Wang Che was not in the office working as Shun suspected. Rather, he was in the private room of a nightclub with an old friend. The two of them were not on as great terms as they used to be, but their current relationship was not as bad as it had been a while back.
“I was surprised to hear from you.” Qi Han looked at Wang Che with a hint of anger in his eyes.
The two of them had reconciled, but Qi Han still felt like Wang Che betrayed him by not telling him about Hu Lei. He did not care if Wang Che was trying to protect his feelings and prevent a dangerous situation with Zhong Feng.
He believed that Wang Che should have been on his side because they were friends.
An irrational part of him believed that he might have won over Hu Lei if he found out about her sooner. It did not matter to him that Wang Che met Hu Lei when she and Zhong Feng went to play at Shun’s Hidden Realm.
Qi Han never stood a chance with her, but he refused to accept that there was nothing he could have done.
“I am back in the city and need some information. It only makes sense for me to do business with you.” Wang Che responded evenly, ignoring the flash of anger.
Qi Han swirled the brown liquid in his glass and looked at Wang Che keenly. “I heard that you have been staying in Mountain Ridge. You have become quite the wonder child. Your Clarion Extreme is the talk of every second generation in the city.”
“I have my moments.” Wang Che did not boast unnecessarily.
“Why did you decide to build the motor city in Mountain Ridge?” QI Han asked after a leisurely sip of his drink.
“It is a decent location, and the people in the city are wealthy enough to throw money at luxuries.” Wang Che did not rush Qi Han. He understood that Qi Han was just being petty.
“I thought it was because of your little boy toy.” Qi Han had a strange grin as he looked at Wang Che in a challenge.
Wang Che did not respond as expected. He was not afraid of Qi Han because he knew all his tricks. The man wanted to fight with him. Perhaps, he hoped to satisfy his ego. But it was more likely that he was trying to feel something.
“He is quite cute, isn’t he?” Wang Che said with a smile. “But the difference between him and a boy toy is that he is not after money or power from me. He just likes being around me. The same cannot be said about you and Murong Yue. By the way, I hear congratulations are in order.”
Qi Han slammed his glass on the table with undue force, causing his drink to splash. He did not want to hear Wang Che mention his relationship with Murong Yue in that princely and unflustered manner. It was irritating.
He would not admit it, but Wang Che’s relationship with that foolish Shun was much better. He was not under any illusion that Murong Yue loved him. It was only a bid for her to protect herself since the Murong family was experiencing internal strife.
At first, their relationship was based on the information that Murong Yue had on Hu Lei. She had even managed to find a few old photos of Hu Lei from Lu Liang’s old possessions. He was like an addict who could not say to even the tiniest morsel of information about Hu Lei.
And then one night, it just happened. Well, it did not just happen. He was drunk and sad, and Murong Yue was there to provide comfort. She did not drug him or otherwise coerce him. She just provided comfort when he needed it.
One night turned into another and then, another. Until Murong Yue revealed the most shocking news to him: she was pregnant. He should have expected it to happen sooner or later. He was not that careful because he thought Murong Yue would protect her entertainment career first.
Unfortunately, he overestimated her love for fame.
Or perhaps not.
A few days after she told him, the news about her pregnancy as well as some incriminating photos of the two of them appeared in tabloids. He was almost certain that Murong Yue was behind the shocking revelation.
When Wang Che mentioned this matter, he felt like a fool, as he often did with this so-called friend. Even when they were in school, Wang Che always excelled more than he. It made him feel like he was not good enough.
“What do you want to know?” He asked after realising that Wang Che would not fight fairly with him.
“I want to know what my brothers have been up to recently. I know you have people keeping tabs on the city.” Wang Che said.
Qi Han felt his ego get soothed by the compliment. He sat up a little straighter like a proper businessman. He could not be proud of much in front of Wang Che, but his intelligence network in Supreme City was unrivalled.
If he dared to admit it, he would reveal that he did want Wang Che’s approval. It was an irrational desire that always welled up at the most inconvenient times, but he could not control it. It made him almost hate Wang Che. Almost.
“Do you suspect they had something to do with his accident?” He asked after clearing his throat. He did not say Shun’s name because he just could not. He never acknowledged him.
Wang Che did not mind it. In fact, he preferred it if Qi Han did not mention Shun too. Every time Qi Han had met with Shun, he had only expressed thinly veiled contempt. He would make rude jabs that Shun did not understand, fortunately.
“Perhaps. I am looking at all the possibilities.” Wang Che said.
Qi Han scoffed because he did not believe that Shun was important enough for people to attempt to kill him. In his opinion, Shun was a helpless little animal that relied on Wang Che for protection. He looked down on him for being weak.
“Your brothers have not left the city for a while now.” Qi Han still responded directly. “You should know that the Wang family is experiencing a lot of trouble with the company. They do not have sufficient funds to complete most of their projects, so they are focused on finding financing.”
“They could have hired someone.” Wang Che said with a sharpness in his gaze.
Qi Han clicked his tongue in irritation. “Perhaps. I find it odd that your eldest brother has brought the youngest brother to work for him. They seem to be getting along well, so that might be a cause for concern. If I remember it clearly, Wang Lu has always been a selfish prick since childhood. And he does not like people encroaching on the company.”
“That is indeed odd.” Wang Che’s mind whirled with thoughts.
Before they could continue their conversation, Wang Che’s phone rang.. He checked and found it was Oren calling from the house.