“That’s a Gashadokuro?! I can’t believe my eyes!”
Gashadokuro, in Japanese Mythology, they’re gigantic Skeleton Yokai, made from up from the skeletons and bones of hundreds of people that died from terrible things. Usually starvation, in a war, or anything tragic. They’re powerful and enormous, and it is said on its original myth that they once ravaged Kyoto.
Usually, they’re beings of pure hatred and embodiments of destruction and revenge, who only live to destroy everything at their step to appease the agonizing memories it possesses from all those that made them.
Matsuo’s expression as he saw the gigantic skeleton wasn’t beyond Frank or Harumi’s expectations, seeing how he was such a Yokai freak, he was thrilled to see such a powerful, huge Yokai such as a Gashadokuro out of nowhere.
The Gashadokuro opened his giant skeletal jaws and gathered phantasmal flames, which it quickly released, attempting to burn them first before crushing them with his giant bony fists.
The flames spread across the wooden labyrinthian house, as Matsuo, Harumi, and Frank ran away as quickly as they could from the incoming phantasmal inferno!
“They’re phantom flames! Don’t let them touch you! Your body won’t be burned that much but your soul will be burned greatly!” Matsuo said.
“I know, I know!” Harumi sighed, quickly conjuring several droplets of blood coming from a self-inflicted wound in the palm of her hand, which she made rotate around rapidly.
Then, she sent them flying towards the Gashadokuro’s jaws, before they suddenly began to grow larger and inflate until…
“{Blood Explosion}!”
Three powerful crimson explosions engulfed the giant skeleton’s bony jaws, blowing them away and abruptly stopping the giant yokai from releasing his flames.
The giant skeleton cried in pain, grabbing its own face in confusion. It seemed that despite being made out of bones, when their bones broke it hurt for them.
“It stopped! Now! Matsuo, Frank! Bombard it!”
Harumi gave them the opportunity and they didn’t waste it, as Matsuo conjured a bright sphere of light resembling a miniature sun.
“Oh Goddess of the Sun, Amaterasu-No-Kami! Grant to me a speck of your sunshine brilliance!” roared Matsuo.
“{Divine Miniature Sun: Mabushi Tatyo}!”
The small sun reached the Gashadokuro, blowing up its left arm and shoulders and covering half of its body on deadly divine flames of the sun.
As it screamed in agony, it suddenly conjured his deadly curses, releasing countless of monstrous specters from his body, black colored ghosts.
By merely being closer to them, the trio felt their Mana being rapidly drained!
“Ruby! Take care of them!”
Frank rushed forward as Ruby roared, firing several fireballs against the ghosts, blowing them up one after another.
At the same time, Frank conjured his magic at once, fusing several skills at the same time
once more.
“That thing can endlessly conjure those cursed ghosts, and it seems its bones are slowly regenerating too! We have to shot it with something potent!” he thought. “Okay, will this
Suddenly, a mass of gray mana gathered in his hand, rapidly transforming into a huge spear of gray mana, as if it were made of empty air.
With it, he quickly combined it with dirt, the dirt was rapidly enhanced, hardened, and hardened again until it became as hard as steel.
Next, he encompassed the giant spear with winds, rapidly swirling around it.
And lastly, he conjured the Domain Creation Skill, and gathered the domain at the spear’s tip, concentrating it until it became a tiny white spot.
“This is my strongest so far! Take it!”
He had to give it a name, just like he named Ruby and granted her powers, and much more…
“I’ll give you a mythical name!”
It was an ability he had never used smartly before, but that now, after having had all those dreams, learned its true power.
“{Demon-Slaying Spear: Gae Bulg}!”
The spear suddenly started to change completely, becoming pitch black and dark blue colored, with a crimson-colored blade-like tip.
Frank gathered more of his Mana Aura into the spear and fired it at lightning speed while Harumi, Ruby, and Matsuo fought the endless wave of cursed spirit ghosts.
The giant skeleton quickly clashed against the spear with his giant claws, attempting to stop
it with his hands…
Crack, crack…!
His hands broke apart into countless pieces, as the spear continued its trajectory piercing his massive skull and shattering its Yokai Core into tiny fragments.
The giant skeleton screamed, as it began falling apart into pieces. The cursed ghostly spirits dissipated instantly as well, the gigantic Yokai was dead!
As it collapsed, Harumi and Matsuo glanced at Frank with disbelief. They couldn’t believe to
see what he did.
Frank walked towards the large hole where the Gashadokuro appeared and glanced at the spear he had created temporarily.
“I gave it a mythical name, and it gained a speck of that mythical weapon’s power…” Frank gasped. “It truly worked… Can I retrieve it? Maybe I could- Ah.”
However, to his disappointment, the spear quickly dissipated into ashes and disappeared.
“You possess a Naming ability of such power?!” Harumi wondered, gasping in disbelief. “I
had no idea…”
“Me neither, really,” said Matsuo, noticing Harumi’s angered glare. “Even though it was a cheap magical imitation, by naming that magical spear it somehow gained its appearance… Is
it still there?!”
“Nah it’s gone,” said Frank. “But yeah, I have a Magical Naming ability… though it’s costly in Mana when used… This is honestly the first time I did this though… I’m also surprised it
“You literally manifested a fragment of a powerful Mythical Treasure,” said Harumi. “It’s not
something any normal person, be it mage or whatever, could ever do… Just who are you,
“I… I’m just a normal guy, really,” Frank smiled. “I think…”