After settling in, the three people in the beach home gathered for dinner. Taiki cooked a simple meal with bland, but nutritious dishes. The food was a testament to the discipline of the upright man. It lacked extravagance.
For Akira, the food was good, but she missed eating like usual.
As a chef, she did not look down on simple food, but she was also used to having delicacies that stimulated her taste buds. She wanted spice and everything nice. But she could not have those for a long time to come.
She sighed as she ate the steamed vegetables.
“You can have heavier food after you get well.” Kaito noticed her sadness. “Right now, you are still recuperating, so we have to follow the diet plan recommended by the doctor. I will take you to see the restaurants on the island once you are well.”
Kaito spoke like a qualified tour guide. In a way, he was quite familiar with Martial Island and Martial City. He had lived in it for a while, even though it was a prison at the time. He could not believe that the place he wanted to escape had given him a second chance at life.
“Alright,” Akira said.
The meal continued in silence, but it was not unenjoyable. There was a sense of normalcy and comfort for the three of them. In a rare moment of unusual behaviour, Taiki spoke up.
“Akira, I have been wondering about something. What was the failsafe code for the bomb, and how did you figure it out?” He asked.
“Uncle!” Kaito warned in that single word.
He did not want to remind Akira of the most traumatic event of her life. She was adjusting well after her coma, but it was still important to give her a safe and warm environment to recuperate. Speaking of the past could set her back.
Akira smiled and placed her hand on Kaito’s. “It is alright.”
Kaito was doubtful, but he did not say anything more. Akira turned back to Taiki with some amusement as she looked back to the moment before everything went to hell.
“It was not a difficult guess.” She said. “The clue was that the matter had to do with the original Bonnie and Clyde, the two people in Floating Pavilion and the Crystal Plaza. I did not know much about Bonnie and Clyde, so I searched their history online.”
Taiki was caught up in the story. Even Kaito was enraptured. At the time, Akira did not tell him the code even though they were standing together. She did not want the two people to find out she had figured it out, so she sent a message to the CAB.
“Of course, that did not give me an answer. I decided to look into the background of the Crystal Plaza. I found from past government records that the former structure in the spot was demolished. I reached to a guess that the original structure must have meant something to them.” Akira continued.
“Why the original and not the new one?” Taiki asked.
“If they cared about the new building, they would probably not try to bomb it. I also found the placement of the bomb a little strange. Considering the measures the two of them took to prevent the removal of the bomb, it would not have mattered where they placed the explosive.” She said.
“The logical choice would be to put the bomb in the basement. If the bomb exploded in the basement, it would guarantee the removal of the entire Crystal Plaza. So, they definitely did not want to get rid of everything.”
Kaito nodded. “I found it odd when I learned the placement of the bomb. I thought that they wanted to reduce the probability of the bomb being found quickly, but it seemed unnecessary because they took a lot of precautions in the explosion construction.”
Akira continued. “I also thought about how the placement of the bomb would still not protect the rest of the building. I surmised that the decision was probably an emotional one. Or it was a statement. They wanted to protect or commemorate something through the Crystal Plaza.”
“I looked at the history and found the different types of businesses that were run before the building was demolished. I figured that Bonnie and Clyde probably met in the former Crystal Plaza or at least, they used to go there a lot.”
Akira smiled. “After a quick review, the only answer was that they used to go to the café in the building. The other businesses in the building did not seem like they would be romantic spots. With that, I was able to make my deduction.”
Taiki’s eyes were deep as he thought about this explanation. Kaito was not so patient.
“Continue. I am not going to figure it out.” Kaito said without a hint of embarrassment.
Akira laughed. “Based on the records, when Bonnie and Clyde met, Bonnie was making hot chocolate. My general conjecture is that they used to go to the café to drink hot chocolate together. Of course, that is my assumption based on presented facts.”
“So, the failsafe code was ‘hot chocolate’?” Kaito asked with amusement.
Akira rolled her eyes. “Do you think that if you had a bomb on hand and it was about to blow, you would have a chance to input all that?”
Taiki’s eyes lit up. “The code was cocoa.”
“Elementary, my dear Watson,” Akira said. “I thought it would be a numerical code based on this answer. But it turned out that the two were so confident that they did not bother to encrypt the word into a number.”
“My wife is so smart.” Kaito stretched a hand and rubbed the soft black hair which had grown long during the coma.
Akira’s cheeks became a little red with pleasure at the compliment. It was not that hard to figure out the code, but the risk was significant. If she had gotten it wrong, someone from the bomb squad would have probably died or sustained serious injuries.
She was happy to hear the praise from someone who cared for her.
“So, what else happened when I was out?” She asked.
Kaito scowled. “That dreadful Agent Larsen got a promotion again. He put an end to Watch by discovering their location during the bomb threat. That guy knows how to take advantage of a disaster.”
Akira laughed. “What else?”
Kaito continued telling her about the countless things that happened in the aftermath, including the rise in fame of the girl who was forced to stream the terrible event.. Even though she was miles away from Mountain Ridge and on an unknown island, she felt the warmth of home.