Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha Novel

Chapter 1119 - 1119 Chapter 104- Juniper – Undercover Part 2 (VOLUME 6)

Chapter 1119 – 1119 Chapter 104- Juniper – Undercover Part 2 (VOLUME 6)

1119 Chapter 104- Juniper – Undercover Part 2 (VOLUME 6)




Mr. Doe guided us through the tunnels. If you added them all up, there were at least fifteen thousand square feet of underground rooms, and that didn’t count the hallways that connected them all. This place was huge, and probably a lot bigger than I even realized at the moment.

There were dorms on opposite ends of the subterranean structure for the men and the women. There was also ten times the space for the men than there was for the women. The other ladies and I, maybe thirty in all, were all cramped into four rooms that weren’t overly large, while the men had large spacious rooms with two to four men per room at most. Carter, Landon, and Paul were all put into one room together.

There was a mess hall, a kitchen, common rooms, work rooms, offices, meeting rooms, and of course bathrooms. There was electricity and running water, so there was nothing to worry about. And the heating down here wasn’t that bad, all things considered, not that it would have bothered us. I was sure that we would be able to handle all of this without an issue.

There were six other women in the dormitory room that I was staying in. There were five bunk beds in the room that we were sharing, and a trunk along the side of the room for all of our belongings. I was glad that I didn’t bring anything that was overly valuable. I was sure that it would go missing sooner rather than later.

“Hi, welcome to the green group.” A cheerful brunette said as I stepped into the room ahead of Mr. Doe. She was already greeting me before he had said anything to the rest of the room.

“Hi.” I smiled and tried to look cheerful as well.


“Ladies, this is Janelle Downs, she has come here from Florida with her husband, Travis. They will be a part of the DOE from here on out.”

“Welcome aboard.” A slightly older looking woman with bright blue eyes and silvery blonde hair stepped closer to me. “I am Victoria, the leader of the green group. I will be in charge of your work schedule. If you play your cards right, you will be able to see your husband on a prearranged conjugal visit. If you break the rules though, you will have those privileges revoked. The rules here are simple and easy to follow, and you will find that you have a lot of down time when the men are busy. Don’t worry about too much though, we will show you the ropes.” Vitoria smiled at me.

“Yeah, don’t worry about anything. We will make sure that you settle in easily enough.” The brunette squeaked at me. “My name is Naomi, I came here with my family, so I don’t have a man to visit with. You are so lucky.” The girl couldn’t have been much older than Ilana and Rowan, practically still a child, but she was sad that she didn’t have a man to ‘visit’ with. That was just disturbing. And it really put things with the twins into perspective for me. I can’t even think about them and that sort of relationship right now. Nuh uh, no way, it’s not going to happen for another hundred years.

“It’s nice to meet you both. I promise that I will do my best to follow all of the rules.”

“That is all that we ask.” Victoria said as she nodded at my words. “Come here, I will show you to your bunk and your trunk.” With that, Mr. Doe left the room and went back to wherever it was that he needed to be. I was fine without him. I wasn’t afraid of what anyone person in this place could do to me. The humans couldn’t hurt me. And the nonhumans here wouldn’t hurt me anyway. We were all good.

I had the top bunk of the bed that was furthest from the door. I didn’t have a bunkmate yet, but they assured me that someone would likely show up sooner or later. They were getting new recruits all the time. I was also introduced to the other ladies in the room with me. Aside from Naomi and Victoria there were Sylvia, Tiffany, Gwen, and Carla. I understood now why Mr. Doe had gone with a more normal name for me. Janelle might not be overly common, but it was a normal name. Juniper though, was not normal, and that would make me stand out more with all these traditional names.

Also, it was easy to see that all of these ladies had grown up in privilege. Meaning they were all upper middle class or higher. And even then, they didn’t mind taking care of the men and being slaves to them, because this was the mindset that they had been raised with. They most likely didn’t know any better because they were used to the caveman mentality of the men around them.

This was just day one, but I was assimilating as much as possible. I went around with Naomi and Victoria as they showed me where I was supposed to get my food, and when I was allowed to actually eat. The men, of course, took precedence over us weak females, so they ate first, and then the food was divided evenly among the ladies. So, if we didn’t cook enough food, then we didn’t have enough food to eat. It was up to us to manage that part of the day.

Chores also rotated, and not at the same schedule for everyone. It was best to keep everyone moving to new groups so that there was no conspiring. That was supposedly a rule that was insisted upon by the Colonel himself. He didn’t trust women when they were in large numbers like us, so we weren’t allowed to form close friendships in the workplace. We were allowed to talk and be friendly with our roommates, but that was all. If there was an incident though, then we were removed from the group.


