“Ahhh~ S-stop! No wow!~
In the semi-darkness of an illusory fantasy, in the same room, Hanabi was shackled by strong male hands. He held her wrists and pressed her to the futon, brazenly plunging his face straight into her sensual breasts, lustfully teasing her aroused nipples.
“Ahhh~ Stop it already!” Hanabi tried to fight, to fight back somehow, but her body would not obey. Pleasure and an unbearable pulsation pierced my stomach. Everything in his chest fluttered from uncontrolled emotions, and his mind melted from his sophisticated caresses.
“Aaaah~ Stop it!~
She had never felt such heat before!
Fear and panic fettered her soul, the girl could not see the face of her rapist – everything was in a fog. He just greedily sucked her nipples and did not let her escape! This insolent stranger was naked himself, and with just one hand, without any difficulty, he held her wrists brought together above her head, and she could only flutter and moan, beg him to stop …
“Please!~ S-stop… We can’t! I’m… I’m… Ahh~ Wait! I’m her sister!
And suddenly he froze!
– BUT?! Hanabi’s eyes widened in shock! She didn’t understand why she said that all of a sudden! She acted on instinct, for some reason those words… Sister?! Really…?
“Ho… So you finally confessed?”
And as if by magic, the veil fell from tired eyes and his face appeared before her in perfect light. Still the same courageous, with the same self-satisfied smirk and that annoying look!
Naruto looked at her with a wild lust that could drive even the purest girl crazy…
— Ahah~
But the body did not obey. It was the first time Hanabi had felt such helplessness and such intense arousal. Her heart was trembling so madly that the only thing that was enough for her was the most ridiculous words… Words that she would never say in her right mind…
“Hinata… Ahh~ Promise… She mustn’t find out…”
– O? Do not hesitate, for you I am ready to keep this secret forever. We won’t tell her…
“Aaaahh~ You gave me your word!
And after that, having given vent to feelings, all the fetters fell. She allowed him to take what he wanted and did not resist at all. The mind seemed to be suppressed by something, all anger and non-reconciliation, the desire to make him pay, and even resentment, for some reason were forgotten.
Remembering this dream, Hanabi despised herself so much that she just wanted to die, but at that moment, in a dream, the sensations were too realistic… Such lightness and freedom is insane pleasure! As if getting rid of all the bad things, she let in the truth from which she had been running all this time.
His touches, kisses, and as soon as he entered, Hanabi experienced an incomparable, indescribable feeling of euphoria. She gave him her first time, her first kiss… In a dream, but everything seemed so real. Unfortunately, dreams end sooner or later, and that time, she was destined to return …
Not controlling her actions, all alone, Hanabi had long rolled over on her side and, with obvious pleasure on her face, plunged her right palm between her lovely thighs.
— Mmhf~ Ahh~
Sexual squelching sounds and light moans of the sleepy kunoichi flew around the room. She could not even restrain herself in her sleep… Long abstinence had an effect, and now her body demanded a sweet caress.
It seems that this bewitching dream made too strong an impression on her.
Already surrendering to him, Hanabi suddenly widened her eyes, blinked in bewilderment, and then jumped out of bed in horror!
– BUT? Aaaah?! Frightened and shocked by what had happened, she began to look around excitedly. He was no longer there, but… But… Feelings…
“H-ha… Ha-ah…” Still uneven breathing, wild trembling in the uterus and uncontrollable streams of moisture escaping onto the bed… All the sheets were soaked and not only with sweat! My heart was pounding madly in my chest, my thoughts were confused, but…
– Not! Hanabi abruptly covered her face with her hands and screamed!
– What have I done?!
A heart-breaking feeling brought terrible pain.
She yearned only for a moment, but it was enough to plunge into a pool of shame and disappointment.
Hanabi couldn’t believe everything she was saying and feeling! She let her worst nightmare happen and enjoyed it! Even if it’s a dream… Even if she couldn’t control herself…
– Why?! Tears welled up from my eyes. Hanabi began to feel sick, she got up from the bed and found her wet thighs and swollen nipples in disbelief! Well, of course she still felt that insane arousal…
She also masturbated… How so?! It was so good that in the end…
“Disgusting…” The kunoichi’s shoulders trembled as she knelt down and gnashed her teeth.
“What am I… To say such a thing… Even if in a dream, how disgusting!” It’s all him… Exactly! Her eyes flashed with hatred.
“It’s all this bastard!”
Trying to find excuses for herself, she came up with the only possible option and within a minute she began to curse her worst enemy!
“He was always talking nonsense and constantly having fun with these girls… I just… I just let go… Right, who could look at this for a long time and not break loose?” I didn’t do it on purpose… Besides, it’s just a dream… – Hanabi began to justify herself, with every word more and more clearly convinced of the correctness of her words and thoughts. Few people knew, but in fact she had refrained from touching herself in any way ever since she did that day at the Uzumaki house.
All because of him! She just couldn’t concentrate! One had only to try, as his arrogant image immediately appeared before his eyes. Hanabi was insanely infuriated by this fact, so she had to completely abandon self-satisfaction. Therefore, such dreams and such a breakdown are quite logical. It is so?
“T-that’s right… I’m a human, so it’s normal… I don’t think about him at all… Naturally I dreamed, because I see him all the time! There is nothing strange in this … And in general, all men are vile! Besides, I had never dreamed of him before!
In fact, she had already been visited by erotic dreams, almost the same, but only this time, for some reason, Naruto’s face appeared …
– No, it’s just nonsense! I was watching him, that’s all… Everything is understandable, but about her sister… – Hanabi began to bite her nails and think hard:
— Ha! Exactly! Most likely, I just behaved as he would like … Right! I would never say that … If I liked it, it was only because I was afraid and did not control myself in a dream. Everyone liked it, right? It just remained in the memory, so I had a dream … Everything is understandable. I don’t have any feelings, I just hate him and that’s it! And I would never say anything like that! I’d rather die! She growled and pushed away all doubts:
“Damned dreams!” Hateful or terrible always comes to mind, and then this vile feeling appears … My consciousness mocks me and all because of this scoundrel! I will definitely destroy it! I swear… He will pay me…