Surprise raced through Kaizan when he saw Ara in the weaponry room. What was she doing there and how did she even know about this room? Did Paige show her this room?
“I— I— am sorry!” Paige said in a hoarse voice. Her lips were swollen and her eyes were red with crying.
“For what?” he asked, confused. The girl was looking so distressed that he felt pity for her. “And where is Paige? How did you find this room?”
Ara wiped her tears from the cheeks with her sleeves. She was wearing a long black gown that had mud on the hem. “I had gone for a walk through the orchards.” That explained the wet mud on her hem. “Your orchards are beautiful…” she trailed off, looking outside the window.
When she became silent, Kaizan probed her, “And?”
Startled, as if she woke up from her dream, she snapped her eyes open at him. “Then— then I remembered something…” her lips started quivering. “About my parents… my brother… his lover…” she again went silent as fresh tears came out of her eyes.
Kaizan began to feel utterly restless. He wondered what to do to stop her from crying. “And then?” he asked, as he tread the path between them and sat on the stone bench beside hers.
“And the next thing I knew was that I found myself in this room. I couldn’t stop myself from crying. They have mistreated me so much that it hurts all the time,” she cried. “I just can’t find relief from those traumatic thoughts.”
Kaizan blinked his eyes. The girl was a classic depression case. How was his little sister managing her? Sitting with her on the bench and listening to her woes was emotionally draining. He sighed. “Don’t worry. Now that you are here, divert your thoughts. I am sure you will find something which will help you.” No wonder Paige threw the party, he realized.
Ara sniffled and wiped her tears once again. “I will…” she replied. “I hope I am not a burden to you…”
“Not at all!” Kaizan said. “Just do whatever you like. Paige loves you a lot. I think with her you will have a better time.”
Ara looked at him from under her eyelashes. “Do you… like me…?”
Kaizan stared at her… blankly. He didn’t want to say that he didn’t know her enough to not like her, but he couldn’t say it. She was just too emotional and this was a harmless conversation. “I…” He was at a loss for words. He licked his lips as if taking time to frame his words. A moment later he said, “Yes! I mean you haven’t given me reasons to not like you. I don’t know you so well! So yeah!” He felt too awkward and knew that he was sounding awkward, so he stopped.
Ara gave him a weird look. She lowered her wet eyelashes. “I can understand that. Why would anyone like me… I am alone in this world. No one supports me. Everyone hates me. But tell me one thing—Is it my fault that my parents are dead? Is it my fault that my brother doesn’t want me? I am only a helpless girl who is looking for affection.” And a fresh volley of tears started.
Kaizan was… perplexed as hell. He didn’t know what he said to her that made her cry. He raked his fingers through his hair in tension, wanting this ordeal to get over as fast as possible. The girl was simply too vulnerable and needed a lot of reassurance. So, he tried once again. He looked at her and said, “You are a nice girl, Ara. If Paige is involved with you, I am sure she has found you…” he struggled for the right word. “…lovely.”
She became quiet and pursed her lips. “Do you find me… lovely?”
Kaizan stopped the urge to roll his eyes. This had no end. The girl was trying to hold a thread of reassurance without thinking about the consequences. She was an emotional wreck. Suddenly he wanted to go back to Olivia.
The door of the weaponry room opened with a loud bang. Ara whipped her head to see who entered. “Paige!” Her eyes flew wide open, as if she was surprised.
“Ara!” Paige came to sit beside her. She wrapped her arms around Ara. In a low, tender voice, she said, “I told you to stop thinking about them, haven’t I?” She wiped her tears. “Thank God, Kaizan mind-linked with me to tell where you were. I was beginning to get worried.”
Ara glanced at Kaizan, her lips curling in a thin smile. “I didn’t mean to worry you, Paige. Sometimes, it’s just too much…”
Paige hugged Ara warmly. She stroked her back. When her gaze went to Kaizan, she mouthed a thank you. Kaizan shrugged and gestured to her to take Ara back home. He didn’t want Finn to witness this scenario.
“Come Ara,” Paige said to her in a warm voice. “Let us go back. You need to eat something, and you need to take a bath.”
“Oh, Paige!” Ara hugged her tightly. “What would I do without you? This world is so cruel. I don’t know why people don’t like me? I am only trying to fit in this world after all the emotional upheaval I have been through.”
“I understand, Ara,” Paige assured her. “You need a lot of time. And I am there, right?”
“Yes, Paige,” Ara sighed. “I am counting on you.” She gave a pointed look to Kaizan. “I hope I am welcome in your family…”
Paige became quiet for a moment as her gaze darted to Kaizan. She gave him an accusatory look. Kaizan stiffened. Paige pursed her lips tightly and then shifted her gaze back to Ara. “Everyone welcomes you, okay? Now stop brooding and come home.”
Ara nodded weakly. She sighed loudly. Paige got up and pulled her up. She wrapped her arm around Ara’s shoulders and walked out of the door, murmuring sweet nothings.
As soon as Ara left the room, Kaizan inhaled sharply and realized that he had held his breath. Ara was such an emotional burden. She just kept throwing her victim card all the time. He wondered how Paige was managing her. He shook his head to shove those thoughts from his mind. He got up and did some push ups to refresh his mind and body. Once feeling better, he inspected the weapons in the room. Finn was right. Too many weapons had rusted and needed replacement. It was not long before Finn reached the room and they discussed it.
“Why don’t you join us for breakfast, Finn?” Kaizan offered.
“Thank you, but I have to check the training facility too!” Finn replied with a bow.
Kaizan chuckled. Duty for Finn was over any curtsies. “Okay.”
As Finn left, Kaizan headed home thinking about his wife who was still in the bed. He rubbed his chest as a warm feeling infused him.
When Kaizan entered his home, he found Ara and Paige sitting with Olivia in the dining hall, and they looked… serious. “Fuck!” he cursed. He didn’t want Olivia to undergo emotional mayhems. He rushed to them.. He had to retrieve Olivia from whatever conversation was going on.