Himawari had long dreamed of teaching her mother a lesson, but for some reason she was in no hurry to attack, but only admired her luxurious ass with a smug look.
“What a pitiful sight!”
She always considered her a weakling, receiving undeserved affection from her father, and here she did not at all try to object to her own daughter!
How can you fall so low?
“Ahh~ Daddy, what are you thinking? Of course, I want to teach her a lesson, but … “- turning to him, she frowned:
“I like it better when we hold hands and you take care of us~”
The idea of having fun with her mother delighted her, besides, he himself allowed it, but … It was like some kind of test, and in general, she wanted to be with him more!
But, since daddy insisted and this could please him, Hima decided to behave as usual, and also spank that pathetic ass if possible!
“Old bitch! How dare you call yourself a mother!!”
– Get it!
A loud slap scattered throughout the bedroom!
For Hinata, a long stage of spanking by her sadistic daughter began …
Naruto watched the situation from the sidelines and tried his best to hold back his laughter. After all, that’s exactly what he was counting on!
– Here is a small one … Yes, she has a talent!
You won’t envy Hinata…
Forcing mother and daughter to engage in such depravity seemed like a good idea. However, he was not going to give Yuin to anyone, today her ass is only for him!
As for Tenten…
The Hokage dropped his trousers completely, sat down on the edge of the bed and carefully stroked his faithful slave:
– You know what to do.
– BUT? Tenten did not understand what he was talking about, but as soon as she raised her lustful eyes, she immediately collided with his protruding cock! He beckoned more than anything in this life!
And as soon as she opened her mouth and stuck out her playful tongue, Naruto suddenly stood up and shook his head towards Itomaki.
– Let’s go to.
– BUT? Tenten was lost in catching the departing drops of her favorite fragrance…
She doesn’t seem to understand…
As her daughter playfully pinched her mother’s pale ass and blew on her pussy, Yuina didn’t know what to do with her fluttering eyes! On the one hand, she wanted to watch the incest, but on the other … Her eyes did not leave him.
— Ah~
Everything seemed to be covered in fog in my head. Again this feeling… One had only to see his face, hear this pleasant voice, as the body weakened and wanted to stay with him forever. Moreover, from all this adult debauchery and that shocking situation with Tenten, the young legs could no longer hold their sweet mistress.
Yuina flowed like a female and was ashamed of it herself. She wanted to be with him, but not next to such a crowd of women! For some reason, it made her very sad. Even alone with Himawari, blowing him and learning from his friend wasn’t that hard.
A feeling of loneliness overwhelmed her…
And he was going to fix it!
“Um… N-naruto-san… I…”
As soon as he approached, Yuina immediately lowered her head and shrunk timidly, then shuddered sharply and squeaked sweetly:
– P-sorry! I wanted to say! M-master~
No matter how much you teach her, she continues to act cute. I wonder if he met Hinata as a child and corrupted her, would she act the same way?
— Hmm… And this is a thought…
Next time, it’s definitely worth fucking mature bitches under henge! But now is not the best moment, the spirit of debauchery will be lost in the merger of mature and young, and it is better not to allow this. At least for now…
Naruto didn’t get mad at the forgetfulness of his cute toy – so adorable and clumsy that it’s impossible to even get mad at her. Forcing women to call themselves “Master” or “Master” while flattering his ego, actually it only worked in the beginning, and now it’s just become a habit. Now it was only good for them to understand their position. Yes, and punishing them for disobedience is also not a bad method of training …
– Everything is fine…
Naruto extended his hand and gently ruffled his girl’s beautiful hair.
“You did a good job, look at yourself…” He gently lifted her thin chin and then revealed her embarrassed face.
— Ah~
Yuina trembled, she couldn’t take her eyes off his.
“He’s looking…~ I… I… Ahh~”
“Today you look very pretty, you look very good with loose hair and this outfit. I like. He slowly approached her lips…
— Haa~
Yuina’s heart trembled, and her breath became incredibly hot!
“He… He… God! Can’t think~”
From his praise and slowly approaching lips, the body was seized with weakness…
She couldn’t resist. Still with panic and love in her eyes, trying to comprehend the purest feelings that overwhelmed her. She became easy prey.
— Mm~!
And he got her!
Yuina’s eyes widened dramatically!
Naruto greedily dug into her tender lips and was not going to let them go! Big male hands instantly clenched on her small chest, and then he threw her on the bed with all his adult weight!
— Mhhmm~
Itomaki didn’t know how to answer all this! But her feelings and body decided everything for her. A small tongue entered into a confrontation with an adult and strong one, and then their protracted dance began …
Naruto went crazy! He greedily kissed the innocent girl, while his hands brazenly pawed everything in its path. He started with her petite breasts, moved down and began to roughly squeeze her young thighs. He pulled off the pantyhose, and then completely made his way to the most sensitive place!
“Mmmmh!?~” Yuina flinched as his fingers entered her crotch. Even through her soaked panties, she felt his rough fingers! He acted confidently as always – he strongly massaged the virgin pussy and flirted with the small clitoris. As soon as he touched this wet place, burning with desire, all his fingers were covered with viscous love juices. She instantly remembered his skillful language! And she wanted this forbidden caress!
Naruto felt the sweetness on his tongue and involuntarily opened his eyes to meet her languid gaze.
— Mohhum~
How charming… She wanted more.
After all, that’s what he liked about her the most!
Despite everything in Master’s hands, even surrounded by other bitches, Yuina wanted to steal his attention. In her very essence, she was completely selfish, and her main problem was only the lack of courage in the struggle for what she wanted. Although, with such a body, she did not need it. In exchange for weakness, she received a sexy figure and a charming personality, and they did everything for her. Itomaki attracted the male and simply forced him to deal with her alone.
An amazing girl with a great future. Naruto didn’t mind giving her some of his attention – he wanted to take something away from her today, so…
“Mh?!~ Ahh~” As soon as he pulled away from her small lips, Yuina immediately moaned and met his sly gaze with languid displeasure. Thoughts were confused, but instincts suggested that everything was just beginning.
He began to slowly undo the buttons of her dark blouse, and meanwhile, Himawari had a lot of fun with her mother’s ass…
— Get it bitch!~ On! And more!~
— Mhhhmm!~ Offfu~
She furiously slapped her mother on the ass! Hinata’s entire ass was literally on fire from the scarlet prints of her daughter’s small hands!
Hima didn’t even touch her anal ring, but just beat her endlessly! Looks like she was blown away after the first hit. Listening to her mother’s muffled moans, this young sadist wanted to hear more!