I'm a Walking Disaster With My Unwanted Virginity Novel

I'm a Walking Disaster With My Unwanted Virginity Novel
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WPC 182 Gold Winner!
Yes, that's the title, get over it!
When a meteor crashed on earth a century ago, it gave birth to a new age. The age of mutants with superpowers.
Now, a young boy- Helio, gets into high school to pursue his dreams. But can he focus on studies despite being the 2nd epicenter of attention? And why does a certain someone want to kill him on the very first day?
It all changes when a man cloaked in black attacks the school and things happen. (Yup, things happen.)
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Chapter List
- Chapter 1 - Prologue
- Chapter 2 - Night Before The Big Day
- Chapter 3 - Late On The First Day?
- Chapter 4 - First Look
- Chapter 5 - The Dorm
- Chapter 6 - Since When Did Monkey's Start Falling From Poles?
- Chapter 7 - A Quiet Meet Up
- Chapter 8 - Who Knew Angelmen Wasn’t So Angelic
- Chapter 9 - Annoyance Is Never A Bliss
- Chapter 10 - Trouble On The Very First Day?
- Chapter 11 - Who Knew The Dorm Senior Was So Crafty?
- Chapter 12 - Interlude: Margeretta
- Chapter 13 - A Walk In The Park? Wait, Where’s The Park?
- Chapter 14 - A Crumbling Start
- Chapter 15 - Maybe Blowing Up A City Or Two, Wouldn’t Be That Bad, Right?
- Chapter 16 - Fishing For Trouble
- Chapter 17 - Come Again?
- Chapter 18 - Does Everyone Have Hidden Motives?
- Chapter 19 - A Deceitful Beginning
- Chapter 20 - And I Got In? Kind Of?
- Chapter 21 - Banquet?
- Chapter 22 - Rage Rage My
- Chapter 23 - Accommodation?
- Chapter 24 - Turbulence
- Chapter 25 - Interlude: The Academy
- Chapter 26 - Boundless
- Chapter 27 - Terrible Start To A Disastrous Day
- Chapter 28 - My Fault?
- Chapter 29 - Fight! Reach Her!
- Chapter 30 - You're Not The Boss Of Me: Do I Really Have To?
- Chapter 31 - Interlude: A Special Guest?
- Chapter 32 - But It’s Only Just The First Week!
- Chapter 33 - Kissing Pillows Never Seemed More Fun
- Chapter 34 - New Sword And Some Sparring Part 1
- Chapter 35 - New Sword And Some Sparring Part 2
- Chapter 36 - Detention And Potency!
- Chapter 37 - Second Thoughts
- Chapter 38 - The Stakes Are High
- Chapter 39 - The Snap
- Chapter 40 - I Won?