1117 Chapter 102- Trinity – Sending Some Spies (VOLUME 6)
The morning came all too quickly. I knew that Carter, Landon, Paul and Juniper were all going to be leaving as soon as we finalized a few things with Clarke and Mr. Doe. They were going to be out there on their own, no instructions or anything like that. They were supposed to just wing it. I knew that, and I trusted them to do what they needed to, but I was still worried about them.
I was a bit of a nervous wreck when I went down to breakfast with Reece in the morning. I was worrying about all the things that could go wrong while they were gone, and what it was that I would do if they were to get hurt. How would I know that they needed me if they weren’t able to contact me?
Well, that wouldn’t really happen, now would it. They could contact me mentally, like they could with so many other people. The kids in the pack and the community at large hadn’t learned that skill yet, but they had. They would be able to tell me what they needed to whenever they needed to.
Damn, I have been letting the humans influence me too much lately. I was completely forgetting that they would be able to report to me nightly and that they didn’t need to get away. What the hell was the matter with me? And not only that, but if they were to somehow get hurt, they could just tell me where they were and then I would be able to open a door to them immediately. This wasn’t that bad at all.
I think that I perked up a little before breakfast even started, and by the time that I was done with the food, the kids didn’t act like they had even suspected that anything was off. They were laughing and acting as casual as always. Well, aside from Reagan and Rika. They knew what was happening, so they had some slight reservations about the situation, just like I had.
Finally, moving to my office and meeting the undercover spies before they left, I let them all see that I wasn’t scared about this mission of theirs at all.
“You look to be happy.” Shawn said with wondering eyes as he looked me over. “I thought that for sure you would be worried about them as they went undercover. I mean, your brother, your best friend and her husband, and a man that Reece considers to be a brother, they are all close to you.”
“Yes, but I know that Carter-, oh, uhm, I mean William Porter, Brandon Evans and Travis and Janelle Downs will all be just fine. There is nothing to worry about here. I mean, I was worried, until I thought about it a little more.”
“They are going to be in the enemy’s camp, so to speak.” Athair mòr said in a serious tone. “This is not something to take lightly.”
“Oh, I know. And I was probably more of a wreck than any of you are right now.”
“That is true.” Reece nodded as he swept me into his arms and hugged me from behind. “She was so nervous and worried that she looked like she was going to cry and throw up at the same time.”
“Gee, thanks for that.” I rolled my eyes at his words. “Anyway, I stopped worrying when I actually thought about it.”
“They are going to be in there with no phones at first. They are going to be among enemies, this is serious.” Dietrich spoke in a chastising tone as he tried to remind me of what I already knew.
“Yes, I know. But like me, you seem to have let the humans influence you lately. We have been worried about them and their way of life lately, and we have all forgotten one crucial thing.”
“And what is that?” David asked in a quizzical tone.
“They can contact me mentally, any of us mentally. They are going to be safe, there is nothing to worry about. I mean, come on, we’ve had this ability for almost twenty years, and still we forget sometimes. Isn’t that funny?” I actually did laugh at that, and I wasn’t the only one either. The others started to join in my maniacal moment after a second until the room was filled with laughter and we no longer worried about anything. Actually, it wasn’t until Clark and Peter were at the door that we stopped laughing. I knew that they thought I was crazy when they saw me, but I didn’t care.
“Good morning to you, Mrs. Gray.” Clarke bowed his head in the same way that he saw Peter bowing to me.
“You don’t need to bow, Mr. Clarke, you are not a part of my kingdom.”
“If it’s alright with you, Mrs. Gray, I would rather just follow his lead. I don’t want to offend someone. Also, you can just call me Kirk.”
“Alright, Kirk.” I nodded at him and accepted his willingness to submit to a Queen that wasn’t human. “Now, if you are ready to go, I am sure that these four are quite prepared as well.”
“Of course, we will leave as soon as everyone is ready, however, might I ask what was so funny when we arrived?”
“It was nothing. I was just showing the others that we have absolutely no reason to be worried about them all going undercover. There were a few things that we were letting ourselves forget in the panic of the situation.”
“I am afraid that I do not follow you.” Kirk looked apprehensive as he spoke, I had a feeling that apprehensive was his normal.
“We have some abilities, given to the others when I acquired them myself. And one of them is the ability to speak with each other telepathically. We don’t always use it, because just popping into someone’s head is rude, and can interrupt some situations.” I left the end of that vague on purpose. He didn’t need to know that I never wanted to be interrupted through a mental link when Reece and I were being intimate.
“Ahh, yes, I understand.” And it seemed that he did get the meaning of it.
“Not to mention, Kirk, I have the ability to open those doors. If someone were to be in trouble, if they needed a quick exit, then I would be able to take them away with a quick door. I don’t think that we need to worry about any of them as they go undercover. And make sure that you also stay in contact with me. You are on our side, Kirk, and I don’t want anything happening to you either.”
