1130 Chapter 115- Trinity – Warning (VOLUME 6)
Without much of a conscious effort, I was already reaching toward my phone. I needed to call Dayton immediately. I knew that it was late, but this was something that I had to do. I needed to know what he could tell me about this situation. I needed to know what could be done to stop that psychopath. Especially now that we knew who he was.
The phone rang three times before it was answered. I could tell that Dayton hadn’t been sleeping, but he still had not expected the call that he was getting.
“Hello?” He asked apprehensively. Most likely, he was wondering if the caller id on the phone was telling him the truth or not.
“Hello Dayton, it’s Trinity Gray.” I had no time to waste here, so I was getting straight into things. “We have a problem, and we need your help.”
“Wh..what is it, Queen Trinity? How can I help? I am at your disposal.” I had already known that he was a good man, this was just cementing that fact for me.
“We received some disturbing news today, something that was far worse than the attack on the stadium.”
“Worse?” He sounded disbelieving. “What could possibly be worse?”
“Well, for one thing, the leader of the DOE is going on an extremist site and claiming that we murdered one of his members, who was clearly killed in that room that he had the video filmed in. And, secondly, that leader of the DOE is none other than Harrison Orson.”
“Orson?” His voice rose several octaves as he said that one word. He had known that Orson didn’t like us, but I believe that, like us, he didn’t think Orson was capable of such heinous acts. “How do you know that it is him? It’s not that I do not believe you, but if I am going to go to my superiors with this, I need to be able to site the source of the information.”
“Yeah, I know. And I will send you the proof for it in a moment. We were sent a video of Orson going on that show that is on a protected site. The leader of the DOE was on there, but he was blurred out. He also had his voice altered.”
“Then there is no proof.” Dayton interrupted me and I was momentarily annoyed with him. After a moment though, I moved on and just continued to speak.
“The thing is though, he kept speaking too loud and fast for the voice modulator to work properly, and several times it was his voice that came through. Not only that, but we have people undercover in the DOE. They aren’t usually close to the Colonel, as he calls himself, but they have seen him. We have gotten a description of him, and it does seem to fit him. It was Reece though, who has had the most direct contact with him, who recognized his voice. We know it is him. And now he is going to try and use his position within the NSA to file murder charges against us. We need him stopped.”
“I will do what I can in the morning. There isn’t anyone there right now. And Orson has been away on assignment for a while, or supposedly on assignment. I don’t know really, because no one knows anything about the work that he has been doing.”
“No, we need this started tonight, Dayton. He is not going to let this go. He is losing his mind. He sees us as personal enemies of his. And not only that, Dayton, but he is amassing an army. And we are sure that he is using contacts to acquire weapons like bombs and tanks. We already know that he had been building a shit ton of bombs. We can’t let this be. He is dangerous, Dayton. It needs to be dealt with tonight.”
“Alright.” He answered. “I will head in now. I will call my superiors and have them meet me there. They need to know about this. Email me that link you have, so they can see the video as well. We will stop him, Queen Trinity, I promise.”
“Thank you, Dayton. I will wait up for you to call me back with an update. Let me know as soon as you know what is going to happen.
“I will, Queen Trinity. Just wait a little while. This won’t take too much longer.”
The call disconnected at that, blanketing the room in a silence that was so thick and strong that it felt like I would never hear anything again. It was all in my head though, because I knew that I could hear the hearts beating and the steady breathing of everyone that was gathered around me. It was just that it felt so all encompassing, so it had tricked my mind into believing it.
While I was distracted, there was a buzzing in my head that I almost ignored, but when the voice sounded just a moment later, I wasn’t able to ignore it. Well, not only that, but I yelped in surprise and made everyone, especially Reece, look at me in a panic.
“Trinity.” It was Carter, calling me in a panicked tone of voice. He sounded almost as frantic and worried as I felt.
“Carter, you scared the crap out of me.”
“Did you not sense the call coming?” He sounded perplexed, even though we both knew that he didn’t have the time for this.
“Yes, but I was distracted. We just got off of a call with Agent Dayton Long of the NSA.”
“The NSA? Is something wrong? Did something happen there?” He was worried about me, despite what it was that he was going through on his end of things.
“You mean aside from the attack at the stadium? Yeah, we were sent a video by Mr. Doe from the DOE.”
“So, you saw the video then.” His voice instantly tightened and became harder to understand. It was funny how this happened even in the mind. He wasn’t physically talking, but all the same nuances were there.
“Yes. He is claiming that we killed that man, which is ridiculous. He is surrounded by blood in the video, so he was clearly killed there.”
“Yeah, I watched him kill him. He just pulled his gun and shot him without hesitation. No one even saw it coming. He was angry that the men hadn’t succeeded in murdering all of the humans and nonhumans that were present at the convention. He is losing his mind more and more, Trinity. He is truly unhinged.”
