunny didn’t want to have a party. She was too focused on what was happening in the world at the moment, but I wanted to give her this special time. I knew that, with the kids celebrating with her, my Little Bunny was going to be able to relax and feel better. That was why, without telling her, I planned a special day with us and the kids.
We hadn’t been out of the house much lately, aside from work and school for the kids, we had only been focusing on the work that we needed to do. I thought that it would be nice if we went out as a family. A special dinner, a relaxing afternoon in town or in the mountains, something that had us together as a family, celebrating the woman that made our family a reality. This was what I thought would be the best for my wife, my mate, my one true love.
When the morning started, we acted as if there was nothing at all that was going to happen. We pretended that it was just any other day, but that wasn’t the truth. It was a Monday, and the kids technically had school, but I called them off already. The teachers, all a part of our community, understood that the kids needed to be with their mother on this special day, even if we weren’t having a large celebration like we have in the past.
At breakfast, no one said or did anything that would let Trinity know that there was anything that was going on. The only thing that might have been a little different was when Zaley asked Trinity if we could all drive to school together. She wanted the twins there as well as Mommy and Daddy. She wanted to have the family together as much as possible today.
“I know that we’re not doing anything for you today, Mommy, but I still want to spend time with you. Can you and Daddy drive us to school together with Reagan and Rika?” Please.”
“I think that would be OK.” My Little Bunny smiled at her and didn’t suspect a thing. That was my girl. She had pulled that off splendidly. Now my Little Bunny wasn’t going to suspect a thing. That meant that operation birthday was going to go off without a hitch.
We all needed to get dressed, because we were leaving for the day. The kids had to put on their uniforms, but they had swapped the books in their backpacks with different clothes and shoes that they would change into when we got to where we needed to be for the first stop of the day.
Given that it was still January, it was still cold out. We were all wearing the usual winter gear, even though we were able to forego that now that the cat was out of the bag. I think that we were just a little too used to pretending to be humans that we weren’t able to drop the old habits. Not to mention, when playing in the snow, even we wolves liked to use gloves. We may not feel the cold like the humans did, but cold snow still made for cold hands.
We all piled into one of the large SUVs that we had. It was one of the only vehicles that we had that would be big enough to carry all nine of us around. When we left the garage, I started toward the school, like I would normally do. My Little Bunny was none the wiser for what I was about to do, and that meant that the rest of this day was going to be a surprise for her.
“Where are you going?” The moment that I made a turn that was not expected, my Little Bunny knew right away.
“Don’t worry.” I told her calmly. “This is the way that we need to go.”
“No, it’s not. The school is that way Reece, you’re heading into the mountains. This isn’t funny, the kids need to go to school.”
“Don’t worry about it.” I told her again as I turned toward the cabin that was our destination. It was one of the private cabins that we had for the family when we wanted to go skiing without having to go home afterwards. It wasn’t a long drive, but it was a scenic one.
“Reece?” She looked at me with narrowed eyes as she finally guessed what was happening. “You got the kids involved with your little scheme? How could you?”
“We wanted to, Mommy.” Zayden said in his sweet and innocent voice. That’s it son, make Mommy forget about being mad at Daddy. I’m counting on you.
“Yeah Mommy, we wanted to spend the day with you.” Zander said in a ‘please don’t be mad Mommy’ tone and I could have kissed him right then and there.
“Don’t be mad at Dad. We wanted to do this for you Mom. We know that there is a lot that is going on, but you’re still our mother, and we still want to celebrate your birthday.” Talia came in for the kill and I could see the tension easing out of my Little Bunny rapidly.
“I know you guys meant well, but there is just so much that is going on. We need to be focusing on that right now.”
“You made sure that we had our birthday, Mommy. We need to make sure that you have yours as well. Besides, Daddy already called us out of school.” Zaley added another blow, but this one might backfire on me.
“Did he now?” She looked at me then, but there was a hint of laughter in my Little Bunny’s eyes. “Well, then I guess that we have no choice but to follow through with whatever plan it is that you guys came up with. So, where are we going?” She finally calmed down, and I was starting to finally feel like I was going to avoid the wrath of the bunny, for now at least.