“I appreciate that, Mrs. Gray, but I am afraid that I will not be able to stay near them too much. I will have to answer to my family about my absence.” He looked terrified about the prospect.
“You know, Kirk, I sincerely wish that I could do something to help you.” I stepped closer to him as I spoke, and the last word was spoken as I grabbed onto his hand. He had flinched a little, but he didn’t pull away. Although, I think that it was because he wasn’t able to pull away.
The moment that I took Kirk’s hand in my own, I felt a jolt of power and magic that practically glued our hands together. There was a light blue light, so pale it was almost white, that flared between us for a moment. It didn’t last long, but it was enough to scare him.
With eyes as wide as saucers, and a heart that was beating so hard and fast that people a floor above or below us probably heard it.
“Wh..what was that?” He asked me in a barely there voice.
“That was my wish being granted.” I told him with a smile. “It was a simple bit of magic, nothing too much, but you will be able to talk to me mentally now as well. I ask that you use it if you need to. And I don’t mean that you are dying, I mean if anything at all is threatening you. If you are about to be beaten by your family again, call me. Tell me where you are, with a description if you are in a hidden place. And I will come and get you. I promise you, Kirk, I won’t let anything happen to you.”
“R..really?” He was looking at me like a deer caught in the headlights of an approaching truck. He was shocked, worried, and more than a little frozen.
“Yes, Kirk, really. You are an ally of mine, and I don’t let my people or my allies get hurt. Not if I can help it.”
“You truly are amazing, Mrs. Gray. I don’t know what to say, or how I will ever be able to thank you.”
“Do not worry about it too much, Kirk. This is the least that I can do for you.”
“N..n..n..no, th..this is amazing. This is sp..sp..special.” He was trying not to cry as he spoke. He was not a man with a strong disposition, I couldn’t understand why his family ever thought that he would make a good addition to the ranks of any extremist group.
“Just do your best, Kirk. Stay out of trouble, and let me know if you need me.”
“U..uh..uhm, Mrs. Gr..Gr..Gray, I..I uh, I have something that I need to tell you.” He looked sheepish and nervous, but a little more bold than he was a moment ago. “Y..you know those c..c..calls that you got before? A..a..about the bombings?”
“Yes.” I nodded at him as I thought about them, and how helpful they had been in saving the people and buildings.
“W..w..well, I uhm, I was the one that was calling you. I used a voice changer and called when I was able to. M..M..Mr. Doe helped me as well. He wanted to make sure that no one was hurt.”
“Thank you, Kirk. I am more grateful to you than you would ever know. And it was because you had been calling me that I was under the impression that Ramie was working alone. I hadn’t gotten the warning call from you that time. I was hoping that it wasn’t just the inside source that we seemed to have didn’t change their mind. You have been a huge help to us all, Kirk. You are a good man.”
“Th..thank you.” He blushed crimson and I knew right then that he wasn’t used to getting compliments. His family obviously hadn’t given him any in his life.
I went over the information with Carter, Landon, Juniper, and Paul once more. We went over their files and their ages. They were obviously going to be younger than they actually were, because none of them looked to be in their late thirties and early forties. They would be acting like people who had left jobs or universities that were filled with ‘inhuman monsters’ and wanted to get to some place that was safe for them. That was why they had decided to join the DOE.
And as a cover story for Kirk, Mr. Doe was going to make sure that everyone knew that he had sent him to come and get the new recruits. They were all supposed to be from Florida, nowhere near Colorado here. And, of course, Mr. Doe had made it so that there was a flight record for Kirk and the others, even though they had not flown here at all. He was very thorough when he needed to be. Almost too thorough that it was bordering on scary.
I made sure that I talked to everyone individually before they left, it was the least that I could do. I loved them all so much, and I wanted to show them that.
“Trinity, will you and Reece keep an eye on the kids? My parents are going to help with Leaf and Willow, and Ilana and Rowan are adults now, but still keep an eye on them for me. Especially Ilana and Rowan. I don’t want them to do anything dangerous or reckless.”
“Yes, that is reserved for you.” I smiled and hugged her. “Don’t worry, Juniper, I will keep them safe. You don’t need to worry about that at all.”
“Thank you, Trinity. I appreciate that.”
When Carter hugged me goodbye, there were no tears. He was smiling and laughing. He was used to this kind of work.
“You might need to avoid Emmalee for a bit.” He chuckled as he pulled away from the hug.
“Why?” I narrowed my eyes at him.
“She thinks that you assigned me to this mission.”
“You, little sneak.” I laughed at him. “You are such a coward.”
“Hey, she really is scary, Trinity. I just couldn’t tell her the truth.”
“Yeah, I get it.” Reece laughed and that made me roll my eyes at them both.