1124 Chapter 109- Various – Super Natural Appreciation Convention Part 4 (VOLUME 6)
*** In these chapters, the POV will switch depending on who the main focus is. There will be views from Trinity and Reece’s staff, convention attendees, and DOE infiltrators. There is a lot of information that is to be had in these chapters, but some fun as well. And as a result of the multiple POV, they will all be in a third person POV. ***
The moment that the commotion started, Rowan and Ilana both knew that they had messed up. The guards were not here just for protection, but because the tip was true. Those people from the DOE were really trying to bomb this place. And they were doing it right now.
“Both of you get out of here.” Darius told them as he started to head in the direction of the noise, but he hesitated. He wasn’t sure if he should leave them behind to fend for themselves. What if they didn’t leave? What if the DOE recognized them and attacked them directly? There was a lot that could go wrong if he left them on their own, and he knew that.
“We can help you.” Ilana said as she took a step toward him.
“I can’t risk that.” Darius shook his head. “You need to get out of here.”
“No!” Rowan said. “Either let us come with you or we will help elsewhere on our own. We are not incompetent, we can help you, Darius. I promise.” The boy was looking pleadingly at the man that was stuck in the middle of the situation. He wanted to keep the kids safe, but he couldn’t let them go away on their own. This was a dilemma for him, and he wasn’t sure what to do at the moment.
It was just a brief pause though. Darius knew that he had to weigh the situation carefully, and that he really should not abandon the team that he was here with.
“Fine.” He growled at them. “Come with me, but you do exactly what I tell you to, do you understand me?”
“Yes.” The twins spoke in unison.
“We won’t let you down, Darius.” Ilana’s eyes were hard as steel and Rowan looked confident in his abilities.
Together, Darius, Ilana, and Rowan, all ran toward the sound of the commotion. They knew that there was danger over there, but they weren’t scared at all. And Darius had known that there were several lower ranking members of the DOE that were present for this attack.
The thing is, they didn’t know what sort of bombs they were using right now. If they were timebombs, remote detonation bombs, or some other type that they needed to worry about. They just knew that there were a lot of people still in this building and a lot of work that they needed to do.
The three of them were on their way to where Javier and the others were when they heard the sound of more screaming. There was another commotion to the left and yet another to the right.
“We will go this way, Darius. We will stick together and come back here the moment that everything is OK.” Ilana explained to him calmly.
“No, we can’t split up.” He growled at them, angry about the situation.
“We have no choice.” Rowan growled as well. The boy had a fierce tone to his voice that Darius hadn’t planned on. If Darius was at all prone to blushing, he might have done so just then, showing his embarrassment at the momentary shock that he felt at the boy’s tone. As it was, he had far too dark of a complexion to be given away that easily.
“Fine. Stay together and get back to my side as soon as possible.” He finally relented and split from the kids, running to the left and the sound of another potential bomber in that general area.
Rowan and Ilana, moving in perfect synchronization, the way that only twins can, moved in toward their target. Or better yet, targets. There were two men in this direction. They each held a backpack in front of them and were laughing maniacally at the frightened humans that were cowering before them.
The twins knew that the bombs were in those backpacks, and that they looked huge as they strained against the fabric and canvas.
“You’re all going to die. And there is nothing that you can do about it.” One of the psycho men laughed at a scared teenage girl.
“You are all going to burn up to a crisp, like bacon.” Another crazy DOE man chuckled at them. “Once these go off, you won’t stand a chance.”
“Please, don’t do this. Why are you targeting us?” A trembling fifteen year old girl begged the men.
“Because you all want to accept those abominations into our society. Those creatures that God never intended to exist.”
“Hey, asshole.” Rowan called out to get the speaker’s attention.
“If the Gods never wanted us, then explain why they are very active in our lives?” Ilana asked as she finished her brother’s question.
“Where are the Gods when it comes to your lives as humans?” Rowan continued.
“Seems to me, the Gods are a little fed up with your lot.” Ilana added as the two would-be bombers turned to face them. That was what the twins had wanted, to get their attention off of the others so that they could get away.
“RUN NOW!” The twins told them as they leapt toward the bombers. Rowan had shifted into his wolf form, but Ilana stayed human for this take down. She didn’t have another set of clothes, and she didn’t want to stay wolfy until she got home later.
“Oh wow! We were saved by werewolves.” One of the girls said, still trembling, as she ran away. Once they were all to safety, Rowan and Ilana wrestled the backpacks from the evil DOE assholes and dragged them back to where Darius was waiting. In Rowan’s case, he was literally dragging the man that he had taken down, because he didn’t have hands to carry him.
“I see you did well.” Darius said as he took the two bags from Ilana and had her push the man that he had captured.
The two men that Ilana was escorting thought that they would be able to get away from her. They started to fight against her hands and run in opposite directions. That hadn’t worked though, and they just ended up being pulled back so hard that their heads collided painfully. It was their own fault really, so Ilana hadn’t felt bad about it.
“You people think that girls are weak, huh?” She growled at them. “Well, think again.” This time, she lifted the two men at the same time, literally carrying them to where Javier and the others were waiting with the men that they had captured.
