(Kireina’s POV)
While we were here trying to find a way out, we decided to at least enjoy the many luxuries of Modern Japan Tokyo, which seemed to be the entirety of this Dungeon… World… Dream… whatever Dimension thing this was.
I think it was somehow a combination of all these things and also none at the same time. Certainly, it was the first time I was seeing something of this caliber.
So we wouldn’t get swallowed completely by this “Imaginary World”, we decided to always, or most of the time, remain together, we went outside to eat, did some shopping, and we learned more about our positions here.
Apparently we were even assigned houses, and even families, people we had no idea of but that treated us as their daughters… it was bizarre, but still, they kind of resembled me.
Perhaps it was like an idealized family deep within my subconscious. Maybe a “What if” I was reborn as a normal high schooler with friends and a family that loved me instead of a caterpillar that had to fight, evolve, and commit atrocities to survive a horribly dangerous world.
Right now, we were currently enjoying some milkshake in a local cafeteria, with some muffins, sandwiches, and donuts. The day was beautiful, the wind was cold and nice, and the
sun was warm.
Honestly, maybe we all needed a little break. I know the situation might be dire, but it’ll take time to get it done, so we might as well take that time we have to just sit around idly to enjoy our lives, right?
And with my wives here, I was quite happy we could spend some time together while chilling, and enjoying the things of this world.
“Uwaah! The phones of this world are sure different!” said Rimuru. “So many different games to play! Ahh! Masta, can I add you as my friend in Boom Royale?”
“Ah, sure… I haven’t installed that one yet though,” I said, drinking my cookies and cream milkshake and finishing off my strawberry muffin. “Alright, let me see…”
As I was checking my phone, suddenly…
Something within the phone of Amiphossia started ringing, an app.
“Ah, my Summoned Spirit died,” she sighed.
“Oh?” I wondered. “You mean Koga Saburo?”
“Yeah it was either him or the giant snake, but I’m saving him for later,” said Nesiphae. “He was one of the more loyal of the two… But don’t worry, he got some of the job done. Frank has certainly begun to doubt what’s going on. I think he even remembered some things. He might become suspicious of us tomorrow.”
“Ah, well! That’s nice though!” I smiled, nodding. “Well done dear, you’ve done enough.”
“Keeping the contract with that Cursed Spirit wasn’t that easy,” she groaned. “It sure drained me out of my energies… Whatever this Imaginary World is, it is ruled by several rules and laws that are incredibly strong. It is truly as if it were a world, not just an illusion. The “History of Humanity” or whatever, is annoying.”
“The “Subconscious of Humanity”?” wondered Zehe. “Well, it is the strongest force lingering within this Imaginary World, a perfect copy of what we believe to be “Earth” the planet where Frank originated from.”
“To think he could copy a fragment of a world of such caliber, and even its laws and a piece of its core itself…” said Lilith, groaning. “Okay, who’s next though? I kind of want to give it a go! I got myself a pretty interesting guy!”
“Hmm, we could resolve this with rock paper scissors, how about it?” I asked them.
My wives looked at one another slightly annoyed, but they ended accepting, playing around until…
“Huh? I can’t believe I won…” Brontes ended winning, she looked confused and a bit surprise. “So uh, how do I do this? I use this app, right? I haven’t contracted anything yet.”
“Seriously Brontes, nothing at all?” wondered Nesiphae. “Come on, I bet you’ll end up picking up something crazy… Let’s see, click there, and then infuse your energy into the phone.”
These phones might be normal ones that we came with, but I’ve modified them through my powers and turned them into Cosmic Egos capable of channeling the power of this Imaginary World and create Maxima Summons based in their “Roots”.
It wasn’t so hard because I am simply relying on the Imaginary World itself to do everything, without applying any strange rule or power outside of the norm, aside from turning the phones into Cosmic Egos, which can be easily mitigated by making them weak and with the only ability to summon.
This ability manifests in the power of a simple app, once more easily fitting into the “theme” of this Imaginary World. Therefore, once everything is done, the app will call upon this Imaginary World’s “Roots” and call upon the Spirits of beings that are compatible with us which we can summon as Maxima Summons.
Or well, as “Yokai”, which is another method I’ve done, modifying the core structure of Maxima Summons so they can fit this Imaginary World.
Of course, merely energy is not enough, you also have to offer these spirits something in return, power, or a new body, something like that.
Koga Saburo was someone that Nesiphae was able to summon, his wish was to be granted a physical body, something easy we could do for him once he finished his deal.
We spied Frank using like butterflies I spread around the city, and followed where he was going. Then, we planted Koga Saburo in that Corrupted Domain, turning him into the Domain
Lord by default.
Unfortunately he died… Frank was stronger than we thought, but that’s fine too! He did his work well at the end of the day.
“Oh! I got something! It’s… Hm? What is this guy?”
Brontes seemed surprised, she finally got a Spirit she could contract and summon.
“What is it?” I wondered.
“It’s… well, I guess it’s compatible with my elements,” she said. “Hm, but I thought it would be something eviler… Would he be okay with doing the task we’re going to ask him to do?”
“As long as you offer him what he wants, I’m sure they’ll do it,” said Zehe. “Or well, as long as
they try, it’s enough.”
“Alright then…”
Brontes touched the phone screen, infusing her energy to summon this being.