*In the Present*
Siwan was staring at the spot where Yisub stood. He was quiet after hearing the ghost’s story, contemplating many things. In many ways, Yisub was like him; a protective brother who only wanted a peaceful life for himself and his sibling. Even though he could not see the boy, he faintly felt his desperate pleas.
“Is this why you’re making me purify his soul?” Siwan asked Junho. “Because I can relate to him more?”
“Yes,” Junho replied. “That is the precise reason why I’m letting you do this. You…You understand spirits in a way I never can.”
Siwan was not sure how to respond to that. Junho had given it a lot of thought and decided that it was time for Siwan to start learning how to purify spirits.
Even though Junho was experienced, he could feel that Siwan possessed something which he did not: empathy. Junho may have purified many souls but other than a selected few, he did not feel particularly sympathetic towards them.
Siwan, however, was different. He was not simply protective but he was also genuinely compassionate towards people, treating them with kindness rather than hollow words. It was something which many spirits sought after death and if someone like Siwan purified their souls, they would be at ease.
“It’s a lot of responsibility, but I know you can do it,” Junho affirmed. He patted Siwan on the shoulder while Magrod watched. Yisub was scared and trembling but Siwan stepped forward to tell him something.
“Mr. Magrod, can you see Yisub?” Siwan asked.
“Yes,” Magrod nodded.
“I want to tell him something,” Siwan said. “If he replies, please do interpret it for me.”
Magrod was impressed. “I kinda like this guy,” he told Junho. “He knows how to give proper respect to an elite Vozakel Lord-“
“Shut it!” Junho snapped. “Do your work!”
Magrod scowled and turned back to Siwan who was now facing the invisible spirit.
“Yisub…” Siwan began. “I’m sorry you had to suffer a fate like this. You didn’t deserve it. No one did. I hope that your family will never forget you. Even if they do…”
He took a deep breath and smiled before saying, “I won’t. I may not know what you look like, but I won’t forget your name. I might not look like it but I remember the names of all my patients. I’ll not forget your name either.”
Siwan’s smile made Yisub smile as well.
“T-Thank you!” He stammered.
“He’s thanking you,” Magrod told Siwan.
Junho was beaming at Siwan with pride. The spoiled brat who used to bully others and thought of himself as an entitled person was long gone. Instead stood a young man who had opened his eyes and realized that only a little bit of kindness was enough to give someone hope in this cruel world.
All the kids grew up to be fine, he thought. For a moment, he wished that his wife was alive to see their grandkids.
“What do I have to do?” Siwan asked Junho.
“Sprinkle some of the holy water on the ground,” the old man instructed. “Then read out loud the purification charm with Yisub’s full name. It’s on the chit I gave you. Read it three times. A light will appear and Yisub will be able to leave the physical world behind.”
“I-I am ready,” Yisub mumbled. He meant his words. It was time for him to go.
Siwan took out the holy water from his bag and sprinkled it on the ground near Yisub’s foot.
“Oh you holy spirit of Kim Yisub,” he chanted. “The pure soul who has been wrongfully condemned. May you move forward to the light and purify your soul in the light.”
Yisub felt a warm touch on his skin and a gentle light was embracing him. It felt as loving as his mother’s hug, comforting him in his last moments. Siwan kept on chanting the spell until the light completely engulfed Yisub and the latter gladly let the light guide him upwards.
Magrod watched as the light pulled Yisub away. The boy faded away in thin air, leaving for his next life.
“He’s gone,” he whispered.
Siwan slowly stopped chanting and lowered his head, murmuring a small prayer his mother had taught him long ago.
“Where will he go?” he asked. “To Purgatory?”
“Nah,” Junho replied. “He’ll go to Afterlife. I hope it’s a good place and he’s happy there.”
“This is all very strange,” Siwan muttered. “Afterlife, Purgatory and Hell. All these scary stories I’m hearing, yet they don’t scare me.”
