Ferocious Boss: Hubby, Let’s Get Married Novel

Ferocious Boss: Hubby, Let’s Get Married Novel
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Yan Qingsi was a woman so captivating that she could change the lives of anyone she crossed paths with. Shunned, shamed, and abused by her family, they wanted nothing more than to see her turn up dead. She had other plans though — she was determined to exact revenge on all who have wronged her, and her main target was her own blood. The first step in her quest for revenge? Seducing Yue Tingfeng — the richest, handsomest man in Luo City, who also happened to be her aunt’s fiancé. Vengeance aside, she also seeks a change of fortune by pursuing a career in acting. Throughout Yan Qingsi’s journey, there will be murders and mayhem aplenty as she paves her way to movie stardom while eliminating her enemies one after the other!
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6 Latest Chapters
Chapter List
- Chapter 1 - You Plotted Against Me, So I’m Taking Your Man (I)
- Chapter 2 - You Plotted Against Me, So I’m Taking Your Man (II)
- Chapter 3 - You Plotted Against Me, So I’m Taking Your Man (III)
- Chapter 4 - You Plotted Against Me, So I’m Taking Your Man (IV)
- Chapter 5 - You Plotted Against Me, So I’m Taking Your Man (V)
- Chapter 6 - You Plotted Against Me, So I’m Taking Your Man (VI)
- Chapter 7 - You Plotted Against Me, So I’m Taking Your Man (VII)
- Chapter 8 - I’m Using Your Man (I)
- Chapter 9 - I’m Using Your Man (II)
- Chapter 10 - I’m Using Your Man (III)
- Chapter 11 - I’m Using Your Man (IV)
- Chapter 12 - I, Yan Qingsi, Am Back (I)
- Chapter 13 - I, Yan Qingsi, Am Back (II)
- Chapter 14 - Oh? You’re Interested In Me? (I)
- Chapter 15 - Oh? You’re Interested In Me? (II)
- Chapter 16 - Oh? You’re Interested In Me? (III)
- Chapter 17 - This Kiss Is A Thank You Gift (I)
- Chapter 18 - This Kiss Is A Thank You Gift (II)
- Chapter 19 - This Kiss Is A Thank You Gift (III)
- Chapter 20 - I Remember That Scent (I)
- Chapter 21 - I Remember That Scent! 2
- Chapter 22 - I Remember That Scent! 3
- Chapter 23 - I Remember That Scent!
- Chapter 24 - I Remember That Scent! 5
- Chapter 25 - I’m Nothing but A Slut in His Eyes 1
- Chapter 26 - I’m Nothing but A Slut in His Eyes 2
- Chapter 27 - I Want to Slaughter Yue Tingfeng! 1
- Chapter 28 - I Want to Slaughter Yue Tingfeng! 2
- Chapter 29 - Ignoring Him Was the Best Option 1
- Chapter 30 - Ignoring Him Was the Best Option 2
- Chapter 31 - Because I Can’t Bear To Part With Young Master Yue! 1
- Chapter 32 - Because I Can’t Bear To Part With Young Master Yue! 2
- Chapter 33 - Mr. Yue Is Hardcore
- Chapter 34 - Her Man Was Nothing
- Chapter 35 - This Brazen Little Minx
- Chapter 36 - Just Why Aren’t You His Type?
- Chapter 37 - Who Is That Wh*re?
- Chapter 38 - Quite The Bite She Has
- Chapter 39 - The F*cking Couple On The Balcony
- Chapter 40 - A Pie That Fell From The Sky!