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Jina was waiting outside the room for Hobin. She sent Jiwoon to the meeting room to brief the team on the murderer.
“He confessed,” Hobin told her. “He told me everything about how he killed Rachel and why he did it. The dog he used is probably roaming around the Song Mansion.”
“Jaebum already contacted animal control and they nabbed the dog for us,” she stated. “A vet is testing him and will send us the dog’s dental examination reports to match it with the marks on Rachel’s body.”
There was a long stretch of silence between them. Jina had seen and heard everything on the camera, including the part where the psychopath was baiting Hobin. The latter did not fall for it but Jina was curious about what Hobin was hiding.
It was not unusual for highly advanced criminals to psychologically manipulate their interrogators. Inexperienced officers often found it difficult to question the suspects and had to be monitored by senior officers. Hobin was a trained psychiatrist and was able to withstand the line of questioning.
However, she noticed that his face had hardened when Seokhyun was gloating about their similarities.
“You wanna grab a bite?” she offered. “You owe me a treat anyway.”
Before Hobin could reply, they heard a mini commotion coming from the Homicide Department. Jina frowned and they headed towards the source of the noise.
Several policemen were surrounding a pink haired youth, gushing over him.
“My daughter is a big fan of yours!” one of the officers claimed. “She loves all your songs so much! Can we take a selfie?”
“I-” Minyoon was at a loss of what to do. He was being bombarded by the cops who were asking for autographs and pictures while Junho was trying to push past them to find Jina.
“What the hell?” Jina scowled. “Of all the careers he could have chosen, he had to be an idol!”
She clambered to her desk and took out a whistle. The sound of the whistle made everyone turn around.
Everyone immediately scrambled back to their workstations. Hobin was merely watching, trying not to laugh at the grandfather and grandson who were flabbergasted. Minyoon looked as if he had just survived a storm. His pink hair was messy and his face paler than ever while Junho was scowling at the cops who gave them a hard time.
“Sis!” Minyoon exclaimed. “Thank goodness, we found you! We need to talk to the two of you.”
They looked very serious. Jina and Hobin glanced at each other before leading them to the empty break room.
“Sit,” Jina told them, pointing at the couch. “And tell me what happened?”
“We conducted a seance,” Junho revealed. “To summon Rachel.”
“A seance?” Hobin frowned. “Those things work?”
“For those of us who can’t see ghosts or poltergeists, we have to communicate with them through a seance,” Junho explained. “We summon them and ask them questions.”
“We called Rachel’s spirit last night,” Minyoon said. “And asked her why she’s still roaming around.”
“What did she say?” Jina asked, crossing her legs on the couch. “Did she give any clue?”
“After almost killing us with her psychotic storm,” Minyoon said. “She told us something about a page. We don’t know what it means. She only kept on repeating the word ‘page’ but didn’t tell us anything else.”
Hobin and Jina were shocked. “Are you sure she said a page?” Hobin asked.
“Yes!” Minyoon said. “I’m positive.”
“Did you guys find any page which might have been important to her?” Junho asked. “It’s the only clue we have. If we can burn the page, we can get rid of that poltergeist. Otherwise, she’ll keep on haunting everyone she hates.”
“Well…” Jina began. “We found a burn book which belonged to Rachel.”
She quickly summarized everything they found out about the burn book and how they arrested the real killer.
“But he said he doesn’t have the third missing page,” she concluded. “We looked for the page in the whole mansion but couldn’t find anything! It’s gone.”
“It’s not,” Junho insisted. “It’s still with someone. If a person tore it out, the page is with him or her. She’s looking for it and can be freed only if we can find that page! And I’m sure she’ll attack someone soon.”
“Who’s left?” Minyoon frowned. “She already sent her dad to a coma. Sera was attacked and so was I.”
“She doesn’t know where her mother’s lover lives,” Hobin said thoughtfully. “She doesn’t know who killed her so Seokhyun is safe behind bars.
“Unfortunately,” Junho muttered under his breath. “Should have skinned him alive first!”
“…The only one she didn’t attack yet…”
Jina let out a gasp. “She still didn’t attack her mother!” she exclaimed. “Seohyun!”
Siwan was in Soobin’s ward with Yoonmin. Miyoo was sleeping on the couch, tired after last night. Soobin was looking down, feeling ashamed of her lie.
“I’m sorry,” she mumbled. “I didn’t want to trouble anyone.”
“You’re living alone in a big city!” Siwan gently scolded her. “It’s not safe for a teenager to live like this. What if something happened to you?”
“I know,” Soobin said. “I just didn’t want to worry anyone. I can really live on my own-“
“No!” Yoonmin said sharply. “We can’t let you live like this! You’ll worry us more if you stay alone.”
Soobin lowered her head in shame. She just wanted to work and study well at Dalton High.
“Why did you enter Dalton High?” Siwan asked. “You could’ve entered a high school in your hometown.”
“If you’re that crazy for your idol, you could’ve just attended his concerts,” Yoonmin added, feeling a little jealous of his brother for unintentionally gaining Soobin’s favor.
“I didn’t join the school for Minmin!” she snapped at him. “I entered Dalton High because it’s the only school which has a specialized medical college I can apply to after I graduate! Applicants from Dalton High get early acceptance. If I can study hard this year, I can apply next year and get it before my classmates. Also, the recommendation from a renowned psychiatrist is good for my record. So I’m working extra hours at Doctor Ohm’s office.”
Yoonmin wanted to curse himself for letting his mouth run. Once again, he let his jealousy get in the way and it was only ruining his chances with-
Wait, he frowned to himself. What chances? I’m just looking out for my customer. That’s all!
Aloud he said, “But you can’t live alone. You’ll have to live with a guardian.”
“I’m talking to her,” Siwan told him, wary of the boy’s obvious crush on the girl. He turned to Soobin and added, “You can live in my mansion. There are maids and butlers who will take care of you all the time. You won’t be alone there. Moreover, I’ll take over as your guardian here. A minor will need someone to look after their wellbeing. If the police find out, they might force you to move back.”
“But…” Soobin trailed off. “I can’t afford to live in a mansion.”
Siwan smiled and patted her head. “You don’t have to pay rent. If you can get into college next year, I’ll consider that as payment. Okay?”
“I won’t give up my part time jobs!” Soobin stated.
“Fine but return within the curfew,” Siwan said. “And you gotta study. Got it?”
Soobin broke into a wide smile. She knew that Siwan was Doctor Ohm’s brother and a kind person so she was safe with him.
“Okay!” she nodded. “I’ll stay at your place! Thank you, Doctor Ohm’s big bro! Can I also call you big bro?”
“S-sure,” Siwan said. I sure am adopting way too many siblings, he sighed inwardly.
But he was glad that his family was increasing a little again. He smiled at the girl who was as lively as ever.
“You should go home and pack,” he said. “I’ll send my driver to pick you up from the hospital and he’ll help you pack up. Okay?”
Soobin nodded while Yoonmin merely shrugged. He was still sulking over why Soobin could not just move into their condo.
“Doctor Kang!”
All of them looked around to see a nurse panting.
“What happened, nurse?” Siwan asked.
“Doctor Kang…It’s Song Yohan,” she gasped. Song Yohan is missing!”
“Missing?” Siwan exclaimed. “How? He’s in a coma!”
“He woke up this morning,” the nurse revealed. “When I went to call the doctor, he slipped out of bed and left!”
All three of them were shocked. Yoonmin was now thinking hard. If Song Yohan went missing then he was in danger!
“We must tell this to sis,” he said. “Now!”