— Kat —
“So… after dealing with… that whole thing I ended up in the Hub. That was… it was weird honestly. Like I get there has to be punishments for not completing a contract but at the same time… looking back on it? Felt a lot more like a school field trip. Especially considering they expect me to pick a guild to join at Rank 3. Considering I’m Rank 4… even if it hasn’t been that long? I should probably pick a guild.
“Might be something to go over with you before I head out. Lily wanted to spend the day with Kamiko and Sue looking at storage rings so might be best to talk about that beforehand…” said Kat.
“We can speak on that now if you would like. I am enjoying the conversation and the chance to brush up on my skills,” said Callisto with a sly smirk fully aware of the pun.
“Hmmm… Sure we can put the other Hub stuff on hold for a bit. Though… not sure I really know what I’m doing when it comes to storage rings. It’s why I was planning to speak with Kamiko and Sue. Maybe their parents as well? The only thing we’ve worked out is that bigger is better. Ones that grow plants are nice but probably not worth the extra cost and that it definitely needs to work here on earth without exploding… and that might be a tall ask,” said Kat.
“That all seems reasonable to me,” stated Callisto. “I would perhaps recommend ensuring that it is easy to find things inside of whatever you chose as a storage medium. I suspect that ‘think and you will find it’ search styles cost extra unless they are strictly necessary for the product. Even then you may want to investigate just how easy and smooth it is.
“Regardless of how the enchantments actually work, if they have some form of lag or delay it could cause major issues. Imagine you need something and you are moving at superhuman speeds, yet there is a one second delay on pulling out an item. That is a long time in fights, especially fights at above human levels of speed,”
“Huh… not sure I would’ve thought to check that but you make a really good point,” accepted Kat with a nod. “I’ll make sure to keep that in mind when I go to buy my own. Um… one more thing though. You think I should get one for me and one for Lily or just get one larger one for the both of us?”
“I suspect it may be best to get one larger one and have Lily keep it on her, at least until she gets her shadow storage method sorted out. Though perhaps if it is safe to store the ring in Lily’s shadow you should do that instead?” pondered Callisto.
“Why? Not that I mind Lily having control of it but… I wasn’t even sure if she could use them without control over demonic energy…” admitted Kat.
“I had not considered that issue… I remember it coming up the other way around during your first stint in the tournament. The… card readers in the final round I believe? I recommend checking up on that before any final purchase. As for why I believe it best that you hand the storage ring over to Lily? Assuming it plays nice with her transformation?
“The primary reason is that I expect you to continue rushing into danger and while your regeneration means I am not concerned for your personal safety… destruction of property is fairly likely. It would be a shame to buy an expensive high end storage ring then have it destroyed by an attack you chose not to dodge for one reason or another. Unlike Lily who is likely interested in dodging everything. Plus, if it vanishes when she transforms it will be safer. Though I am unsure if you would prefer it be usable in her Memphis form on her human one…” explained Callisto.
“Oh yeah… that’s… that’s a fair point so maybe we should just get back to the reminiscing?” offered Kat not wanting to be lectured for taking too many risks.
So of course the first thing her mind went to was that time she was testing crazy stuff for the Greed faction. Wincing at that memory Kat quickly pushed it back down and considered her other adventures in the Hub. Meeting Kamiko was obviously the best part but it felt sort of like a cop out to just bring that up…
The cooking though was shockingly ordinary. The Sloth stuff was that mine operation where she met Sue and well… best not mention that. The lust stuff was neat in that she got to meet someone so powerful and got a chair out of it. Hmm… no that was probably the best part. Envy was just as weird, Pride never happened and Wrath… well it was a good time but Kat was currently trying to avoid a lecture so Lust it was!
“So… um… the chair? Got that free chair from Lust and I’m probably going to join that faction despite not really having a sex drive nor sexual desires?” offered Kat.
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“I am sure you have thought it through. Plus, if my memory is correct while it is discouraged, you can swap factions. It may not be easy but if things go bad I am sure you can swap things up. Though even from what you have told me they seem quite relaxed. Likely a good contrast to the other factions. Sloth… well I met Sue there but honestly let’s just move on from the Hub in general. So… back to the tournament stuff then?”
“Why are you asking me? I was under the impression your memory was perfect,” stated Callisto.
“It IS… technically. The longer I live with the improved memory the more I notice the downsides though. Sure I remember everything but it’s not instant recall. I have to go looking for things. Sure sometimes it just comes for me but other times I feel like I have to mentally follow a trail through several other topics. Just… look whatever. Let’s go over the tournament stuff.
“This one was cool because we met Blue and her team there and there was the fancy mansion stage. That was neat but… honestly compared to the crazy stuff Thyme did in the NEXT tournament visit it wasn’t all that impressive. It was a neat idea, but mediocre execution. Well, by Thyme’s standards at least. I’m sure for a more normal person it would’ve taken a lot of time.”
Kat fought down the desire to scratch her nose or fidget too much in case she messed things up for Callisto’s painting. Biting down that desire until the slight itch went away Kat continued. “Hmm… what was next? It was the… weird love… I don’t want to call it a love triangle because it really wasn’t but that whole saga feels like it got made way more complicated then it needed to be.
“Still… I managed to have some great moments with Lily there. It was the first time she could really participate. Compared to the tournament where she just sat around and watched or slept here she could participate in conversations and helped me sort out a few mysteries and one romance. It was not bad. The city was amazing looking back on it. Like nothing I’d ever seen before and I’m not sure I gave it proper credit for that at the time.
“The aqueducts, the weird ass political situation. I don’t regret the fact that I didn’t leave a beacon behind. As cool as it was we didn’t really connect with any of the people there… but I’d love a chance to go back to take Lily on a proper date there. Well that and maybe slide down the aqueducts. Probably not sanitary or legal but it just SEEMS fun you know?” admitted Kat with a smile.
“I can see why that might be compelling to some. Personally I feel as though it would be less thrilling then you imagine. The fact that it is likely illegal or heavily frowned upon would be the main spark in the action. Otherwise it would just be a rather long, straight slide. Depending on how steep the aqueduct was it might not even be a particularly fast ride down,” added Callisto.
“Honestly… you’re probably right about that. I guess if I was really looking for a date spot I’d want to make use of that big greenhouse that one of the political leaders had set up. Jara’s family? I keep thinking of it as HER greenhouse but the greenhouse itself is much older then she is. Hmm… I wonder if we would even be able to get permission to have a date there? It’s got a few family secrets and a bunch of rare plants…”
“I am certain that if she did not say yes you would be able to sneak in. Perhaps not undetected but I am confident that it would work out in the end. You can always leave the world afterwards,” snickered Callisto.
Kat pouted. “Jara was nice to us, so I wouldn’t break in… I don’t think? It just seems rude…”