The second floor couldn’t possibly pose the threat for Kyoya and Xaya. The only ones that could do so were the adventurers whose strength exceeded that of the second floor. Such adventurers were failures, the victims of the world that could only live by committing to evil.
They would usually be careful and meticulous when it comes to their prey, so Kyoya and Xaya moved silently beneath the leaves’ umbrella as per the advice of Xiaoxiao.
It was pretty nice here.
The fresh air was brightly welcomed by the group, pushing their chests up and down. Because it was kinda dense up above, a little of the sun could slip through the leaves, but it was still a nice green scenery to an eye. The party had to be sneaky in case the adventurers are behind the threat for the village which is their current mission provider.
Since Kyoya had accepted it, the village head, who had used his belief, should be able to sense that and patiently wait for them to come up. The years of constant threat had taught both villagers and adventurers that this case should be covert.
That’s why, within the dark forest that didn’t stand out from the ones on the earth, Kyoya and Xaya were following Xiaxiao’s lead. She had some experience here and as one could see, her steps were silent even though her class was that of a spearman.
“The village we are heading to is called Butar Village.”
Xiaoxiao slowly whispered, then began teaching Kyoya and Xaya. She was already aware of the second floor’s villages, cities, and kingdoms, so Xiaoxiao didn’t need to actually prepare beforehand.
“They are close to the bicolor bears’ lairs. In the past, the villagers could hunt on those bears, but the bears had adapted and then, even adventurers began using those beasts for their evil deeds. There was even bold adventurer who had seized up the dungeon.”
The monsters on each floor are born naturally. The change had happened when the gods had spread their influence, however. The beasts and monsters had taken more belief than they could.
It was a miracle in fact.
This miracle was obviously seen by the gods. For the stronger belief and their own amusement, the gods had allowed the special individuals to set up specialized defenses around their lairs.
Those were called dungeons.
Each floor has a limited amount of dungeons, however. The guardian has to keep an eye on those, and if the number of those exceeds, then the mission is issued. Unluckily enough, Kyoya and Xaya hadn’t seen the mission to actually clear the dungeon.
“Miss Xiaoxiao, I do have a question.”
Kyoya slowly asked while his eyes were scouring throughout the area. They were already at the forest’s end with the village in sight. If there were any unfamiliar movements, then Kyoya should be the first one to spot those with his sharp eye.
That’s why he asked the question leisurely.
“Please, ask away.”
“If there is a mission and someone ‘steals’ the prey, what happens then?”
“The world pillar is omnipotent. Remember, when you tore the mission’s paper, all three of us teleported here. The world pillar sees everything, so it depends on the situation and the feelings of the one who got their prey stolen.”
Since it depends on the feelings and situation, the are two possible outcomes. The first one is that the stealer would get marked with the red hue that would tell others that this is the stealer. The one whose prey got stolen also would be able to sense such a person for a long time and vast distance.
If the person actually didn’t steal but did the deed to save, then the loot would be mostly shared depending on the contribution.
“However, there are a lot of different gods. There are cases where the gods urge others to commit evil… If that’s the case, then the red hue might disappear faster than usual… It all depends on the belief.”
“Thank you, Miss Xiaoxiao.”
“No problem, I actually enjoy this. It’s been a while since I could calmly stay outside the capital and talk like that…”
Kyoya peeked at Xiaoxiao who seemed to be lonely, then didn’t probe further. She was the adventurer without a party, someone who would join others every mission. There has to be some story behind that.
But asking out of curiosity would be not appropriate and Kyoya isn’t someone who likes to see dejected sides of the ladies. He changed the topic quickly, then took out his bow. The bow appearing out of nowhere was a shock for Xiaoxiao, even though she knew about Kyoya’s ability to do that.
“Bicolor bears are coming.”
“…I see them!
After a minute, Xiaoxiao and Xaya also could see the bicolor bears. They were half-way grey, half-way blue. Their wild forms could bring out some fear as they knocked the ground with their paws.
