It was night by the time Davis left the Second Void Dust Sanctuary.
They made their way through the Whispering Wildlands Lower Realm in a flying ship, heading straight for the hidden peninsula with eager expressions on their faces. Anticipation filled the air.
Although they already owned a Realm Core in the Verdant Vale Lower Realm, albeit forcefully through threatening the Realm Core’s spirit, they couldn’t gain it because their main forces were stuck in the Whispering Wildlands Lower Realm.
Davis was also apprehensive.
Even if he could get his people there, what about defense?
They would not be able to defend for a longer period. He already heard that there was an army of Heaven’s Warriors waiting for him to appear near the Verdant Vale Lower Realm so they could launch a counteroffensive. Perhaps all sorts of ambush were already set up in the ruins of the Verdant Vale Sect.
On the other hand, the Whispering Wildlands Realm Core was in an area that could be considered a natural fortress.
Immortal Emperors and Sovereigns wouldn’t be able to clear the cumulonimbus clouds easily. Only an Empyreal Sovereign is able to traverse that tumultuous region on their own.
As for Empyreans and Autarchs, they would be killed instantly due to the overwhelming pressure. Only Late Stage Empyreans and Autarchs would be able to brute force through the cumulonimbus clouds.
It would be very hard to besiege with numbers. Even if they did some shenanigans, such as taking an army in a life ring and entering past the cumulonimbus clouds to arrive at the Whispering Wildlands Peninsula, it would prove nearly impossible to take them down because there were already powerful defensive formations.
Davis thought he could make the strong warriors such as Illumina remain there to add more defenses.
In that way, it would never fall, and his people would be fully able to take advantage of the sacred land’s purity of heaven and earth energy and, most importantly, the Realm Core.
“Anyone interested in binding the Realm Core?”
Davis turned to look at his people and asked.
His people shook their heads with a knowing smile. It was like they already knew who he was going to choose, making Davis chuckle lightly.
Naturally, he was aware that they all knew he couldn’t bind it because he was an Anarchic Divergent.
Even if he could, he would probably only bring danger to the realm itself as there was a high chance calamities would pop up in a greater magnitude. He wasn’t going to act ignorant when he saw with his own eyes what kind of dangers his presence could bring, but he wasn’t going to be sorry about it either.
If there was anyone to blame, he would blame Heaven’s Will or the Universe for not accepting him as one of its life forms.
Besides, he didn’t need the Realm Core because the Laws he trained in were not something a Realm Core would have. There were no heavenly annihilative properties. There were few insights into life and death. Finally, there was nearly no chaos, and for destruction to appear, it must first be near the end of its lifespan and undergo realm destruction.
He knew this because he had eaten the Gilded Realm Ascendant Pill and absorbed pill essence from the Celestial Luminescence Pill made from the Ethereal Lumina Tree Fruit.
It just wasn’t worth it for him to bind it and go through other troubles that would instantly expose that he was here in this realm and put his family in danger.
After all, an increase in the number of calamities appearing in a realm would mean a Divergent is most likely there, and at this point, he would be the number one suspect. Although he didn’t care if the Heaven’s Warriors knew he was here and brought armies to end him, he would like to avoid it if possible for the sake of his family.
Hours later, Davis’s entourage arrived at midnight. It was already the next day, but a figure was patiently waiting before the cumulonimbus clouds.
“Divine Emperor of Death.”
Arys Duskbane, the Seventh Grand Elder of the Whispering Wildlands Peninsula, cupped his hands and bowed.
Davis nodded at him and had him lead the way inside.
He checked Arys Duskbane’s emotions using Heart Intent during this time but other than a bit of trepidation that he usually felt from him, there was nothing strange or amiss. This let Davis know that there may not be an ambush in the Whispering Wildlands Peninsula.
However, he wasn’t naive enough to believe that since it was possible that, Arys Duskbane could be kept out of the loop.
After the tumultuous journey through the cumulonimbus clouds, Davis’s flying ship entered the Whispering Wildlands Peninsula.
Davis narrowed his brows as he could see that the people who were living here were still here. However, he didn’t frown since he saw the Whispering Wildlands Realm Master at the very front of the floating continent’s edge.
The Whispering Wildlands Realm Master and the eleven other Grand Elders cupped their hands and received him.
Davis wasn’t exactly expecting a warm welcome. Even if the Whispering Wildlands Realm Master agreed to rent the Realm Core, he felt like his attitude wouldn’t have gone this polite. Was something amiss?
He kept his suspicion clear on his face as he alighted with Illumina. Lereza followed behind him, but most importantly, a seemingly obedient little girl held his hand beside him.
It was none other than Calypsea.
Calypsea stared at the Whispering Wildlands Realm Master with her bright crimson-gold eyes. She released no undulations, but standing so close, her apocalyptic aura absolutely frightened them, causing the Grand Elders to shudder in horror.
The Whispering Wildlands Realm Master also held his breath as he saw the little spirit.
He was absolutely terrified in his heart. The fact that this Empyrean Stage Spirit was still little meant that it had not reached maturity. He was afraid that this spirit would easily reach the next stage as long as it continued to devour.
He gulped, “Divine Emperor of Death, you are only here to rent, right?”
He was deeply afraid that the Realm Core would be devoured and he wouldn’t gain it back after ten thousand years as that was the period of their agreement.
“I won’t say thrice.”
Davis kept a firm expression, “Have you prepared the True Soul Contract?”
“Ah, yes.”
The Whispering Wildlands Realm Master managed to compose himself after a deep breath before he handed Davis the True Soul Contract.
Davis looked at the content and saw that there wasn’t any issue.
The clauses were for him to use the Realm Core as he pleased for the duration of ten thousand years in exchange for the pill that was mentioned to be given in nine years and eight months and finally return the Realm Core at the end of ten thousand years.
During this time, the Whispering Wildlands Realm Master agreed to become one of his allies and live under his rule in the Whispering Wildlands Peninsula and act like he still owned the Whispering Wildlands Lower Realm as long as he and his people don’t get mistreated or oppressed unfairly.
This surprised Davis, so he asked the Whispering Wildlands Realm Master why.
“Well, if I’m going to do something crazy, I might as well go all out. There should be no regrets.”
The Whispering Wildlands Realm Master spoke casually, but Davis could only imagine what kind of suffering he had to go through day and night to come to this conclusion in this one month, not to mention convincing all these Grand Elders. It shouldn’t have been easy to decide to throw one’s life to an Anarchic Divergent.
In a universal perspective, that was like betting on evil to win.