It wasn’t hard to catch onto what was happening in the DOE. This was an extremist group that acted under rules not too dissimilar from a cult. They wanted to control every aspect of the lives of their members, and there was to be no actions taken without permission, especially after the fiasco with Ramie. He had severely upset the Colonel, apparently, and had caused new rules to be given out.

The Colonel acted as if Ramie was a valued and treasured part of the DOE when he was speaking to reporters and the ilk, but he had apparently been furious to learn that the dumbass had taken things into his own hands. According to Naomi, who loved to gossip, the Colonel has been angry since he found out about the incident at the university.

My jobs started off easily enough. All I had to do was cook and clean. And keep my mouth shut. I was not permitted to speak to one of the DOE men unless they spoke directly to me first. I was to stay out of their way and try not to be seen in the first place. If a DOE man saw me without seeking out a woman, then I was failing at my job. That was fine with me, I needed to learn from the ladies more than anything at all. And I was making use of my magic to keep them talking to me.

In all actuality, I was hypnotizing the ladies and making them talk to me. They wouldn’t feel the desire to be quiet, and they wouldn’t tell anyone that I was asking questions. Not only that, but with my sensitive senses, I could tell when someone was approaching long before they got to me, so I could silence the chatty women before they blew my cover.

So far, I had learned that the Colonel was in a branch of law enforcement, but the ladies didn’t know which one. His first name was Harrison, but that was all that any of them had gotten out of the others that knew who the Colonel was. Both the Colonel and Mr. Doe worked in the same office, which explained why Mr. Doe was more limited on what he was able to do. The Colonel would know if he was out of the office on work or not.

The DOE came to be after the Colonel had found all the other extremist group leaders. He told them that he had extensive files on all of them in his office, and if they didn’t join his DOE, then he would have them all arrested. However, if they joined the DOE with the Colonel, they would be able to continue their work in a protected group.

The Colonel was using his law enforcement connections to keep his band of criminals hidden from the others that were searching for them. He was protecting them all, because protecting them meant protecting himself.

I also learned from the ladies that the Colonel was an impotent man most of the time. Unless there was a lot of excitement leading up to an attack, or he was riding the high of the most recent attack, he usually couldn’t get it up without some sort of assistance. On those exciting occasions though, he could go through three or four women a night, and the lonely women, such as Naomi, always hoped that he would call on them. I felt sorry for those girls. They deserved better than that.

I was starting to pry more into what the ladies had heard from the men while they were working in the ‘bunker’, that was what they all called this place. I wanted to know if they had heard of any large scale attacks that would be happening, and when they were due to take place.

Most of the ladies didn’t have specifics for anything, but they knew that the Colonel was planning something big. He was gathering troops and equipment at an alarming rate, and he was definitely intending on attacking an enemy head on soon enough.

It didn’t take long for me to learn that the enemy he was focusing his attentions on was Trinity. He was going to ‘take out’ the leader of ‘the inhuman bastards’. Those were the words that they had used, and apparently the words that the Colonel had used as well.

On my fifth day in the bunker, I found out that the Colonel would host a ‘service’ once a week. Every Wednesday evening he would gather everyone, ladies included. The men would be in the front of the lecture hall, and the ladies would be in the back behind a partition. I was sitting there with the other ladies when the madman started to deliver his sermon to the gathered group.

I had to fight to keep my mouth shut, and the bile in my stomach. What I was listening to was nothing short of madness. The Colonel was preaching to his group, in true cult fashion. He was telling them all the horrible things about the super natural beings that lived among them. He was telling them false histories where we had tortured and sacrificed the humans to our Gods. It was usually the humans that had done the sacrificing, not us.

During the preaching session, I heard the Colonel talking about himself as if he were the reincarnation of Christ, that he alone was there to save the world. He was going to eliminate all those that weren’t worthy to live on ‘his’ earth. He was the new leader of the world, the rest of the world just didn’t know that yet. He was going to take over. He was going to eliminate the threats that face their group, and then he would rise above them as a saintly king that would usher the world into a new order.

I don’t know how the others hadn’t seen the man for what he truly was, psychotic. He was out of his damned mind, and he needed to be stopped as soon as possible. I was glad that I had more to tell Trinity now, because in a day or two I was going to be making my first mental connection with her. And she definitely needed to know what it was that the Colonel had planned. Not just for our people, but for the world in general.

This man needed to be stopped. He needed to be locked away in a mental institution with some really strong drugs to control that delusion of his. I don’t know how he managed to be so high in his career if this is what was hiding in that head of his. I mean, how was it that no one had seen this in his eyes before? He was so far gone that it had to be visible to other people, didn’t it? Or was this level of insanity so new that no one had seen it coming?

I didn’t know the answer to that last one, but I would find it out soon enough. I would get as many answers about the man as I could soon enough. And then we would stop him and save the world.

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