When Hu Lei and Zhong Feng went into the house, they found Zhong Tian and Chu Ling drinking tea in the living room. Their demeanour was dignified and austere as usual. Hu Lei did not hold any grudges over the past issues.
However, she was still not close to them.
“Mother, Father, good evening.” She greeted calmly.
She had gotten used to using a formal tone when talking to them, just like Zhong Feng. It was a little amusing for her to try to emulate Ah-Feng’s mannerisms. However, she was never disrespectful to them since they were her in-laws.
“Xiao Lei, we thought that you were not around.” Chu Ling said with a smile.
“I was just working out a little. It is important to maintain good health.” Hu Lei responded.
If Beatrice heard the casual words, she would be mad. It was obviously life and death training. Even though Hu Lei never attacked, her stamina and ability to dodge was a testament to her abilities.
“That is quite true.” Chu Ling said. “I just recently joined a new yoga class. You should join me sometime. But I must warn you, it is quite challenging.”
“I look forward to your invitation.” Hu Lei nodded politely, even though she was sure that the class would probably be too easy for her.
“How about we make a date for next week?” Chu Ling asked.
She wanted to try to build a better relationship with Hu Lei. They got along well, but she was envious of her friends who were close with their daughters or daughters-in-law. She had both, yet she was always alone during outings.
Zhong Mian had started a new business, so she was busy. She spent her spare time with Kong Ou and his daughter, being the perfect stepmother. She did not show up for dinners at the old house frequently, except for special occasions.
As for Hu Lei, she lived outside of Supreme City, and she rarely left Azure Woods. The chances for bonding with her and eliminating the bad feelings from the olden days were few. Therefore, their interaction remained distant.
“Oh, I would love to, but I am not going to be in Supreme City for a while.” Hu Lei said politely.
Chu Ling pursed her lips with some annoyance. She felt like Hu Lei was someone who kept grudges unnecessarily. They had cleared the air, but her daughter-in-law was still unwilling to give her face. She avoided her despite the olive branch.
“Are you going on an expedition somewhere?” Zhong Tian spoke up with a strange hint of sarcasm for an old man. “It is better to remain in Supreme City with Zhong Feng. Being away from home for too long is not good.”
Even though the words sounded alright, Hu Lei could tell that Zhong Tian wanted to bring up the old incident. Her disappearance for those years was not something her father-in-law could forget, despite his understanding that it was out of Hu Lei’s control.
However, Hu Lei felt annoyed by the implication that she wanted to leave Zhong Feng.
Obviously, Zhong Feng was the apple of her eye. She was never willing to see him suffer even the smallest grievance. Why did she still seem fickle to them?
“Father, Hu Lei is going to Herb Town to have Wang Lei checked out.” Zhong Feng had a warning in his eyes.
“Is there something wrong with Wang Lei?” Chu Ling stood up in horror.
“No. We are just worried about the risk of him developing an illness or condition in the future. We want him to have a good and normal life without health issues. I am afraid that I might have passed on my old disease to him.” Zhong Feng explained.
Hu Lei reached out and held his hand. Zhong Feng smiled.
“We want to determine if he is predisposed to the same problems. If he is, we can get ahead of the issues and prevent an escalation.” Zhong Feng added.
Chu Ling and Zhong Tian felt a little embarrassed after the explanation. Moreover, they felt like failures as they faced the young couple. If they had taken Zhong Feng for more thorough check-ups, they might have discovered the illness early.
When Zhong Feng brought up this topic, they could not continue poking into it. They even forgot the reason their son got sick in the first place. It did not have anything to do with genetics.
However, the check-up was not just an excuse. Zhong Feng and Hu Lei were concerned about the wellbeing of their Xiao Bao, but it had more to do with Hu Lei. Her genetic make-up was a mystery, so they wanted to err on the side of caution.
If Wang Lei had some genetic issues, they wanted to find out as early as possible.
“Still, you can just use the facilities at our hospital. There is no need to go so far away for just a medical examination.” Zhong Tian said after the awkward silence.
“The Huo family has a rich history in medical sciences, and they are involved in detailed research. Our hospital just focuses on normal diseases and treatment. It is not the same thing. In any case, they are also family.” Zhong Feng replied.
The conversation came to an end.
“How long will you and Wang Lei be gone?” Chu Ling asked, looking at Hu Lei.
“A couple of months.” Hu Lei said.
“So long?” Chu Ling was shocked.
“It is better to conduct continuous monitoring on Wang Lei’s health for better results. And I promised Grandpa and Fai they could spend more time with Wang Lei.” Hu Lei answered.
Chu Ling and Zhong Tian felt defeated. There was nothing more they could say. Fortunately, the nanny brought in Xiao Bao at that time. Chu Ling had asked the nanny to bring him when he woke up from the nap so they could play a little with their grandchild.
When Xiao Bao saw Zhong Feng, his face seemed to light up a little from his sleepiness. He waved his arms and legs as if he wanted to rush over to Zhong Feng. However, Chu Ling was already waiting with open arms, so the baby was meant to be disappointed.
“My grandson is so handsome.” Chu Ling cooed at the baby looking at her flatly.
Wang Lei was not unfamiliar with his grandparents, but he was also not friendly with them. Therefore, he did not behave cutely or act like a baby. He was a little stiff and refused to hug Chu Ling as expected of normal babies at his age.
However, to a grandparent, their grandchild would always be adorable without limits. Chu Ling did not mind the cold treatment. She was a little used to it because Zhong Feng was also not a clingy baby.
Still, it would be better if Wang Lei was a little sticky to her so that Hu Lei would allow her grandson to stay with her for a few days.