Great Demon King Novel

Great Demon King Novel
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“If I don’t die… I swear I will act on all my evil thoughts..”
Not exactly everyone’s typical thought when they’re about to die. What will a cowardly young man do when reincarnated with the evil powers to redefine his destiny? Can the natural kindness of human nature triumph over evil? Will he become the cold-blooded demon king of legend, or will he forge his own path and rain down another kind of terror?
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Chapter List
- prologue
- Chapter 1: From the depths of the grave
- Chapter 2: The Uncultured are Scary
- Chapter 3: From Idiot to Crazy
- Chapter 4: Chest as Flat as Bread
- Chapter 5: How Is That Called Stealing?
- Chapter 6: I’ll Get Her One Day
- Chapter 7: Using Methods Used to Refine Demonic Treasures to Refine Skeletons
- Chapter 8: The Infallible Seven-Winged Skeleton
- Chapter 9: He’s really screwed this time
- Chapter 10: A demon practitioner does as he wishes
- Chapter 11: This time, it’s a club
- Chapter 12: Poking one’s nose into other people’s business
- Chapter 13: Mystical Glacial Spellfire
- Chapter 14: Took care of it in advance
- Chapter 15: I’m rich, I’m rich
- Chapter 16: A lot of people are hitting me
- Chapter 17: An evil, honest grin
- Chapter 18: Please let us off the hook
- Chapter 19: I like you
- Chapter 20: Don’t touch the teacher’s butt
- Chapter 21: It really wasn’t me
- Chapter 22: Earn Some Spending Money
- Chapter 23: This kid’s a bit strong
- Chapter 24: First bucket of gold
- Chapter 25: Pain and Happiness
- Chapter 26: Entering a demonic mental state
- Chapter 27: Hot damn, I’m awesome!
- Chapter 28: City of Zajoski
- Chapter 29: The feeling of contempt
- Chapter 30: A tantalizing moment on the back of a battle steed
- Chapter 31: You’re a magical genius!
- Chapter 32: Small accomplishments in magic
- Chapter 33: A small magic trial
- Chapter 34: Subconscious changes
- Chapter 35: Prepare to fight
- Chapter 36: The calm of an errand boy
- Chapter 37: Ferocious Han Shuo
- Chapter 38: Another coolie
- Chapter 39: Making fun of the earth rider