Forty Millenniums of Cultivation Novel

Source: Qidian International
Forty Millenniums of Cultivation Novel
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“Even if this universe is truly nothing more than a brutal bloody shadowy forest, we Cultivators will burn all that we have just to give off a single weak flickering spark in the darkness!
No matter how weak each spark is, how short-lived, how small… As long as the sparks flow unabated, then one day one of those sparks will light some tinder, and that tinder shall light some fallen branches, and those branches shall set ablaze each and every last tree of the forest!
In the end, even the smallest sparks will eventually set the shadowy forest ablaze, and illuminate the whole world!”
In a world teeming with cultivators, Li Yao, who makes his living collecting scrap metal, encounters the soul of a titan powerhouse from forty thousand years in the past.
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6 Latest Chapters
Chapter List
- Chapter 1: Artifact Graveyard
- Chapter 2: Hologram Projector
- Chapter 3: The Uncanny Dream
- Chapter 4: Fiend Blade Peng Hai
- Chapter 5: Exam Simulation
- Chapter 6: The Great Dark Age
- Chapter 7: Second's School Goddess
- Chapter 8: Repairing a Crystal Processor
- Chapter 9: Salted Fish and Shoes
- Chapter 10: Possessed by a Ghost
- Chapter 11: As if a Dream
- Chapter 12: Ecstatic Enough to Fly
- Chapter 13: Reincarnation of a Glutton
- Chapter 14: Little Border of Hidden Lake
- Chapter 15: Audacious
- Chapter 16: One Strip of Sea Cucumber
- Chapter 17: Aunty of the Ghost Market
- Chapter 18: Strengthening Drug
- Chapter 19: Militant Wolf Slayers
- Chapter 20: A Man Doing Body Exercises
- Chapter 21: Dividing Four By Zero
- Chapter 22: Fed Until Satisfaction
- Chapter 23: Eating Without Discrimination
- Chapter 24: A Leap of Advancement
- Chapter 25: The Iron Beast, A Storm Arrives
- Chapter 26: Someone Fiercer Arrives
- Chapter 27: Actually, He's the Fiercest
- Chapter 28: Of Course He Needs to be Aggressive
- Chapter 29: Fiend Blade Forger
- Chapter 30: You Are So Arrogant~
- Chapter 31: I'm No Salted Fish!
- Chapter 32: He's a Monster!
- Chapter 33: A Night of Unbearable Pain
- Chapter 34: A Savage Beast Emerges From its Cage
- Chapter 35: The Hour of Intense Battle
- Chapter 36: Li Yao Enters the Field!
- Chapter 37: Treading Tiger Strike 7 Murdering-Hit Combo!
- Chapter 38: Slaying the Way to Devil Dragon Island
- Chapter 39: The World Of Cultivation, Is as Vast as the Skies and Seas!
- Chapter 40: The Different Types of Cultivators