On Martial Island, two unusual suspects were seated together in a low-key restaurant. The restaurant was owned and managed by one of the most private families in the area. Therefore, discretion was guaranteed for their clients.
The Cabrera clan was not prominent like the Jiang or Iekami clans. However, their speciality was information within and from outside Martial Island. Therefore, their existence was indispensable to the elite families.
Although each prominent clan had their intelligence network, the Cabrera family’s reach was beyond the capabilities of most families.
“The last target has been eliminated.” Yuan Haoran was pleased as he looked at the articles on his phone.
He knew that the target was gone as soon as it happened because Hu Lei sent him a message. However, there was still something invigorating about reading about the matter from the international news forums.
Taiki pursed his lips in displeasure. He did not approve of assassination unless completely necessary. Moreover, their goal was beyond getting rid of a few strongholds of Martial Island. He did not see how killing a few people would damage the system.
“Are you sure that no one will be the wiser?” Taiki asked. “If the assassinations are going to increase the risk of discovery, we will have lost out more. Our plan is coming to a close, and any unusual factor will lead to the downfall of our entire plot.”
Yuan Haoran laughed. “Do you know the reason I chose another assassin instead of using your nephew?”
Taiki shook his head as he forked some fried rice into his mouth without enthusiasm. The Mexican fried rice was perfect with fresh carrots and peppers and sweet corn. But he was not in the mood to enjoy the beautiful dish.
“I do not need to warn you about what you should and should not say. So, I will tell you about Jane. Her identity is something you should have guessed. However, before she became a social figure, she was a top assassin.”
“Well, she is still a top assassin because, unlike your nephew, she is an artist. Kaito is considered a top figure in the mercenary world. His reputation precedes him. However, Jane is like a shadow. No one will ever know about an assassination if she does it.”
Taiki had guessed that the magical assassin was Kaito’s friend, Hu Lei. She was also the wife of one of the most powerful people on the globe on the financial front. He had seen some images of her. She was a little woman with large eyes and a sweet smile.
He could still not imagine her being an assassin.
If it were not for the fact that he knew Yuan Haoran would not lie about something so minor, he would have thought that Zhong Feng hired someone to make Hu Lei a legend.
Yuan Haoran could see the doubt in his companion’s eyes. He understood the doubt because he had found it unfathomable when he first learned about Hu Lei. He could not even claim to know everything about Hu Lei’s past, despite his research.
“Do you know about the death of our last target?” Yuan Haoran nodded.
Taiki nodded. The matter had been featured on several American publications and been picked up by other sites. It was not important news on Martial Island because most people did not know about the strongholds in the outside world.
The people of Martial Island were content to know that they were safe. They did not care about the means used to keep them from the tornado of international politics.
“He died of deadly nightshade poisoning during a Wiccan festival.” Taiki could not help adding a few more words. “From the reports I have read, most people assume it was an accidental consumption of the poison because of the rituals upheld in New Orleans.”
Taiki did have some admiration towards the assassin for managing to kill a major figure and avoid suspicion. But it was nothing amazing because women favoured poison when killing. It was less messy and ugly.
Yuan Haoran smiled as he opened a webpage of a national newspaper from an African media conglomerate. He could tell the thoughts going through Taiki’s mind. The man was clearly underestimating Jane.
“Take a look at this article.” He turned his phone to Taiki like a pleased child. It was at odds with his demon king personality.
“Powerful man mauled by lions in Nairobi National Park.” Taiki led the article headline aloud. “Who is this?”
Yuan Haoran smiled as he took back his phone. “This is our third target, a dedicated delegate of Martial Island. The event took place about two months ago. You know you should try to be a little more involved in our bid to topple the rotten system, Guardian Iekami.”
Taiki pressed his lips together in annoyance. “I am doing my part. I have made appropriate arrangements for the international law courts to get involved once that place is destroyed. It will not be possible for Martial Island to remain hidden.”
“Excellent. Let us keep up with the original plan. I will not rest until I see the people of Martial Island thrust back into the normal society.” Yuan Haoran smiled.
“I have also made arrangements for legal collection of evidence about the things going on beneath the surface in Martial Island. The rare material is the source of all evil on this island.” Taiki was irate when he thought about it.
Yuan Haoran laughed as he sipped on his ginger and honey concoction. He had hardly touched the food on his plate. His body was reaching its limit, so he could not stomach most foods. He was content to just drink his tea.
“I never thought that I would partner up with you. You always seemed like the perfect citizen, practising your martial arts, following the rules and acting like an enforcer for this dreadful place. Who would know that you are a rebel at heart?” Yuan Haoran asked.
“A revolution does not always have to begin with a bang. I studied so that I could have a chance to change the system. I became a Guardian so that I could stop the senseless killings in the name of protecting the secrets of Martial Island.” Taiki responded.
“Admirable. You are right. If you did not approach me, I would have started the revolution with the blood of everyone on the island.” Yuan Haoran smiled. “But you should know something.. This revolution will end with a very loud bang.”