Heir of Aurelian Novel

Heir of Aurelian Novel
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The year is 407 AD and Rome is at the precipice. In the West, a usurper by the name of Flavius Claudius Constantinus has declared himself emperor. By doing this, he and his traitor legions have fractured the Western Roman Empire into two. At the same time, the north bleeds! Countless germans swarm across the borders of the Empire and pillage its lands in their ruthless raids. Alaric, King of the Goths, rises to a position of prominence and threatens the ancient capital of the dying Empire with his barbarian hordes. As if things weren't bad enough, rumors from the east state that a mysterious power rises within the fogs of war, threatening to drown the Empire in a river of blood.
As a response to these threats, the indolent emperor Honorius has given orders to his supreme commander Flavius Stilicho to reclaim the province of Gaul from the usurper. However, should he leave the heartland of the Empire undefended, undoubtedly Alaric would invade. Thus, under the threat of barbarians at the gates, Stilicho dispatches a young roman general by the name of Titus Claudius Marcellus to bring an end to the reign of the usurper. Will Rome fall to the tides of barbarians and traitors alike? Or can Marcellus restore a world collapsing around him? Find out in Heir of Aurelian!
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Chapter List
- Chapter 1 Reincarnation
- Chapter 2 No Time for Celebration
- Chapter 3 Preparing for an Invasion
- Chapter 4 Enemy Ambush
- Chapter 5 A Savage Duel
- Chapter 6 Arriving on the Borders of Valence
- Chapter 7 The Siege of Valence Part I
- Chapter 8 The Siege of Valence part II
- Chapter 9 The Aftermath
- Chapter 10 An Unholy Alliance is Brokered
- Chapter 11 Fighting in the Fields Part I
- Chapter 12 Fighting in the Fields Part II
- Chapter 13 The Usurper's Response
- Chapter 14 A Horrific Defeat
- Chapter 15 A Dark Day in the History of the Empire
- Chapter 16 Hell Hath no Fury...
- Chapter 17 Escaping Bondage
- Chapter 18 Returning Home
- Chapter 19 Slaughtering the Bagaudae
- Chapter 20 Strange Dreams
- Chapter 21 The Indolent Emperor Honorius
- Chapter 22 The Emperor's Sister
- Chapter 23 Rebuking an Emperor
- Chapter 24 Negotiating on Behalf of a Prisoner
- Chapter 25 An Act of Humiliation
- Chapter 26 Fall From Grace
- Chapter 27 Arriving at the Border
- Chapter 28 Assuming Control
- Chapter 29 Changing the Course of Warfare
- Chapter 30 A New Era of Cavalry
- Chapter 31 Echoes of a Forthcoming War
- Chapter 32 Last Night on Earth
- Chapter 33 A Simple Act of Deterrence
- Chapter 34 A Mass Desertion
- Chapter 35 Agricultural Advancements
- Chapter 36 Sudden Changes
- Chapter 37 Procuring Arms for the Limitanei
- Chapter 38 A Day in the Life of Flavius Stilicho
- Chapter 39 A Tough Decision
- Chapter 40 Border Raid