When we arrived at the cabin, the kids rushed out first. They wanted to get inside to change their clothes. They needed to get ready for the day that we were going to spend with their mother for her birthday. Slowly, and apprehensively, I wrapped an arm around my Little Bunny’s shoulders and guided her inside of the cabin.
Now, I call this a cabin because of the style that it was built in, but it was not at all the little cabins that people usually have. This was a monstrous building that was at least five thousand square feet and would fit us all comfortably. There was a luxury kitchen, all the modern amenities, and more than enough stuff to keep us occupied if we wanted to just stay inside.
I had also had the kitchen stocked for today, because we would be having lunch here today, before we went into town for dinner tonight. The day was being split between here in isolation and out in the world among the masses. I knew that it would all work out for us though, my Little Bunny was no longer against celebrating, so she would be OK with that as well. I’m sure of it.
After the kids were dressed, and so was my Little Bunny and I, we headed out into the snow covered yard. We had a typical family day in the snow. We made snowmen and snow angels. Talia, the artist that she was, made a snow wolf that looked so much like Trinity that it was amazing. We had a snowball fight. We went sledding down the smaller hills. We hiked back up the mountain toward the cabin and saw the beauty of the winter landscape.
When we got back to the cabin, we had a lunch that consisted of homemade pizzas, since the dough had already been prepped, it didn’t take too long for us to make it. We ate our lunch in the large living room as we watched a movie as a family. After the pizza was gone, we also decided to have lots of junk food and hot chocolate. It was a nice and relaxing day.
Once the movie was over, we moved onto playing several boardgames with the kids. It was something that they had asked for, and who were we to deny them when all they wanted was to spend time with their parents.
Finally, at around seven that evening when we were all getting hungry again, we headed back toward town. It was time for us to have dinner in the same restaurant that my Little Bunny and I had our first ever date. This was a special place for us, and I would never forget it. It also meant a lot because the place was still here even after twenty years.
The kids had been here before, but not often. It wasn’t one of their favorites, and they knew that coming here was usually something special for us. A lot of the same staff worked here as when we were here for our first day, back in December of two thousand and twenty. They knew us, of course, because they were part of our original pack and had been here when everything started to change.
The meal was amazing, as it always was. And that kaleidoscope ceiling was still as unique and beautiful as it had ever been. They knew what today was, they had known it even before I had called to make the reservations for us, so there was a bit of a celebration at the restaurant as well. All of the staff had come out to sing to celebrate for my Little Bunny, and they had made her a wonderful cake for the night. I knew that she was enjoying herself, and that the kids were having a good night as well.
After the dinner, we all headed to a late night movie. I knew how to make this easier and less stressful on my Little Bunny, so I had rented out the entire theater. We were watching the new romantic comedy that had come out last month, the one that Trinity had not had the chance to see just yet. It was Christmas themed, but that was fine with us. We would watch the movie even if the holiday had already come and gone.
There was absolutely nothing that had happened or gone wrong while we were out on this date with the kids. We had enjoyed a wonderful day with the family, and my Little Bunny was getting pampered the way that she needed to. She was already two thirds of the way through her six month pregnancy, and that meant that she was already starting to feel uncomfortable and miserable at time’s. She needed this time to rest, relax, and take care of her mental health. She needed a day away from the worry of the world. Today, she was just Trinity Gray, wife, mother, and birthday girl.
It was late when we got back home. I knew that my Little Bunny was probably a little upset about the fact that the quads were going to be sleepy in the morning, but they would manage. They were kids and they were resilient. One night of little sleep wasn’t going to mess them up too much. And besides, if they were too tired, they could just miss one more day of school. It wasn’t like it was that big of a deal. They were smart kids, and they would make up for any class time and homework that they missed. I was certain of that.
Reagan and I ended up needing to carry Zaley and Zachary up to their rooms. The other two, while sleepy, were still awake and able to walk. Talia and Rika took care of the two of them while Mommy just watched on and went to tuck them all into their beds and kiss them good night.
With that, the night was over. Almost.