“Yes, I know. And we know who he is. Who he really is.”
“You do? All I have gotten so far is a first name, and that isn’t much to go off of.”
“Let me guess, that first name is Harrison?” I asked him and heard an actual gasp, how someone gasped mentally I didn’t know, but we were able to do it.
“Yes. How did you know?”
“He is the NSA agent that was investigating us. The one that wanted to reveal us to the world. He was the reason that we had to go through with the reveal in the first place.”
“Shit!” I could hear the disbelief in his voice, but also the note that it all made sense. “No wonder he said he had connections in law enforcement. He is the damned connection. He is going to try and spearhead a murder investigation against you. He is seeing that an attack like the one on the stadium isn’t going to work, so he is trying to attack you personally. This is not good, Trinity. Not good at all.”
“I know, we already have someone on it. We are getting the NSA involved so that they can stop Orson. I don’t know if he will be heading straight there or not, but they will be there, hopefully.”
“I don’t know.” I could almost see Carter shaking his head as he responded to me. “The Colonel left a couple of hours ago, right after the broadcast. I wanted to call you sooner, but I wasn’t able to get away. There were people that were constantly around me because of the murder. Though they don’t see it as murder. They called it a punishment, like the dude can get up from it after he’s done sleeping it off. These people are all nuts, Trinity. Aside from Mr. Doe and Kirk, I haven’t found a single one of them that wasn’t absolutely batshit crazy.”
“That’s unfortunate, but they brought this on themselves. We will need to make sure that they are all arrested for their part they played in all of this. I won’t let any of them slide if they are still a danger to the world.”
“I know, Trin, I know.” There was sadness in Carter’s voice now. He hated that so much hate was around him. He was a man that usually emanated calm, so this had to be difficult for him.
“We will get you out of there soon, Carter, you and all the others. I want you, Juniper, Paul, Landon, Kirk, and Mr. Doe ready to go when I give you the word, even if you have to leave your things behind.”
“Yeah, it’s probably best that we leave here soon. Things are getting worse, Trinity. And I just know that he is going to make a direct attack on the city soon. Trinity, he has been making more and more plans for when he is going to directly attack his enemy. He is keeping those plans secret, no one is allowed to see them, not even Mr. Doe. But I know that it is going to happen sooner rather than later.”
“Thank you for that information, Carter. I will need to tell Dayton about that. They need to take Orson into custody immediately. There is no time to waste.”
“Agreed.” I imagined his nodding again before a brief flash of panic. “I need to go. There are people looking for me. I will contact you again as soon as I can. Be safe, Trinity. And let me know what happens.”
“I will.” I nodded as well, not sure if he could sense it like I was able to.
“Trinity?” Reece called out to me. Once they had all known that it was Carter that had surprised me, they had settled down somewhat. Still, they were nervous about the entire situation. There had been a lot that had happened today, far too much for my liking.
“We need to call Dayton again. He needs to know that Orson is on his way to the office. He will try to get things moving against us before the night is over.”
I moved to sit at my desk. I still had to make a call, but I was starting to feel uncomfortable. All of this stress was making the baby uncomfortable, and the pressure was quite painful. I didn’t like that we were up against so much in such an unexpected way. Especially when it was making me feel some physical pain because of it.
“Queen Trinity?” I heard Dayton’s voice after only half a ring.
“Dayton, I heard from one of the undercovers that we have in the DOE. Orson is on his way into the office right now. He is going to try and move things along as quickly as he can.”
“He is on his way here right now?” Dayton sounded worried. “I am here already, and my superior is here with me. We will stop him, Queen Trinity, I promise. He won’t make it out of here.” There was a sound on the other end of the line followed by a brief pause. “I need to go, Queen Trinity. I am sorry. I will call with an update later.” The line went dead and I was left in silence once more.
“Dammit.” I swore, not because of what happened on the phone, but because I was now left waiting for information.
“Trinity?” Dietrich asked. “What happened?”
“I don’t know. I will find out later, I guess.” I set my phone down and went to cross my arms over my abdomen. “Ahh.” I cried out as the baby stretched.
“Are you OK?” Reece, Vincent, and Gabriel all called out at the same time.
“Yes, just a lot of stress today.” I sighed as I sat up straighter. “There isn’t much more we can do until Dayton calls back. I am going to go take a bath to relax. I will call you if Dayton has any news, if not, I will see you all in here tomorrow morning.”
“Are you sure?” Dietrich looked at me worriedly now.
“Yes. I am sure. All of you can head home for now. Go see your families. I will see you later. Reece, will you come with me?”
“Of course.” He gave me a smile, even though I could see the worry in his eyes. “Want me to carry you?”
“No, I can still walk.” I shook my head. “But let’s take a door, so that it’s a shorter walk.” I gave him a forced smile that he saw through immediately.