1132 Chapter 117- Reece – Welcome to the World, Reeselynn (VOLUME 6)
I felt my heartrate quickening as Trinity screamed again. The screams were coming fast now, and that wasn’t a good sign. I knew that this meant that she was getting close to delivering.
“Tell me the rest of what I need to do.” I spoke frantically into the phone as Trinity cried out almost intelligibly.
“RREEEECCEE!” My name was a simultaneous hiss and scream of pain.
I listened for a few more moments, letting Griffin tell me all that I needed to know about delivering the baby. It was vital information that I desperately needed, but I didn’t want to take the time to sit here and listen to it. I needed to get to my Little Bunny. I needed to be by her side. I had to help her.
After what felt like an hour, but according to the phone screen was only four minutes and twenty-seven seconds, I ended the call with Griffin and ran to my Little Bunny. She was laying back, propped against the pillows for support.
“Reece.” She called my name again as she sought to take my hand. “Is Griffin on his way?”
“Yes, sweetheart. And Lana too. They will be here soon.” She was sweating from the pain, the drips narrowly avoiding her eyes as they ran down the sides of her face.
“They need to hurry. The baby wants out, now.” She had her teeth clamped now, another contraction, but she was talking through it.
“You need to breathe steadily, Trinity. Come on, Little Bunny, you know what to do.” I started to coach her like Griffin had told me to. I had been there for her deliveries before, so I knew how to coach her with the breathing. I was used to this part, and it was something that I could do.
“It’s too hard to breathe right now.” She hissed through her clenched teeth and threw her head back. “Oh goddess, Reece, I think she’s coming now.”
“Trinity?” I opened my eyes wide and stared at her with disbelief. “Let me check. Let me see if I can see her head.”
I did what Griffin had instructed me to. I lifted and spread Trinity’s legs a little and looked between them. Sure enough, I could see the top of the baby’s head. It was covered in muck, like all babies were when they were born, but it was very clearly my daughter’s head.
“She’s coming, Trinity.” I told her as I tried to steel my nerves. My Little Bunny needed me right now, and my daughter needed me too.
This was going to be an interesting story to tell the others later. Reeselynn wanted to be here so badly that she was willing to have her daddy deliver her in place of the doctor. I guess she was going to be daddy’s little girl in more than one way.
“Lean back a little, Trinity. Slide your bottom down so that you can push easier.” I was getting her positioned as quickly as I could, making sure to keep the towels beneath her at all times. “Shit. I need more towels. Hold on, Trinity. Do not push. Wait for me to get back.” I kept moving my hands in a ‘stop’ gesture as I hurried from the bed and into the bathroom.
I was still in panic mode, no matter what the false fa?ade made people think. And that was why when I was in the bathroom, I grabbed at least eight towels. Eight large towels for one little baby girl. Oh well, it didn’t matter. I needed to hurry.
Once back in the room, I stuffed two more of the towels under my Little Bunny’s bottom and legs. I wanted to make sure that the bed was clean for her to sleep in tonight. The baby was coming now, and the doctor was coming as well. There was no need to go to the hospital if this was all happening right now. And that meant that I needed to make sure that my Little Bunny was able to sleep in this bed tonight. We could have it changed tomorrow if we needed to, but she was sleeping here tonight, after the towels were removed of course.
“Alright Little Bunny, you can start to push now.” I told her after I helped her to position her legs. “I will press on your leg here, but you will need to pull back on the other one. Hook your hands behind your knees, OK.”
“Ahh! Reece, it hurts.”
“I know, sweetheart, I know.” I used a soothing tone to help her calm down. “It’s OK, Trinity. You will be OK.”
“Ahh!” She cried out with another contraction.
“Push, Trinity! You need to push now. For a count of ten, remember.” I told her as I put pressure on her right leg and helped her bear down. “One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten.”
“Ppooowwhh.” With a strong exhalation, my Little Bunny stopped the push and relaxed just a little.
“That was good, Trinity. Really good.” I was watching between her legs and saw that the baby’s head was almost out. “Come on, one more push on the next contraction.”
“AHH!” She cried out and indicated when I needed to press down on her leg and count for her.
“Come on, that’s it. Push, Trinity. Push. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten.”
“Ppooowwhh.” She exhaled again, and at the same time, there was almost an audible popping sound. The baby’s head was out.”
“She’s almost here.” I cried out happily. “Let me pull her now. One more small push, Trinity. Come on.”
She pushed once more, short and quick, as I gripped my little girl around the shoulders and pulled her gently out of her mother. She came easily with another small rush of water.
“You did it, Trinity. She’s here.”
“REECE!” There was a frantic sound outside the door. It was Vincent, who must have been running here with Griffin in tow.
“Come on in.” I yelled to him even as I grabbed one towel and threw it over Trinity’s chest and then another towel for the baby.
I looked at the clock that was on the table next to the bed. It read twelve o’ two in the morning.
“Just after midnight.” I told my Little Bunny as I looked at her. “March the third at twelve oh two in the morning.” I leaned forward and kissed her sweaty brow. “I am proud of you, sweetheart.”
“I’m proud of you, Reece.” She said as Vincent, Griffin, and Lana came running into the room.
“Did we make it in time?” Griffin asked.
