Leonel raised a palm to the skies, appearing beneath the star his grandfather sent toward him.
It looked like a simple Ability Index this time, but it was truly anything but. This Ability Index was capable of causing a perfect Fusion between Star Force and any other Force, thus giving it the ability to accumulate a large amount of Force in a short period of time.
Stars across Existences were responsible for the existence of Force to begin with. It had to be remembered that Earth Force was only responsible for forming the anchor that Force attached themselves to, it was Stars that truly produced them in large quantities.
So just what kind of concept was it to be able to form a Star of any Force you already had control over? It was like Gervaise was his own walking generator, having access to an infinite supply of Force.
But it wasn’t just a matter of quantity, or even just quality either. Both were off the charts, but what was truly shocking was the speed with which Gervaise could accumulate both.
This scale of attack was simply too shocking. It should take several minutes or even hours to accumulate this much Force. Otherwise, one would have to rely on a large-scale formation or something of the sort instead.
Yet, all Gervaise had done was casually raise his scepter into the air and he had already accumulated enough energy to feed over ten God Realm Worlds in a single breath.
There wasn’t a single one of Gervaise’s Ability Indexes that wasn’t broken beyond reason, and Leonel had no reason to believe that these were the last of them.
He had already come to understand just how his grandfather had done this. This was obviously the product of an evolved form of [Assimilate] where Gervaise was able to take the Ability Indexes of his summons for himself.
Over the years, Gervaise had secretly accumulated the broken ability of several targets. Back on Earth, he had even had an entire prison of Savants to keep in check. Who was to say that he hadn’t also gotten more abilities from them?
Indeed… the foundation that Gervaise had built for himself gave him the right to be arrogant, it gave him the right to look down on the world and proclaim himself Emperor, it gave him the right to ask this foolish grandson of his just who he thought he was.
He was born the genius of a generation… and maybe even that wasn’t enough to describe just what level he stood alone at. He was so feared by the enemies of his 09:52 –
family for what he might grow to be in the future that they sacrificed billions of lives just to destroy the Fawkes before he had a chance to rise up.
But now he had.
He was no longer that little boy who could only watch everything be destroyed in front of him.
He was Gervaise Fawkes, Emperor of this world.
And even his grandson didn’t have the right to stand in his way.
The eyes of both men flashed at once, roars leaving their lips as they clashed.
Leonel felt an overwhelming might press down on his palms and he was almost instantly sent flying back. But the issue was that the star followed with him, sticking to his hand and suffocating him from above.
It was so mind-numbingly large that the idea of side-stepping it before was impossible, let alone doing so now.
However, there remained a blazing intent in Leonel’s eyes, a strong sense of duty, respect, and most of all… unbridled arrogance.
To form Stars was nice.
To create them was another matter entirely.
These seemed to be the same things, but as a Sovereign of Creation…
Leonel knew the difference well.
Leonel’s arm pulsed and all at once, a Force Art raced across the body of the Star.
In one moment, it looked like a Star of emerald flames, and in the next, it was suppressed by a cage of complex violet Runes.
In an instant, Leonel had drawn a Force Art to cover the body of a star as though it was as easy as flipping over his palm.
A Natural Force Art.
No… an anti-Natural Force Art, one that bent Creation to such an extreme that it became no different from Destruction.
In what felt like a distant past, Leonel had faced off against the Spirituals of the Dimensional Verse, and they had a huge Natural Force Art net over their entire planetary system that had almost cost him his life.
Back then, he had been fascinated by their methods. They were able to tune their Natural Force Art to the resonance of their solar system, allowing them to gather power from it directly and even help individuals to display more strength than normal.
And here… Leonel had just done the same.
His grandfather’s Ability Index was powerful, but it automated too much. The only reason it could work was because it relied so heavily on the Laws of the World and the natural abilities of Star Force. That was precisely where its strength came from.
But that also meant… that it had the same vulnerabilities of other Stars.
If you knew what you were doing, then its strength could become your own.
Leonel swept his spear backward, one hand still on the falling star as his violet hair danced in the wind. The pressure of the gravity threatened to rip him apart, but as far as he was concerned…
This Star was already his.
The howl of Spear Force sang through the air.
The violet rune-covered star pulsed and then the Violet Star hanging behind Leonel’s
head rotated just a single time.
And then…
Gervaise’s Star suddenly vanished.
An enormous vacuum appeared in the space it had left behind. For such a large object to suddenly disappear left a black hole-level force of suction in its wake.
Winds howled and space shattered, collapsing in itself.
Even Gervaise couldn’t help but also be sucked in, while Leonel himself didn’t fight against the current in the slightest. Instead, he held on to the very spear he had swept backward as his body began to glow even brighter than the Star that had just
That was when it all sank in for Gervaise.
Leonel had taken the power of the Star for himself and he was concentrating it all into
a single attack… concentrated into a region that wasn’t even fraction the size of the
original Star.
Blaring warning signs of danger filled Gervaise’s mind as his aura solidified. His body stabilized in the air as Leonel shot toward him like a rocket out of orbit.
Gervaise unleashed a roar, his robes shattering to pieces to reveal a body pulsing with
a shocking vascularity.
At the same time, the echoes of his heartbeat and the raging blood through his veins began to boom across the air, seemingly having been suppressed earlier by his now
shattered robes.
He held out his scepter in his hands and then pulled it back as well as though he was
getting ready to thrust a spear.
The head of a dragon wrapped around the pearl, making it look as though the emerald beast was trying to swallow it whole.
Gervaise’s golden band crown cracked beneath the pressure as the illusory green dragon around his scepter suddenly exploded in size, and then doubled again, and
then again.
By the time it doubled once more, Leonel was there.
Their gazes clashed in the air and space shuddered and cracked.
The churning waters below had been blown so far apart that one could see clear to
the bottom of the ocean, and even that wasn’t enough as its moist earth exploded and shattered beneath the pressurized waves of their accumulating attacks. Blackstar and the Sea Goddess vanished just as the two unleashed everything they had, spear and scepter meeting high in the skies.
The clash was so shocking that their auras met several kilometers apart, so powerful and reverberating that they fought for dominion over large swaths of land.
However, in the end….
“You should have spent more effort learning to Craft, old man.”
Gervaise’s scepter cracked. Its pearl splintered as a fissure appeared on its surface in a
single instant.
The dragon head shattered with it and the scepter was blown away.
Gervaise’s arm snapped backward, a rain of blood bursting from the limb as a
pressurized wind tore it apart. But that was only the wind itself.
Soon after, the Force came.
Gervaise was swallowed up whole and his body seemed to vanish under the enormous
current of violet energy.
A silence fell for but a moment before the green waters that had been sent soaring off
in tsunami-like waves came crashing back, filling the hole left behind by the two. Leonel stood in the air, gasping for breath, a tingling discomfort coming from his mind as he looked up.