I Have Refined Qi For 3000 Years! Novel

I Have Refined Qi For 3000 Years! Novel
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Three thousand years ago, Bai Qiuran, who was extremely talented, was accepted as a disciple by the founder of Qingming Sect, and the young Taoist began to cultivate the path of immortality.
Three thousand years later, Bai Qiuran’s master has ascended to the Immortal Realm, his senior brothers failed to pass the Heavenly Tribulation and died, and even the youngest grandson of the sixth generation descendant of his youngest junior sister succeeded in advancing to the Foundation Establishment stage and learned to use the sword to ride the wind.
After three thousand years of hard work, Bai Qiuran finally reached the 66,664th layer of the Qi Refining stage.
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Chapter List
- Book 1: Chapter 1: The Qi-Refining Ancestor
- Book 1: Chapter 2: Refining Qi For 3000 Years
- Book 1: Chapter 3: EaChapter Year Is The Last Year To Live
- Book 1: Chapter 4: A Good Day
- Book 1: Chapter 5: Treat The New Friend A Drink
- Book 1: Chapter 6: Into Mang Mountain
- Book 1: Chapter 7: Zombie Demon
- Book 1: Chapter 8.1: Brother, Your Chest Muscles Are So Hard!
- Book 1: Chapter 8.2: Brother, Your Chest Muscles Are So Hard!
- Book 1: Chapter 9.1: Qi Refining Stage Is Not Counted As Cultivator?
- Book 1: Chapter 9.2: Qi Refining Stage Is Not Counted As Cultivator?
- Book 1: Chapter 10.1: How Can You Be A Woman? Your Chests Are Even Flatter Than Mine!
- Book 1: Chapter 10.2: How Can You Be A Woman? Your Chests Are Even Flatter Than Mine!
- Book 1: Chapter 11.1: Out Of Stock
- Book 1: Chapter 11.2: Out Of Stock
- Book 1: Chapter 12.1: Pretending To Be Young And Ingenuous Is An Old Man's Special Skill
- Book 1: Chapter 12.2: Pretending To Be Young And Ingenuous Is An Old Man's Special Skill
- Book 1: Chapter 13.1: Using The Cuteness To Pass The Check
- Book 1: Chapter 13.2: Using The Cuteness To Pass The Check
- Book 1: Chapter 14.1: Shangxuan Royal Family's Betrothal Custom
- Book 1: Chapter 14.2: Shangxuan Royal Family's Betrothal Custom
- Book 1: Chapter 15.1: Shangxuan Imperial Mausoleum
- Book 1: Chapter 15.2: Shangxuan Imperial Mausoleum
- Book 1: Chapter 16.1: Of Course I Am Happy
- Book 1: Chapter 16.2: Of Course I Am Happy
- Book 1: Chapter 17.1: There Is Still A Sword
- Book 1: Chapter 17.2: There Is Still A Sword
- Book 1: Chapter 18.1: Let Him Taste His Own Medicine
- Book 1: Chapter 18.2: Let Him Taste His Own Medicine
- Book 1: Chapter 19.1: Super Soul Cleansing Technique - "Call The Police"
- Book 1: Chapter 19.2: Super Soul Cleansing Technique - "Call The Police"
- Book 1: Chapter 20.1: Older People Are More Forgetful
- Book 1: Chapter 20.2: Older People Are More Forgetful
- Book 2: Chapter 1.1: The Work Of Junior Disciples
- Book 2: Chapter 1.2: The Work Of Junior Disciples
- Book 2: Chapter 2.1: The 66,665th Layer Of The Qi Refining stage
- Book 2: Chapter 2.2: The 66,665th Layer Of The Qi Refining Stage
- Book 2: Chapter 3.1: Become My Student
- Book 2: Chapter 3.2: Become My Student
- Book 2: Chapter 4.1: It May Be A Bit Painful