Esper Harem in the Apocalypse Novel

Esper Harem in the Apocalypse Novel
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"Farming wives in the apocalypse." Getting a wife is possible. Getting Wives is hard. And in the apocalypse, it's impossible. But what if you have superpowers that allow you to do anything? I mean everything!
Rudy was optimistic, handsome, and blessed with knowledge. He topped every exam with minimal effort and got into his first choice university. Growing up in a low-class family, he had to do what it took to be a successful person. So he focused on his studies and aced the university.
When he was in his last year, dozens of famous companies wanted to recruit him. He had a bright future waiting for him. However, he got into an accident on the day of his graduation.
He was left crippled at the age of 23, and all his hard work was in vain. He had to break up with his girlfriend of 5 years, his friends stopped visiting him, and his family was working hard to pay his medical fees.
One night, when he was staring at the ceiling like countless other nights, a mysterious man visited him. He said he was from an organization that was working on the ‘gene experiment.’
The man offered Rudy a chance to live his life again, but if he died in the experiment, he promised to give Rudy’s family a huge amount of money. It was a win-win situation for Rudy as he had nothing else to lose.
However, after months of experiments, nothing happened. Rudy was left alone to die in the middle of nowhere. As he was taking his last breaths, he recalled everything he had done in his life, and he remembered all he did was work hard to have a bright future, which he never got a chance to experience.
“If I knew this would happen to me, I would have lived a better life.”
Left with regret and despair, Rudy died. But when he opened his eyes again, he found himself in his high school. He later learned that the experiment was successful, and he had become an esper with all the psychic abilities.
“I will live every moment of my life to the fullest!” he shouted during the class and dashed out of the classroom.
However, there was a catch. The world was different from what he used to live. It was a post-apocalyptic world in a parallel universe, where his superpowers were going to help him dominate the world.
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Chapter List
- Chapter 1 - Superpowers In The Apocalypse
- Chapter 2 - Telepathy And Superhuman Strength
- Chapter 3 - Superhuman Speed And The Abandoned Tunnel
- Chapter 4 - Getting A Job
- Chapter 5 - Psychokinesis | Telekinesis
- Chapter 6 - Mental Strength
- Chapter 7 - See Through
- Chapter 8 - Death Flags
- Chapter 9 - Flight
- Chapter 10 - Breakdown
- Chapter 11 - Rebecca
- Chapter 12 - The Super Gene Experiment
- Chapter 13 - The History Of The Abandoned Tunnel And The Ghost Girl
- Chapter 14 - Ghost Girl
- Chapter 15 - [Bonus ] The Birth Of A God
- Chapter 16 - Reoccurring Fear
- Chapter 17 - [Bonus ] Culture Crisis
- Chapter 18 - Relaxing Bath
- Chapter 19 - [Bonus ] Taming The Ghost Girl
- Chapter 20 - Lethal Protector
- Chapter 21 - Childhood Friend
- Chapter 22 - Right Choices
- Chapter 23 - [Bonus ] Possessed | Teased By The Ghost
- Chapter 24 - Reasons To Go Harem Route
- Chapter 25 - [Bonus ] A Ghost Girl's Mouth*
- Chapter 26 - Post Nut Clarity
- Chapter 27 - Rize
- Chapter 28 - Evil Resolution
- Chapter 29 - Caught In The Act
- Chapter 30 - Strange Anomaly
- Chapter 31 - Looking For Girlfriend
- Chapter 32 - My Ghost Girl
- Chapter 33 - Evil Resolution (ii)
- Chapter 34 - Beings Of Night
- Chapter 35 - [Bonus ] Mommy's Boy
- Chapter 36 - Angelica's Prowess**
- Chapter 37 - Moaning Angelica**
- Chapter 38 - Not So Usual Morning
- Chapter 39 - Flirting With Alice
- Chapter 40 - A Sudden Development