“She got here literally right before I heard Vincent call out on the stairs. She is fine, but she hasn’t cried yet.”
“Let me check her.” Griffin said.
“I will help Trinity with the afterbirth.” Lana said.
“Reece? Trinity?” Vincent asked in shock as he looked around the room.
“There was no time to tell anyone, Vincent. Reece barely had the time to call Griffin.” My Little Bunny’s face was all smiles and serenity now that the pain was gone.
“Yes. We hurried here as quickly as we could. I am just glad that we were in our apartment here in the castle.”
“You were?” Trinity asked him. “Since when?”
“You were getting closer to delivering. I knew that it could happen any time now. I hoped that we would be able to run here before Reece had to deliver her though. At least he seems to have done well. The baby is just fine. She is breathing, just not crying.”
“Is that bad, though?” Vincent asked as he looked at the baby in Griffin’s arms.
“Not really. Not with super natural babies. It happens, mostly with the magical folk. Vincent, I have a baby scale in the nursery downstairs, will you please fetch that for me. We need to weigh the baby.”
“Y..yeah, sure.” He nodded.
“Also, Trinity is about to deliver the afterbirth.” Lana said matter-of-factly.
“Got it.” Vincent ran for the room and took about five minutes just to get the scale. He didn’t want to be there when his Queen and boss, and honorary sister, delivered the afterbirth for the baby.
Things were settling down a little now. The baby had been weighed, five pounds and ten ounces. She was eighteen inches long. She had a small amount of reddish gold hair that was shining in the light of the room. Her squished little face reminded me more of the picture I had seen of Trinity’s mom, although hers wasn’t exactly squished. Still, she didn’t really look like me or Trinity, not really.
“Hello there, baby girl.” Trinity was cooing when she was finally able to hold the baby. She had been cleaned up, the towels from the delivery taken away and disposed of, and a loose fitting nursing nightgown was pulled over my Little Bunny to cover her. All was going well. The baby was sleeping soundly, not making a noise at all.
“She is so precious.” I said as I sat next to Trinity and the baby, leaning over so that I was close enough to them for my own liking. “Welcome to the world, Reeselynn Octavia Gray.”
“Welcome, sweet girl. You were in a hurry, weren’t you?” Trinity kissed the baby’s head. She had been cleaned by Griffin already, so there was no mess now. I leaned in as well and left a kiss next to the one that my Little Bunny had given her, then I leaned over and kissed my Little Bunny herself.
“You did great, sweetheart.”
“So did you.” She kissed me again, soft and gentle. “Though, we need to wake the others. I am sure that they will be upset if they have to wait until the morning to see their sister.”
“Yeah, you’re probably right.”
Being as helpful as ever, Vincent ran out of the room and down to the floor below. We could barely hear any sound coming from down there, but I knew that he was waking them all and telling them to come up to the bedroom.
“What is going on?” Talia asked sleepily as they all came toward the room.
“Are Mom and Dad, OK?” Reagan asked, his voice a little more alert, but still thick with sleep.
“They are fine.” Vincent’s voice was calm, and it was clear that he hadn’t told them about the baby.
Trinity waited until they were all in the doorway before she spoke. I saw the grin on her face and had known that it was coming. Now, with all seven kids looking groggily into the room, my Little Bunny said just one word.
“Awesome.” They all had their own reaction as they stood there for a moment. They were only frozen for a minute though, because after the initial shock wore off, they all rushed toward the bed and the baby that was in their mother’s arms.
“Why didn’t you wake us up before?” Rika asked as she pressed a gentle finger to the baby’s cheek.
“There was no time.” I told her. “Even Griffin didn’t get here in time. I had to deliver the baby myself.”
“You? Seriously?” Reagan looked at me with astonishment.
“Hey! I resent that!” I said in mock annoyance. “But yes, me. Reeselynn wanted to be here sooner rather than later. It was just the two of us in here when she made her debut to the world. Just after midnight too, so her birthday is the third.”
“Awesome, that is really cool.” Talia sat on the edge of the bed.
“So, she really came tonight.” Zaley asked as she leaned in toward the baby. “Hi there, Reeselynn. I’m your big sister, Zaley.”
“And I’m your brother, Zayden.”
“Come to me when you need something, Reeselynn, I’m your best big brother, Zachary.”
“I think he means that I am the bestest big brother, Zander.”
“You’re both wrong.” Reagan said. “Cause big brother Reagan is the best of them all.”
“Let them fight that out, girls.” Rika said as she laughed with her sisters. “The three of us all know that we are all the best. As long as she has the three of us, she will never have to worry about anything.”
“Yup.” Talia nodded with a smile.
“Agreed.” Zaley rolled her eyes and shook her head at her brothers.
The kids took turns holding the baby for a few minutes each. Then, when Reeselynn started to cry and needed to be fed, the seven of them went back down the stairs and to bed. They all wanted to stay and spend time with the baby, but they knew that we needed to take care of things for the time being.
This was going to be a first, in my opinion. When the quads were born, the twins were only eight. Now, the next youngest set of the kids, the quads, were eleven. All seven of the other kids were old enough to help out if they wanted to. Not that there was enough work for the seven of them, but they would be able to help out if they wanted to. Reeselynn was lucky really, to have so many siblings that already loved her so much. She was going to be blessed as the days went on.