House Dad’s Literary Life Novel

Chapter 43

Chapter 43 -I Will Not Call Him Tomorrow

“MoFei, when will your new album be officially released?”

“It hasbeen confirmed that it will be on the 14th of May.”

“Mo Fei,do you have confidence in yourself for this comeback?”

“I’vealways been confident!”

“MoFei, do you have anything to say to the more than 300 fans who came to supportyou at the scene?”

“Thankyou for your support and wait… I will not disappoint you!”


In anothercommercial performance, Mo Fei sang several of her own classic old songs and anew song that was released, before being interviewed.

There wasnothing new about the reporters’ questions, as if they were clichés, and Mo Feialso kept repeating the same answers over and over. Although she is unlikely toexperience significant mood swings, but she has been keeping a light smile onher face all day, and she feels that her muscles have become stiff anddifficult to maintain.

Mo Fei,exhausted, returned to her hotel almost late at night. She had no appetite fordinner, and she was too tired to feel hungry. She just wanted to lie in bed andhave a good rest.

Of course,Mo Fei couldn’t sleep. She reached for her cellphone in her bag and dialed YangYi’s number.

After theringtone rang for a while, a thick male voice answered the phone:”Hello?”

Hearing thisguy’s voice without any emotion, Mo Fei always gritted her teeth and all thethoughts she had before dialing the phone, all disappeared.

“It’sme, Mo Fei.” Mo Fei is also cold. She does not want Yang Yi to feel herown mood swings.

“Iknow. Xixi is asleep.” Over in Jiangcheng, Yang Yi took his eyes off thecomputer screen and looked at the dim light of the night outside.

Mo Fei doesn’thave the habit of talking to him on the phone. Yang Yi knows that she usuallytalks to Xixi on the phone. In this way, the mother and daughter can ease theirlonging for each other.

But hearingYang Yi say this, Mo Fei felt as if Yang Yi was blaming her for not callingearlier. She felt so aggrieved that she couldn’t help muttering, “I can’thelp it. I just got back to the hotel. I’ve been busy all day and I’mexhausted!”

After thatlast sentence came out, Mo Fei herself was stunned, and she could not helpblushing.

It’s likeshe’s being coquettish!

However,Yang Yi did not seem to realize that Mo was secretly relieved, but was somewhatlost.

At the otherend of the phone, Yang Yi was silent for a while before saying, “Is itnecessary to work so hard? Can’t you cut back on some activities?”

Yang Yi isnot ignorant about the entertainment industry. In his previous life, he saw anarticle on the Internet about the singer Park Shu. Yang Yi felt that he was areal musician who worked hard to make music and did not bow down for money.

Why goaround doing business shows? Why go on so many variety shows to get exposure?

As long asthe music is done well, is there still need to be afraid that there will be nofans to support?

If you makeyourself as tired as a dog, can you sell platinum albums?

Therefore,Yang Yi did not approve of Mo Fei’s work model, but he did not mention itbefore. Today, Mo Fei had a big mood swing, so he couldn’t help but ask.

Mo Fei isvery pleased. This is the first time Yang Yi expressed concern for her. Althoughhe is not considerate in terms of wording, but in her tired state, to be ableto hear Yang Yi’s words, it is enough.

“You don’tknow how stressed I am.” Mo Fei finally put down her cold armor and saidin a complaining tone, “I haven’t appeared in the music world for morethan four years, so I’m afraid the fans will forget me.”

“Youknow how many newcomers have sprung up in the last four years, and how many popsongs have refreshed people’s memories, and it would be embarrassing if Ididn’t work hard and push out any new album!”

Yang Yi wassilent. He had never considered these questions, and did not know what adviceto give Mo Fei. He could only listen.

Mo Fei hasnot told anyone about her pent-up emotions, even to Mo Xiaojuan. She has notshown her vulnerability in front of her cousin. She has always shown an imageof a proud and firm ice queen.

But today,she turned into a chatterbox. Mo Fei can’t help but spit out her bitterness toYang Yi.

It took morethan 20 minutes for Mo Fei to say this, until Mo Fei’s mouth became dry. Shereturned to her senses, and said angrily: “Hey, what am I talking about?Why don’t you say anything?”

At themoment, Mo Fei looks like she has the attitude a young wife. Her face is red,as if she is angry but not angry, and her eyes are soft. If Mo Xiaojuan saw it,she would have dropped her chin. (TN: I’m not sure if I interpreted this right.Also, young wife can also be translated to “young woman”. Raw: 此刻的墨菲,自己都没有感受到自己小女人的姿态)

But Yang Yireally doesn’t know what to say!

“Nomatter what, you should take good care of your health and don’t get tootired.” He finally opened his mouth and said a few words of concern.

In fact, thisis of no use at all. Is it possible to persuade others to take good care ofthemselves and solve the problem?

But thisreally worked for Mo Fei!

Mo Fei isvery stubborn and has extraordinary perseverance in what she wants to do. So,no matter what advice Yang Yi gives or advises her what to do, Mo Fei willstubbornly insist on her own ideas.

However, sheis someone that can be persuaded by reason but not be cowed by force. When YangYi, who has always been cold and blunt, care about her suddenly, this made herfeel like a young wife, her face was filled with happiness. .𝙘𝙤𝙢

“Um, I know.”Mo Fei’s voice was so low, one couldn’t know her mood.

Theconversation between the two people was so brief. From beginning to end, YangYi only spoke a few words, but after hanging up the phone, Mo Fei seemed sohappy as if all her tiredness had dissipated.

Well, YangYi said she should take good care of her health.

Mo Fei gotout of bed, went to the bathroom to take a bath, and then cooked a cup ofinstant noodles in her room to ease her hunger.

Finally, MoFei, wrapped in a soft nightgown, gracefully lay on the bed, unable to fallasleep, and with her eyes closed, imagining as if she was in front of Yang Yi’stall figure.

“This b*stard,I won’t call him tomorrow!” Mo Fei tossed and turned for a while, but shewas still too tired in the end. Her consciousness gradually blurred, but hermouth was mumbling.

On Yang Yi’sside, he did not react much, as if chatting with Mo Fei was just a smallepisode.

However, itsomewhat disrupted Yang Yi’s plan, and that extra half-hour period force YangYi, who had a strict schedule, to quickly finish two chapters of “Soldier Assault”,tidy up, and go back to his bedroom to sleep.

Night, QiyueLiterature Website, Qiang Zi sat in the editorial room, looking at thecompletely empty inbox, and was about to cry!

He has beencontacting Yang Yi through the author’s profile for the past two days, hopingto get the other party’s contact information, and then talk to him about somebroken chapters, as well as follow-up recommendation arrangements, updatespeed, and so on.

Yang Yi isnow updating two chapters regularly every day, but the number of words hasreached tens of thousands of words. Qiang Zi worried that he cannot wait toarrange their recommendation, and Yang Yi has already finished updating thebook!

Differentfrom traditional literature, each round of recommendations is very important toonline novels, and they need to be arranged step by step. Without waiting forthe best recommendation, then Yang Yi’s results will not reach the best.

What’s more,at present, “Soldier Assault” is at the center of a storm. There areas many people who like it as those who hate it, making a lot of noise in thediscussion area every day.

Only whenthere is a topic can there be a selling point. If Yang Yi updates slowly, itwill only be beneficial and there will be no disadvantages!

But Yang Yidid not pay attention to him at all. It seems that the chapters uploaded to thedraft box has not appear again, what can he do?

Fortunately, Qiang Zi did not know that it was Mo Fei who took up Yang Yi’s time so that Yang Yi did not have time to surf the Internet… If he knew, he would have vomited blood and die.

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