Chapter 265 - Trust

Aila stared at Davian for a long moment as her body was in turmoil of emotions. She didn’t know how to feel about Davian releasing Cassius, but she knew he felt guilty about it, and she knew from his diary and commentary that he despised him. This indicated just how much of a hold Cassius had over Davian, making her wonder if she would ever be free from it. Her ancestor was powerful; she could tell just by standing next to him, the essence radiating off him almost smothered her. 

Did age also add to the strength of a vampire? 

It didn’t matter right now. “You freed Cassius,” She replied calmly and emotionlessly. “Have you been with him since?”

She wondered if Davian had been helping him from the start. 

“No, I helped him escape and then fled,” Davian looked down as he steered her by the elbow to miss a muddy puddle on their path.

Aila murmured thanks before looking back at him, the mystery that was her ancestor. “So, how are you here again?” She questioned while pulling the hood up over her head to keep her warm as they continued to stroll back towards the castle. 

“He can call on us anytime. I’ve helped him over the years and now even have his number, so I know what he wants before I get on a plane back from wherever I’ve been staying.” Davian sighed and rubbed the back of his head, flicking his gaze to her. “I… this time it wasn’t intentional.”

Aila frowned, lost by his words. “What do you mean?” She peered up at him curiously. Even though the circumstances were pretty shocking, it was pretty nice for her to talk to someone who wasn’t manipulating her for his own gain. Or so she hoped. It was best to still be on her guard with Davian, no matter what, unless he proved himself not to be on Cassius’ side. From what Davian had told her already, he had no choices even if he didn’t want to do something; if Cassius wanted it done, then he would make it so.

“I was… keeping an eye on Cassius for a while trying to work out what scheme he was up to, especially after I couldn’t see Gabriel. He’d been missing.. I wasn’t sure if he’d killed his brother or not. Anyway, I was going to keep my distance, but.. then the spell on my journal revealed another Cross was reading it.. That was when I realised I had to see who it was, and well imagine my shock when I saw you..” He glanced at her, and she looked down.

Aila clenched her teeth together in annoyance; she didn’t mind looking like her mother, who was sweet and strong, and everything a mother should be, but now she was constantly being compared to Amelia. 

Davian cleared his throat, and she realised he’d been looking at her in concern. “I knew you weren’t Amelia. But when I saw you, I knew Cassius would want something with you. So, I returned to him to see what his plans were.”

Aila stopped and turned to him, feeling safer under the last coverage of trees before it opened up to a lake in front of the castle. “What is he planning then?” She whispered, glancing warily around at the shadows of the forest and the castle. She didn’t expect Cassius to be nearby, but she felt nervous and nauseous, which was better than the urge to feed. 

Davian shook his head with a sigh. “I don’t know; he doesn’t trust me.”

Aila gaped at him. If Cassius didn’t trust Davian, then he really wouldn’t trust her. She’d only been with him half a day, and before that, she was friendly towards him because she thought he was Gabriel. She already gave Cassius a chance at her coronation to not lead down the path of destruction, yet here she was.

Although Aila shouldn’t be surprised by Cassius’ lack of trust, he was in some twisted romance with Amelia, and Davian openly showed that he detested Cassius. Davian only helped Cassius because of the sire bond, even though he was Cassius’ ‘childe’. That meant that he didn’t trust anyone, which was sad and infuriating. But maybe she needed to prove to Cassius that she was someone he could trust, and once she knew of his plans, then they could figure the rest out.

“Maybe that human blood is making you go a little whack, girl, but this is Cassius we are talking about. How are you going to gain his trust!?”


Aila gasped out loud and squealed, with tears pooling in her eyes. “Malia!!!” She screamed in her mind, momentarily forgetting about all the problems piling up around her.

“Well, that hurt my head,” Malia remarked dryly. “Yes.. It is I.. the one and only.. It’s so nice to be in your presence and actually talk to you!”

“Are you okay?” Davian asked, looking down at her in concern once more.


Aila smiled, nodding her head. “My wolf is back,” She whispered, the smile still on her face. 

Davian’s brows rose at this. “She is a lot stronger than I thought. Cassius won’t be happy,” He replied quietly.

“Fuck Cassius,” Malia growled loudly, taking over Aila’s voice. 

Davian burst into laughter at this but glanced around nervously. “Yes, fuck him,” He murmured. “It is nice to meet you.”

Aila smiled gingerly, tucking her hair behind her ears. “She’s gone now, but she said it is an honour to meet you,” Aila replied, then cleared her throat, trying not to roll her eyes at her dramatic wolf. 

