Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha Novel

Chapter 1142 - 1142 Chapter 127- Trinity – What to do About the Colonel Part 3 (VOLUME 6)

Chapter 1142 – 1142 Chapter 127- Trinity – What to do About the Colonel Part 3 (VOLUME 6)

1142 Chapter 127- Trinity – What to do About the Colonel Part 3 (VOLUME 6)




I had listened in on Talia’s soul projection. We had all listened in. We had heard what she said about the boulder that had obviously been moved in an attempt to conceal the cave. She had told us about the dead bodies that were gathered at the entrance of the cave. They had been killed while trying to run away and save themselves. We heard all the details about the place that she had gone to. All the details.

The most ominous by far was the office that the man had set up there. He had only had them create this one room. That office for him with a desk and a map that showed Colorado Springs. And that map had been disfigured and mangled by the Colonel after what had happened at the NSA office and the other tunnels the night before. He had lost his mind, more than he had already lost it.

We weren’t just dealing with a man anymore. We were dealing with a human monster. A man that had no problem killing his own people because he was angry at us, at me. He was the worst sort of man that I could think of. A man that felt like nothing could stop him and that he had nothing to lose. He had completely lost touch with reality.

No, what was worse, he was inventing his own reality to make it fit his delusions. He was so far gone that there was no way to reason with him. He would do anything that he needed to do just so that he could stop us. He treated us like we were an active and hostile threat, when all we’ve ever done is try to help people and live our lives. To him, we were monsters, enemies, demons that needed to be erased from existence. And just hearing about what he had done was making it that much worse.

“We will get him. I know that we will. We won’t let him hurt anyone else. I will help you. We will all help you.” Hearing those words from Talia as she looked across the room at me made my heart want to smile. Knowing that she, and everyone else in the room, were willing to help me stop this mad man made things a lot easier for me. I knew that I needed to do all that I could to protect the people of this city.

I knew that the Colonel, Harrison Orson, was going to target the city. I didn’t know if he was going to target the entire city, or just parts of it. Was he coming after the castle and the compound? Or was he going to try to drop a nuke on us or something? I didn’t know what he was capable of, and that was what made him that much more frightening.


“I know you will, baby girl.” I gave Talia the smile that I always did, but this time I meant it. This time I felt better about what was going to happen. I had her, Reece, my guards, and all the rest of the people in this room to help me. And on top of that, I had billions of people in my community that would be willing to put an end to the bloodshed and hatred. They were there for me, just as I was there for them.

“We don’t have time to waste.” Athair mòr rose from his seat at the table. “We should bring the others here now. It’s been nearly an hour after all.” He looked at his watch and I moved to do the same. Then I remember that I was holding Reeselynn, still sleeping, in my arms. Seeing her tiny, peaceful face made me know even more, I had to stop that man. I had to protect my people and my family. I had to protect this tiny little baby, and all the other tiny babies in this city.

“Yes, I agree. I will open the doors now.” I rose to my feet and handed Reeselynn off to Reece. He looked at her tiny little face, with a smile on his as he bonded with her. He was already so in love with her, even though it hadn’t been that long since she was born, and he hadn’t held her too much. He still loved that tiny baby just as much as I did.

I didn’t hesitate now that I was on my feet. I conjured the three doors at the same time. I opened them to the places that I knew the others would be. The Warlocks and Witches were all waiting at the main hall in the Aerie Conveto. The Fae were waiting in the square outside of their castle. And Dayton was in his director’s office in the NSA building. We had researched them enough when all of this started last year, that I already knew the entire lay of the land. I knew where everything was without even having to think about it.

Within seconds, the doors had materialized and were glowing in the room. They were so bright that they made the previously well-lit room seem dim by comparison. Not that it mattered, it would all go back to normal soon enough.

The first door opened immediately. Coming through that side were the magic users that Crawford had assembled to help me. The second door opened but no one came through it at first. The third door opened last, but people flooded through in groups of two. The Fae.

“What the hell!? I have seen these on TV before, but this is insane.” I heard a man’s voice from the other side of the middle door. This was the one that went to the NSA office.

“It’s OK, Director Glick. Queen Trinity opened the door so that we could travel to her office without needing to drive. This is much quicker.” Dayton was doing his best to settle the man’s nerves.

“Good morning, Director Glick.” Dolan called toward the door. “It is OK. I traveled through the door last night. It doesn’t hurt at all.”

“West!?” Director Glick called out toward the door. “You can hear me?”

“We all can, Sir.” Dolan told him. “Come on through. We have a lot to discuss with you.”

“Yeah, yeah, I know. This is just so strange. I am not refusing to come over, I am just worried, that is all.”

“Please do not be worried, Director Glick.” I spoke to him calmly. “We have learned some things that we need to discuss with you. Please, step through and let us talk face to face.”

“Is that Trinity Gray?” He asked, not sure if he was hearing me properly.

“Yes. Please, step through so that we can close the door on this side. I will open another one to take you back to your office later.”

“Alright.” He sounded a little calmer now at least. “I am coming through.”

When he and Dayton stepped into the office, the other two doors had disappeared. Theirs was the last one at the time. They walked through at the same time and that was when I saw the look on Director Glick’s face. He could tell that he was surrounded by people that weren’t human.

“Good morning, Director Glick.” I held my hand out to him and was polite, but my face was showing the magnitude of what had happened earlier. I was sure that he thought that I was angry with him, but to his credit he didn’t react to it at all.

“Good morning, Mrs. Gray.”