“Why not?” Magrod asked curiously. “Hell is bad, ya know! You’ll be roasted like a live chicken with long sticks stuck right into your-“
“I don’t mean like that,” Siwan winced. “What I mean is…”
He was still staring at the salt circle but his mind was replaying the memories of his childhood. His father’s cruel face popped in front of him, scaring him a little bit.
“Even with all the bad things in Hell, it’s still better than the monsters who are living in this world,” he finally said.
Junho and Magrod did not know what to say to that. Siwan’s mask had slightly slipped and his true feelings about his father were seeping through. He hated that man for what he did and the single biggest fear in his life was that his father was going to come back someday.
“Let’s go,” he finally said.
Hobin was in his office, looking over his patient files but his mind was elsewhere. He was glancing at his clock every few seconds, waiting for it to strike at 6 PM. His heart was restless because he promised his Tinkerbell that he was going to take her out to an event that night.
It had been ages since they had a proper date and he never took her out at any fancy place. But that night was different. He was going to attend a medical charity ball which would be hosted by the Doctor’s Association, a prestigious group in the country’s medical field. It was an annual event where all the prominent doctors would gather and Hobin was invited. He could bring a date as well so he asked Jina.
She was flustered but instantly agreed. Hobin promised her that he was going to pick her up from their apartment that night.
“Three hours to go!” He whined. “This is lame!”
He leaned back on his chair, annoyed at the slow pacing of time. He was already imagining his cute Tinkerbell in a sexy gown.
“Is bro going to attend?” He wondered out loud. He took out his phone and called Siwan. The latter picked up after a few seconds.
“Yes, Hobin?” Siwan’s voice came from the other end.
“Bro, are you gonna attend tonight’s medical event?” Hobin asked. “I’m going there and so is Tinkerbell! What about you?”
There was silence on the other end. “I’m not so sure,” Siwan said hesitantly. “I don’t really feel like attending…”
“Oh come on! You’re the heir to the Kang family’s hospitals. You’ve got to attend!”
“Do you have a date?” Hobin pressed.
“I don’t-“
“Great! I’ll set you up on a blind date then!” Hobin exclaimed. He heard Siwan sigh on the other end.
“Another blind date? Last year, you set me up with that friend of yours and it was awkward!”
“What? She really liked you! In fact, she wanted another date.”
“She was nice but haughty about many things. I couldn’t connect to her at all. You’re terrible at setting people up on dates.”
Siwan still remembered that disastrous date. Hobin’s friend was pretty but too full of herself. She spoke with an arrogant tone and was more conscious about her image than about the people around her. Siwan was not a picky person but he knew any relationship they would enter was not going to last.
“I can set you up with someone better!” Hobin exclaimed. “Or do you have someone in mind?”
Siwan blinked. For some reason, the image of a short haired woman flashed in front of his eyes. It was a good thing that Hobin was not around otherwise he would have pestered Siwan over his blushing cheeks.
Why am I thinking of Jiwoon? He wondered.
“I…I don’t have anyone in mind!” Siwan claimed. “I just-“
“Great! I’ll set you up with someone then.”
When Siwan did not reply, Hobin said, “Bro, loosen up! We’ve been fighting ghosts and demons way too much. You need to have some fun. Just take someone to this event and have some fun. It’ll be good for us. Don’t you think we’re being way too stressed lately?”
Siwan sighed. Hobin was right. They were so focused on the dead that they almost stopped living.
“Fine,” he conceded. “You can set me up with someone.”
“Alright then! I’ll meet you at the event at 7 PM. I’ll also text your number to your date.”
“But who is she?” Siwan asked. “What’s her name?”
“Nuh uh! That’s a secret.”
Siwan had a strange feeling about this but he had no choice. Hobin was determined to set him up on a date and there was no escaping his brother’s insistence.
Hobin hung up the phone and smiled.
“Now all I need to do is arrange a date for bro!” he happily said.