“I plan to play into whatever role Cassius wants of me,” She whispered to her wolf. She nearly told Davian her plan, but she didn’t want him to know everything even if they worked together. Cassius might use Davian as a spy for him. They may get closer and become friends, but at the end of the day, without any choice, Davian answers to their master. 

No, it was best to keep this between her and Malia. They just needed to make sure Cassius wouldn’t dig through her mind either.

“How do you plan on doing that?” Malia asked with another growl. “You can’t just waltz in there and act like you agree with everything. Cass knows you are different to Amelia, and you have morals. Also.. What if he wants to sleep with you?!”

Damn, she really did miss her wolf, even if it had been half a day. She was so comforting. 

“Cass won’t try anything, not for a while,” Aila murmured back thoughtfully. Sure, he’d been flirty before, but like Malia just explained, Cassius knew she wasn’t Amelia. She wouldn’t cheat on her mate.

Aila looked back at Davian, who had been waiting quietly by her side, shifting from foot to foot. She could tell Cassius’ command was growing stronger the longer they waited, but she still needed to ask a few questions before returning to the castle. 

“I don’t want to get addicted to blood..” Aila began slowly. “Is there a way for me to go without it or-“

“Absolutely not,” Davian replied sternly. “If you don’t drink, you will lose all sense of morality. You’ll only want to feed, just like how type 1 rogues are.”

Aila blinked vigorously. “Is that what happened to you?” She asked, searching his eyes.

Davian grit his teeth. “Yes. I refused to drink, and then the hunger became too much-“

“I don’t like this suggestion, but what if I drank from Cassius?” She wondered what the consequences of that were.

Davian inhaled sharply and looked at her like she was crazy. He raked his hands through his inky black hair, dishevelling it further. “Don’t even suggest that..” He glanced at her and saw her questioning gaze. “His blood is more addictive than a human’s. I don’t know how, so don’t ask me,” He added after she opened her mouth to question further. She bit her tongue and waited for him to continue. “That’s not even the worst part of it..”

He started to move forwards again, almost looking at the castle as though he’d been beckoned. Aila followed suit and looked in the direction he was gazing at, only to see Cassius’ figure standing in front of one of the windows. His features were expressionless, and he turned his back on them, walking away. 

“What’s the worst part?” She whispered, glancing at the now empty spot in front of the window.

Davian frowned and looked at the ground. “I’ve heard that drinking much of your master’s blood.. it.. well.. your personality can change to match theirs. It also gives them more control over you.. You’ll want to please them even more.. it can sometimes be obsessive. I have met a few vampires who lost their wits because of it.”

“What do I do then?” Aila asked him as they stopped in front of the large golden arched doors. 

“You feed like a normal vampire, little wolf.”

Aila jolted in surprise by the sudden whisper behind her ear. She turned to face Cassius and the growing smirk on his face. “Thank you, Davian. You may go now,” Cassius said tonelessly, his eyes resting on Aila. 

Davian straightened his back. “I think I should stay and help if you are planning on giving her more blood-“

“Stay or go. Whatever, as long as you don’t stop her..” Cassius muttered; his eyes glared at him in warning as he slipped his hand into Aila’s. 

Malia growled in her mind at how comforting Cassius’ touch was to Aila. But to her wolf, she wanted to rip his hand away from his wrist.

“Either be quiet or be locked away, Malia,” Cassius’ hissed in her mind. Aila whipped her head to look at him, yanking her hand out of his.

“Cass, please don’t threaten her-“

“I am advising her-“

“You were threatening her. She is a part of me; whether you like that or not, you have to deal with it,” Aila replied, tilting her chin up defiantly.


Cassius stepped closer to her and placed his hands on her shoulders gently, peering into her eyes. “I will listen to you, IF you listen to me now,” He replied sternly. Aila frowned slightly from the tone of his voice. It sounded like he wanted her to do something now.

Cassius smiled and took her hand in his again. “You need to feed, my Queen.” Aila halted in the corridor where he had led her to, ignoring the slight draft from the windows overlooking a stunning courtyard with a fountain inside. “I will instruct you,” Cassius whispered as he stepped closer to her. “Do you trust me?”

Trust.. It would take time to gain his, and he knew her well. Honesty was her best bet right now; he could probably feel the fear slicing its way through to the tight knots in her stomach. 

“No, I do not.”

Cassius smiled sadly as he pinned a strand of her hair behind her ear.. “You will.”

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