“Please, take a seat at the table. We have a lot that we need to go over.”

“You said that already. I will admit that I am curious to know what you mean.”

“We have more information about Harrison Orson, the man that calls himself the Colonel.”

“Yes, I have been brought up to speed by Agent Long recently. I know that he is the one behind the DOE. And that he killed that man in the video last night. He is clearly running rogue and a danger to others.”

“He’s killed more people.” Talia told him as she slid off the table and into her seat. “There are at least eight more that he killed last night.”

“I’m sorry young lady, who are you?”

“That is my daughter, Talia. She has a rather unique ability that allowed her to check on a few things for us.”

“An ability?”

“Yes. She has been perfecting it recently. She can project her soul and see other locations. She used the ability to check out the caves that Dolan told us about. He said they were Orson’s backup location. However, they seem to have fled from there already. They’ve moved onto another place.”

“And you believe that he killed eight more people?” Director Glick didn’t look convinced yet.

“I know that he did.” Talia told him. “I saw their bodies, their blood soaking into the ground. He shot six of them as they were running away.”

“My God.” The director seemed truly appalled. “I didn’t know that Orson was this far gone when he took over the search for the DOE. Nor did I think that he was the one that started the whole thing. And as for you!” He turned to face Dolan at that moment. “You joined him. You and the others.”

“The others were a part of it from the beginning. I mostly followed Orson because I didn’t know what else to do. Immediately though, I knew that he was off his rocker and that he needed to be stopped. I am sorry, Sir. I know that I should have stopped him and contacted you sooner. I just couldn’t though. He was becoming crazier and crazier by the minute. I felt like if I did anything to stop him, he would kill me. I did enlist the help of Queen Trinity here. I asked for her assistance, knowing that her people wouldn’t be as easily killed.”

“So, you knew that he was crazy? That he was capable of killing people?”

“Yes Sir, I am sorry that I didn’t stop him sooner.”


“You will face disciplinary action over this, West.” Glick looked at him angrily. “Still, you did try to rectify the situation. That will go in your favor. If we can stop Orson before he does anything too serious, you might not be fired. You will be sanctioned though. And you will have this in your record for the rest of your career.”

“I understand.” Dolan took the words as a statement of fact. He knew that he was going to get in trouble, so there was no need to argue. That showed that he took responsibility for his actions. That spoke a lot about the type of man that he was, and I was happy to know him because of that.

The newcomers sat at the table and looked up at the head of the table, where Reece and I were now sitting with Reeselynn in her daddy’s arms. She hadn’t been taken away yet, and she wouldn’t be for a little while still. We needed her. Not for the meeting, but Reece and I needed her with us.

Over the next few minutes, I explained to Dayton, Glick, and the others what had been happening. I told them about the man that was behind all of this and what he was planning on doing. I explained to them what I wanted to do so that we could protect the people of the city. I explained how the city seems to be the target of whatever attack that Orson was planning. We knew that he was coming, we just didn’t know when.

Understandably, the magic users and Fae immediately agreed to help me with the barrier. And after asking several questions about whether or not this barrier would stop people from coming and going in the city. After I settled his worries, telling him that it would not stop people from moving around the city, or in and out of the city, he seemed to settle down about the issue.

“As long as the people won’t be affected by this barrier, I don’t think that I have a problem with it. I am not the highest authority in the land though, so there might be others that take it up with you later.”

“I am not worried, Director Glick.” I told him calmly. “The barrier will be invisible. We don’t want anyone to know that it is there. They will not see it and they will not feel it. The whole purpose is to let me know when Harrison Orson enters the city.”

“I can understand that. It would be helpful to know when such a dangerous enemy was nearby. I envy you for having that ability.” He smirked, almost as if he were thinking wistfully about a life with magical abilities.

“I hope that we can count on you, Director Glick. I would like for you to stand united with us when we face Orson. I know that if he saw that he had no other options, he might become desperate enough to do something truly bad, but if we are all there together, we might be able to stop him. That is my hope anyway.” I was giving him my most sincere voice, letting him know that I was completely serious about this situation. I hoped that it was working.

“I can understand that, Mrs. Gray. I also agree that we need to approach him together. We need to stop him, and if we know where he is going, then we need to be there before he is. So, to answer your question, yes, you can count on me to be there with you. I am willing to work with you. On one condition though.” He paused and gave me a knowing look. “I need to be involved in everything that is happening from here on out. I will be present when that barrier goes into effect. And I will set up shop nearby so that I can monitor the situation. We will all work together to stop our common enemy.”

“That is fine with me. We want to put an end to this as soon as we can. And we can offer you a space here at the castle. We have more than enough room.”

“That will work for me. I will head back to the office and to my home for some clothes. Long, West, you two are working with me on this. We will stop this madman that tarnished our good reputation.”

“Yes, Sir.” The two men said at the same time.

With all of that set in stone, it was time for us to move on. We needed to get the barrier started. We needed to have the three new NSA additions to the team gather their things from Denver, and we needed to find Harrison Orson. He was out there somewhere, and the sooner we found him and stopped him, the better. There would be less bloodshed when he was captured and placed behind bars. The humans and the super naturals alike would be safer with him out of the picture.

This was all coming down to the wire. I knew that it wouldn’t be too much longer before it all came to the final showdown, wherever and whenever that might be, it was going to be happening soon. Looking at Reeselynn once more as she slept in Reece’s arm, I was once again reminded of how much I needed to protect in this world.

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