From the outside, the bears looked as if moving on their instincts alone. However, Xiaoxiao had spent some time on the second floor. She knew that something is off. If that’s the case for her, then the village head also should see that.
“Husband, their fur looks puffy! I want their fur in our house as a carpet!”
Xiaoxiao gaped when she heard such a request. The fur of such beasts is not easy to process and it would take a while for Kyoya if he was the one to do it. As for others, they would ask for a lot of money, and surely some time would be needed for the carpet to be made.
However, Xiaoxiao had no way of knowing about the husband’s game system!
[Wife wants carpet in her and husband’s house. It is time to properly furnish that empty house! Begin it with the puffy carpet!]
[A special three colored bear has been spotted on the floor!]
[Clear the dungeon and kill the boss five times to get the puffy carpet of the best quality!]
[Reward: The puffy three colored carpet Lv.1 with a special effect feet cultivation!]
[Feet cultivation: Each morning, Xaya will be able to cultivate her feet by stomping on the carpet on her way toward the husband! The feet cultivation allows her feet to become smoother, softer, and provides the best skincare!]
Clap! Clap! Clap!
“Husband! Husband! Husband!”
“Yeah, yeah… I get it…”
Such a carpet is worthy of becoming the second item within their house. It even had special effects, so Kyoya felt slightly bad for the bed of his. Of course, it’s not like Kyoya can not upgrade the bed, so it might as well become another quest of his.
He enjoyed his wife applauding at such a quest with her soft body jumping up and down on his back, then turned to Xiaoxiao.
She was looking at them with weird eyes that couldn’t be really described. Slightly narrower, one might think she is looking at idiots whose clogs stopped and so they erupted.
But just as she said that the world pillar is omnipotent, the system of the husband is on the same or at least a similar level. It can see a lot of things here because the six death god was overseer of the new project.
He had his own share in the new system, so Kyoya was reaping the benefits out of it.
“Miss Xiaoxiao… A lot of fun awaits us. But before that, we should help the villagers. Since the bears are controlled by someone, what should we do first?”
Kyoya returned to his ‘usual self’, then asked Xiaoxiao politely. She had been teaching a lot here and allowed Kyoya to feel how it is to work with someone. No one could be the better party member for the first time.
Furthermore, there is still a lot to learn, so he was hoping to keep here as long as possible. The display of his power can help with that.
“The most appropriate move would be to deal with the adventurers or the people behind the bears’ attack. In this case, we can only hope for the villagers to withstand as much as possible…”
But Xiaoxiao clenched her hands strongly. The sound of it assailed Kyoya who looked at her at daze. In the guild, Kyoya had heard that Xiaoxiao wanted to save the party members of her former party, so she was a lady that cared about others.
However, there seemed to be more into that.
Just the resolution within her eyes was enough for Kyoya to look deeply into her pale orange jewels.
“I would like to help the villagers first, however… So that no casualties are within their village…”
“That’s alright, Miss Xiaoxiao. The best path for adventurers is the one that they want to take the most. I and my wife are the couple who also likes to go with our flow. We want fur, you want to save the villagers. Let’s go.”
Kyoya extended his hand as if asking for confirmation. In a daze, the orange-haired lady looked at his soft smile, then broke into a similar one, her hand squeezed his own then.
“Let’s go then!”
It was a nice development as Kyoya could see the orange eyes rekindled in slow motion. It was a sight that charmed him slightly, then following the fast Xiaoxiao, Kyoya and Xaya rushed forth.
A spearman, Xiaoxiao was kinda fast. It was not her job to be the frontline, but in such a three-man party, no one else could take over it.
As long as her long spear gives her enough room, Xiaoxiao believed she can do it! Kyoya’s assistance also should give her enough place to jump around! With such thoughts, the lady threw herself with her power gathering around her legs, then like an athlete, Xiaoxiao landed in front of the gate.
“I will save you!”
And then, she declared!