Consort of a Thousand Faces Novel

Consort of a Thousand Faces Novel
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Once an imperial princess, now reborn among the lowest of s*aves of the nobility.
As Nanzhao’s eldest imperial princess, she received the burden of an imperial ruler and took to the battlefield in tumultuous times. Instead of being a hero, her actions were vilified by officials as meddling in court affairs. Watching her trusted confidante die as she stood among a sea of flames, her tattered heart was pierced by an arrow shot by the one she loved most.
In her previous life, she was known as Ning Rulan.
Resurrected as a palace maid carrying out the most menial of tasks in Beimin’s imperial palace, she is resolved to take revenge and save her younger brother. However, many devilish and vindictive nobles stand in her way as she navigates through the dangers of court politics.
Travelling across nations and unravelling secrets, she carves out a new place for herself.
A place for the woman now known as Su Xi-er.
Will she remain shackled to her past? Or will she reach for the chance at happiness before her?
No matter if she is Ning Rulan or Su Xi-er, this time, there would be no more regrets!
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Chapter List
- Chapter 1: Utterly crushed
- Chapter 2: Extreme grief and despair
- Chapter 3: Rebirth
- Chapter 4: The final straw
- Chapter 5: A tabby pounces on someone
- Chapter 6: Merely a bitch
- Chapter 7: Kicked this prince
- Chapter 8: Kicked this prince
- Chapter 9: Hair raising
- Chapter 10: An abnormal relationship
- Chapter 11.1: heart-penetrating arrow again
- Chapter 11.2: heart-penetrating arrow again
- Chapter 12.1: hand it over
- Chapter 12.2: hand it over
- Chapter 13.1: no one dares to touch you
- Chapter 13.2: no one dares to touch you
- Chapter 14.1: miss qing
- Chapter 14.2: miss qing
- Chapter 15.1: protected by him
- Chapter 15.2: protected by him
- Chapter 16.1: safflower
- Chapter 16.2: safflower
- Chapter 17.1: woven silk fabric
- Chapter 17.2: woven silk fabric
- Chapter 18.1: telling you not to forge connections with puissant personages
- Chapter 18.2: telling you not to forge connections with puissant personages
- Chapter 19.1: who set your bone for you
- Chapter 19.2: who set your bone for you
- Chapter 20.1: don’t think of seducing him
- Chapter 20.2: don’t think of seducing him
- Chapter 21.1: audacious
- Chapter 21.2: audacious
- Chapter 22.1: repeatedly stroking
- Chapter 22.2: repeatedly stroking
- Chapter 23.1: astonishment
- Chapter 23.2: astonishment
- Chapter 24.1: very interested
- Chapter 24.2: very interested
- Chapter 25.1: both shocked and afraid
- Chapter 25.2: both shocked and afraid