1112 Chapter 97- Dire Times (VOLUME 6)
**This chapter is going to be a collection of scenes and news articles that are opposing the Super Naturals of the world. These will be the opposite of the Dalton Series.**
MONSTERS WALK AMONG US! – An article that was written by Stanley Unger, a reporter with the Colorado Truth. Front page story from Monday January 14, 2041
It is likely that by this point in time, everyone in the country, and most likely the world, knows about the event that happened late last month. The event of course, is the one that took over the media for more than an hour and forced anyone that was looking at a screen to see monsters in their true form.
It was not only a surprise but an outright terrifying shock to all of those people that were forced to endure that situation. There were some people, glorious men that will always fight for our freedoms, that decided to do something about the assault on our citizens.
Those heroes, and make no mistake that is what they were, ended up being arrested for their attempt at saving and protecting the human race. Those men, members of a charitable and honorable group of philanthropists known as the Proud American Warriors (PAWs), were all arrested for their attempt to protect us all.
This reporter can only speculate that the monsters that revealed themselves in the news that day have already infiltrated the police department, and they were the ones that had them arrested. There were no crimes committed by the PAWs that day, so their arrests and subsequent trials were all a ploy by these monsters to take away any and all threats that stand in their way.
Now, why would they want to eliminate an honorable group like the PAWs? Well, that is a simple question that anyone could answer. Why would any monster want to eliminate the noble heroes of the world? They want to take over the world, and they don’t want anyone to stand in their way.
These monsters, the werewolves, vampires, witches, and whatever else there might be, they want to take over the world. And when that happens there is only one purpose that we humans will serve in life. We will become their food. We will be like cattle that are rounded up and kept only to be slaughtered when the monsters need another meal.
Do you want to see this happen? Neither does this reporter. And we are not alone. There are a lot of other people that feel the same way that we do. The DOE is a new group that is out there doing the good work to save us all. These proud and honorable men, members of the Destroyers of Evil, will see to it that we never have to become cattle in a cage for the monsters that no longer linger in the dark.
There is no known way of contacting the DOE at this moment, but if we all give them our support in an as visible and public way as possible, I am sure that they will see it. They will know that we are thankful for them and hope that they succeed. You can buy merchandise online to display your support for the DOE.
Buy and then fly a banner in honor of these heroes. And while you are on the site, make sure that you report the monsters that you know of. The DOE will destroy them and eliminate them from this world for you.
Friday February 1, 2041 – Interview with the Colonel of the DOE
While Trinity and Reece are discussing the events of the day with the members of their inner circle, there is a live broadcast that none of them are aware of. This is a broadcast that is happening on a secure website and only viewable to those that have registered for, and been verified by, the site that it is being hosted on.
This is a site that caters to people that either support or are a part of the extremist group known as the DOE. The membership, in comparison to the world’s population, even just the population of the United States of America, is relatively low. However, that does not deter these people in the least. They know that their numbers will grow as they continue to spread awareness for their cause. The people that are watching now will spread the video to others that they believe will support the cause, and in doing so they believe that they will eventually see a swell in their numbers.
The video, as it is being watched by the man that is an actual member of the DOE, has only two participants. There is the host of the interview, a man known as Jeffrey Packard, and the interviewee, the Colonel. The Colonel’s face was blurred out and his voice was distorted so that no one would be able to discern his true identity.
Of course the Colonel would do this, he was a very prominent and recognizable figure in his office, and he couldn’t let them see what it was that he was out there doing. At this point in time, the Colonel couldn’t risk letting his true face be seen. He had to hide for a little while longer. Not that he thought what he was doing was wrong. It was just that he knew there were traitors in his life, in his own office, and he couldn’t let them know that he was still fighting against these monsters.
The DOE member that was watching the interview, having decided not to attend in person like the Colonel had wanted him to, started as if it were any other interview.
“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. I am sure that you all know who I am, your host for the next hour or so, Jeffrey Packard. This is a special episode of the Pack of Truths that I have for you all. I have with me a very special guest. We will call him by the name that he uses among the men that serve under him. This is the Colonel, leader of the DOE. Thank you for joining me, Colonel.”
“Thank you for having me.” The camera focused on the Colonel then, but you couldn’t even see what his clothes looked like, they had him completely blurred out. And his voice was deeper and different than the man was used to.
“As I am sure you all have noticed, the Colonel’s appearance and voice have been hidden to allow for his anonymity. He wishes to stay anonymous because he fears retribution from the monsters and their supporters.”
“That is right, Jeff.” The Colonel responded to him, and the man watching the broadcast thought that he could see the Colonel nodding his head. “There are so many people out there that have been brainwashed into thinking that the monsters are our friends. They have turned their back on the human race, and in doing so they have given power to those things.”
“So, you truly do believe that the super naturals are out to destroy us? You think that we are not safe with them around?” It was clear that Jeffrey Packard already knew and believed that as well, he was just setting the tone of the interview.
