I Developed The Zombie Apocalypse And Netizens Went Crazy With Excitement Novel

I Developed The Zombie Apocalypse And Netizens Went Crazy With Excitement Novel

Source: Webnovel


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I Developed The Zombie Apocalypse And Netizens Went Crazy With Excitement Novel

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Su Ping transmigrated to a parallel world and became the CEO of a gaming company which was on the brink of bankruptcy.

The local gaming industry was in a recession. Even though his gaming company possessed top VR technology, the management only pushed for low-quality productions. The company had yet to produce any masterpiece.
As such, Su Ping became a game designer. In order to increase the fame of his company, he thought of replicating the Resident Evil series that he experienced in his previous life. He recreated the series based on his memory and designed the Zombie Apocalypse series. Unfortunately, at this point, everyone was persuading him to switch jobs. Even his girlfriend broke up with him. Su Ping insisted on designing the game and he worked day and night.
At the same time, another company, which was a giant in the gaming industry, announced that they would also be unleashing a game about the apocalypse. The company even invested a huge sum of money for advertising.
Finally, one day, both games were released. Everyone rushed to try out Next Day Apocalypse produced by the famous company, but they left the game feeling disappointed and requested for a refund.
On the other hand, even though only less than 10 people played Su Ping’s game, they were completely immersed in the gaming experience. A streamer even praised it publicly.
Su Ping’s game gained overnight success. On the very first day it was released, it surpassed Next Day Apocalypse, which had spent millions in advertising, in terms of sales.
Players were drawn to Su Ping’s game due to the mysterious and dangerous virus T, the unpredictable monsters and the nerve-wrecking plot. Countless people were scared witless.
When the valiant Alice was introduced in the game, all players went crazy in excitement. Her performance in the game made her the first virtual idol to have fans worldwide.
When everyone believed that this would become a classic of a generation and that it was impossible for anything else to surpass it, Su Ping released Silent Hill, Dino Crisis, Aliens and other series.

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