The moment that the first commotion had erupted, all of the DOE members had started to initiate their plan. They were working on trying to kill all of the nonhumans that were here, but also all of the sympathizers that were present. And those humans were the priority here, they were why they were working so hard at the moment.
Three of the fifteen that were with Darius and the others went on to evacuate the building. Once the attendees knew that they weren’t human, they were all more than willing to listen to them. They were all literally infatuated with the saviors that were ushering them out.
While those guards got the humans out, which was taking a long time with the ten thousand or more attendees, the other dozen guards and two misplaced semi-royalty, the DOE members were hunted down.
The DOE were all easy to spot, once they knew what to look for. They had not run out with the others, instead they all looked for stragglers that they could target and kill with their bombs. Not only that, but they all had the same backpack. The same sandy tan colored canvas bag with a bright green leather flap and bottom. The straps were green as well, which were all loose enough so that the bombers would be able to throw them and run away.
So far, the guards, along with Ilana and Rowan, had captured a dozen DOE members, but there were still at least five hundred people that were running around in a panic, so there was no telling how many more there were until they saw them. They could be hiding in plain sight.
The screams were nearly constant now as the humans fled the convention through the nearest exits. They were doing their best to burst as many eardrums as they could in the process, though they hadn’t known that was what they were doing. They were just trying to stay alive.
The worst scream by far came from a group that was trapped near the moon snacks station. They had been hiding inside of the stand until one of the DOE found them.
“There you are.” An evil and pure crazy voice registered across the room. Kiernan knew what he needed to do the moment that he heard it too. He took off running in the direction that he had heard those screams, several others coming with him, hot on his heels.
“Please. No. Leave us alone.” There was a slightly familiar voice that Kiernan heard, but he couldn’t place it at the moment. He was still trying to process all that was going on and his mind was a little too busy.
“You’re in the perfect place. I just need to throw this and-.” The man was suiting actions to words. He had thrown the bomb toward the stand and that was when Kiernan knew that the bombs were likely set to detonate if they received too much of an impact on the ground. These bombs had to be modified versions of impact grenades. Shit! That wasn’t good at all.
Kiernan saw the DOE member already fleeing the scene. The bag was soaring through the air toward the half a dozen humans that were hiding in the stand. And sitting there among them, he saw a familiar face. There was Selena, the girl that he had met earlier that day. She had long, silky black hair, exotic looking almond shaped hazel eyes, and a complexion that was several shades darker than his fair skin. He was instantly invigorated with the desire to protect that woman, to keep her safe.
Shifting as quickly as he could, Kiernan, the man, disappeared and was replaced with the tiger. He could run much quicker in this form, and he was a lot more sturdy.
“Kiernan?” Selena called his name, but he had to ignore her for the moment. He had to save her. He could talk to her after this was all over.
Running as fast as he could, Kiernan collided with the bomb in midair. He had intended on catching it in his mouth, but he hadn’t aimed properly. Together, Kiernan and the bomb flew at least forty feet past the booth and landed among a pile of other debris.
The bomb exploded instantly when they hit the ground. Kiernan, who had managed to move slightly away from the deadly bag, was still quite close to it. He felt the surge of heat followed by the searing pain. He screamed long and loud in his cat form as the flame spread across his body.
“Kiernan!?” Selena called out to him the same time that another voice called.
“Kiernan!” That one was Zita, his pack mate and friend. “You moron!” She got to him as soon as the initial blast subsided. She was already extinguishing his fur and putting out the flames that had burned his flesh. “Are you OK?”
“I..I think so.” He was hurt, but he would live. It was more flesh wounds than anything at all. “There was a lot of bang in that bomb, but not a lot of shrapnel.” He felt along his side and knew that the force of it had hurt him, but he wasn’t as bad as he could have been. “I will live. I am just really sore.”
“I will call Queen Trinity, have her send over Mr. Griffin. You need some healing.”
“K..Kiernan?” Selena, the human that had called out to him before, was walking slowly toward him. “Y..you saved us. You saved me.”
“I am here to save all of you. But I especially wanted to save you, Selena.” There was a look in Zita’s eyes when she looked between her pack mate and the human woman.
“He will be OK.” She assured the woman that was crying over Kiernan. “We’re going to call a doctor for him. A doctor for one of our kind.”
“S..so that fur, it wasn’t makeup, was it?” Selena asked him, almost as if she was ignoring Zita.
“No, it was me. I had lost my composure for a little bit.”
“It was amazing. You are amazing.” She still only had eyes for the man that saved her life.
“Go on now, get out of here.” Emilia, the Falcon, had come over to usher them out. “He will be fine, you can talk to him later. We need to capture the rest of the terrorists.”
“Yes, OK.” Finally, Selena seemed to understand. “C..can I still call you, Kiernan?” She asked him hesitantly.
“I’d like that.” His ego swelled as he looked at her. She still wanted him, even with him laying there half burned to a crisp. And while he was still in his cat form. Wasn’t that amazing?