“Of course.” The Colonel’s voice still conveyed his vehemence with those two words. “Those monsters, those beasts, those things, they act like they are our friends and that they have been here forever, but that simply isn’t true. They couldn’t have been with us for that long and have gone unnoticed. For one thing, it has been less than twenty years that these people have been their eternal ages, so at most, they started to appear at that time, or when those people were born. However, considering that some people, like Samuel Whitton and others like him, reversed in age about fifteen years ago, give or take, I am sure that is when these things came to our world. They have infected a small amount of our population, nowhere near the half or more that they would have us believe, but still enough to matter. These things most likely turned ordinary humans into whatever they are now, and that means that there is a chance that they could do this to more of us. They just need to feed first.”
“Feed on what?” Jeffrey Packard asked after the Colonel’s semi incoherent rambling.
“On us. They have lived as they are now without needing to feed on a massive number of us at a time. However, they are running out of energy and need to refuel. So, they need to feed on us. And the best way to do that without causing mass hysteria is to enslave the world’s population, but they wanted to gain our trust first. They thought that we would welcome them with open arms and let them walk free.”
“How diabolical.” Jeffrey shook his head at the Colonel’s words. “How do we defend ourselves?”
“We need to rise up and fight against them. So many people are either accepting those things or just not caring that they are there, including our government. If we don’t stop them soon though, then it will be too late. They will get what it is that they want, and all life as we know it will cease to exist. It will be a world of chaos and death.”
“Oh my, we simply cannot allow that to happen.”
“No, we can’t.” The Colonel’s voice erupted like it was a bomb exploding from his lips. He was way too excited at the moment.
“What can we all do to help you, Colonel? What can the rest of America do to help the DOE?”
“They can join us. Fight with us. Take these monsters out before they can kill us. If you can’t fight though, if you are not in military shape, or capable of being whipped into shape, then send us donations through this site. We will use those donations to fortify our army.”
“You have an army?” The host asked excitedly.
“Yes. We are gathering others like us, those with similar ideals, and bringing them on board. I believe that soon enough our numbers will be enough to take them on.”
“Yes, I do believe that you will achieve that goal of yours.”
The man watched as a smile spread across the host’s face. He was almost as lunatic as the Colonel was. His eyes were filled with a light that didn’t seem to be reflecting anything in the room, and that felt like it was cold and evil.
“Now, Colonel, I know that you and your people have been sending messages of various types to the monsters in our country. You have bombed several places, but they haven’t been anything huge or destructive. How come you are being so calm and relaxed with those displays?”
“As you said before, Jeffrey, those are messages to the monsters and their supporters. It is just telling them that we have power, and we will use it if we have to. It is to make them scared. And I am sure that every single monster in this country has already fled their homes in the outlying states. They have returned to the home of their leaders.”
“You are referring to Trinity and Reece Gray, correct? They are the ones that led that illegal news broadcast.”
“Yes, the Grays are their leaders, and I am sure that they were the first of the monsters in our world. Once we are sure that every last monster, or almost all of them, have returned to their homebase, we will attack them directly.” The Colonel was explaining things to the host with an excitement that all but shined off of him.
“Wow, a direct assault. Do you think that you can get them all in one go? Will it be that easy?” It was evident that Jeffrey Packard was loving every second of this conversation.
“I don’t know if it will be that easy or not, but we will find out. There is only one way to find out though. And regardless, even if they aren’t all there, most of them will be. And after we destroy their home base, we will just need to kill off the last few stragglers.”
“Oh my, that sounds so exciting. I cannot wait to see that come to fruition. Do you have a set date for when this assault on the home base is going to take place? I want to make sure that I tune in that day. Perhaps we can even be there to film it and broadcast it for the world to see your magnanimous act for all of society.”
“We do not have a date yet, Jeffrey, but when we do, I will make sure that you are one of the first to find out.” The man watching the broadcast saw the glee spread in the host’s eyes. He knew that he was almost as crazy as the Colonel was. And he knew that he needed to do something to stop them both. This was going on for far too long. He had stayed placid for too long, following the Colonel’s lead because he simply didn’t know what else to do.
The DOE member felt cold on the inside as he thought about what he needed to do. He also feared what would happen to him if anyone found out about the things that he was thinking. If anyone found out that he wasn’t fully on board with the ideals that the Colonel had, he would be reported immediately. And then the Colonel would likely execute him for being a traitor.
The Colonel used to be such a straightforward and respectable man, but now he was an eccentric that was highly unstable. The DOE member didn’t know what he was going to do next, or who it was that he was going to target. He never wanted to hurt anyone, never wanted to bomb any buildings, or send any messages, but he couldn’t refuse the Colonel. Refusal meant death, plain and simple.
The DOE man had seen it before. The Colonel, who used to hunt criminals and murderers so that they could be punished to the fullest extent of the law, was now no better than they were. He was a monster. He was a killer. He was a terrorist. And the DOE member knew that he had to do something, even if he was scared completely shitless.