Favored By The Villain Novel

Favored By The Villain Novel
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Levisia, the 15th daughter of Kraiden, saw memories of her previous life for the two weeks she was unconscious.
Discovering her world was from a book, she was overcome with shock.
Her fate was to die in the fight between Kraiden’s successors, and so, not wanting to be caught in her demise, she decided to leave the palace in secret.
But the successors, who would bring blood in the country, began to take interest in her.
And it wasn’t the end of the ordeal… Levisia entered her servant’s room and discovered a familiar wig.
Dark red hair and golden eyes? Oh my god! He was the one who would wipe out the empire in the future!
Can Levisia quietly get out of the palace?
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6 Latest Chapters
Chapter List
- Chapter 0 - Prologue
- Chapter 1 - The Nameless Empress
- Chapter 2 - Fleeing From Death
- Chapter 3 - Announcement
- Chapter 4 - Peculiar Pell
- Chapter 5 - A Prince Beloved
- Chapter 6 - Puss In Boots
- Chapter 7 - A Mad Dog’s Pretense
- Chapter 8 - Upturned Hierarchy
- Chapter 9 - Levisia’s Garden
- Chapter 10 - As Wild Flowers Leave A Scent
- Chapter 11 - The Prince Under The Sun
- Chapter 12 - As If Entranced
- Chapter 13 - Comes The Curious Romeo
- Chapter 14 - Mystifying Fairy Tree
- Chapter 15 - Wolf And The Fox
- Chapter 16 - Rivals
- Chapter 17 - The White Rabbit
- Chapter 18 - Further Into The Forest
- Chapter 19 - Lest Our Fates Intertwine
- Chapter 20 - If Grace Walks
- Chapter 21 - Hidden No Longer
- Chapter 22 - Passing Storm
- Chapter 23 - Strange Tingles
- Chapter 24 - Still No Change
- Chapter 25 - Becoming Prey
- Chapter 26 - Curiosity Ignites Within Kingdoms
- Chapter 27 - In A Somber Palace
- Chapter 28 - Miracle By An Untold Princess
- Chapter 29 - The Sun As Red As Blood
- Chapter 30 - Levisia’s Unruly Sanctuary
- Chapter 31 - Accidental Discovery
- Chapter 32 - Hidden Right Under The Enemy’s Nose
- Chapter 33 - Thrown In The Dragon’s Den
- Chapter 34 - Another Visitor Arrives At Night
- Chapter 35 - Levisia’s Doom
- Chapter 36 - One Unspoken Truth
- Chapter 37 - Tempted
- Chapter 38 - Unyielding Spirits
- Chapter 39 - An Agonizing, Sleepless Night