The general spirit on the island continued to rise as people prepared for the beginning of the Triennial Championships. Kaito was not excited about the entire event, but he still went to the Iekami clan to listen to the arrangements made.
In truth, Taiki had told him that he did not have to participate in the fights. However, Kaito did not want to back out and break his word. However, he also discovered that his uncle was behaving more strangely and unnaturally in the days leading up to the championships.
At first, he thought he was overthinking, but even Akira mentioned that Taiki was not being his normal self. It was almost like he was on edge. It was very unsettling.
Unfortunately, Taiki was careful, so he did not reveal anything despite their prying.
As for Hu Lei and Zhong Feng, they arrived on Martial Island on the day before the tournament on a cruise ship. The cruise ship was a special vessel that ferried the most important guests to the island for the competition.
While the championships were about fighting for better resources by the clans, especially the rare material, it was just a source of entertainment for the bigwigs around the world. It was considered the highest privilege for important figures to be invited to the island.
Moreover, it was not a simple matter of getting the honour. Each of the guests on the cruise ship had to provide benefits to Martial Island. After all, the place was isolated, so they needed a lot of resources for sustaining their livelihood.
In this way, the invitation could be considered a fair exchange. The guests would get to watch martial artists beat each other silly, and in turn, the guests would guarantee a continuous stream of resources and power in the outside world.
When those bigwigs saw Zhong Feng, they were quite enthusiastic about forming connections with him. However, things took a turn when someone made a crude remark about ‘watching the savages tear into one another like the animals they were’.
Zhong Feng was annoyed and directly pushed the fat man into the ocean. If it were not for the quick actions of the crew, the man might have drowned. After that, no one dared to approach the real big boss carelessly.
When the ship docked, Hu Lei could not wait to get off the ship. Although it was a luxury vessel, it was still not as fun as being on the land where she could move around freely. Not to mention, her last experience on water was with that psycho, Harriet Brown.
The two people were received by Yuan Haoran’s men. While the other big shots had to deal with the official welcoming party and the tedious procedures of the island, Hu Lei and Zhong were already being driven from the dock.
“How comes those two get to leave?” Someone grumbled. “We are all VIP guests of Martial Island. We should get equal treatment.”
One of the people in the welcoming party felt a little nervous and leaned to respond. “Those two are private guests of one of our prominent citizens. They were just hitching a ride.”
The explanation was simple, but the other guests could hear the slight warning. The entire group had some major political and economic powers, but they understood that some members of Martial Island would not give them an extra look.
They could not afford to mess with the prominent figures on the island.
As the welcoming committee made arrangements, Hu Lei and Zhong Feng found themselves being driven through the city. Their eyes were not glued to the windows like bumpkins, but they were a little curious about this unknown place.
“Do you think that this place is as magical as the rumours claim?” Hu Lei asked.
“I have conducted an investigation.” Zhong Feng said mysteriously.
“Tell me, tell me.” Hu Lei poked the handsome cheek with her index finger.
“You will find out soon enough.” Zhong Feng laughed.
“But I want you to tell me now.” Hu Lei pouted.
“I think Yuan Haoran will finally open up about everything. I have a feeling that he is approaching his end game.” Zhong Feng comforted her.
“Who knows what that crazy man is thinking? He will probably tell us some nonsense.” Hu Lei grumbled while looking at the passing landscape.
The driver regretted not raising the partition. He did not want to hear people making fun of his boss. If the demon king found out that he had heard something, he would probably need to plan for his funeral. Who were these people who dared to speak so casually about his boss?
“If he does not tell you about the mystery of the island, I am sure that your senior brother will only be too willing to share the information.” Zhong Feng comforted her.
“Then, why don’t you tell me about it directly?” Hu Lei complained.
“I am practising the art of suspense. You said I tell you things in a boring way.” Her husband replied.
“Are you holding a grudge about that still?” Hu Lei laughed. “Ok, I accept the charges and punishment. But let me not hear you calling me petty. You are obviously pettier than I am.”
“They say couple start to become alike after living together.” Zhong Feng said with a straight face.
Hu Lei rolled her eyes at him, but she smiled to herself. She hoped that she would be closer to Ah-Feng as much as possible so that they could be as alike as possible. After all, what was more beautiful than being like someone she loved so deeply?
“I look forward to seeing Hikari. I have seen her on photos and videos, but it cannot compare to a real-life assessment.” Hu Lei rubbed her chin with a smile as she thought about that crybaby. She was just like her mother.
“Assessment?” Zhong Feng looked at his mischievous wife.
“I have to inspect the goods. I have already chosen that girl to fulfil a greater destiny. I am the evil witch, remember? When she turns sixteen, I will take Hikari into my lair. Muahahahaha!” Hu Lei laughed maniacally.
Zhong Feng flicked her forehead. “The vehicle has stopped. We have to get out.”
Hu Lei snapped out of her dramatic mind.
“Oh ok.”