With a glint of determination in her eyes, Amira urged her mana further as it suddenly got warmer. Slowly, it started taking the shape of some delicate and rather colourful flowers, as if budding from mere seedlings into a full fresh garden.
With a wave of her hand, the flowers surrounded Jina as if she was a colourful butterfly in her cocoon, and enveloped her in a healing aura that was aimed at not only healing her injuries, but also recovering her strength. With that, her pale face started gaining a faint hint of healthy pink.
On the battlefield, the six available members of the Cyber Elites were desperately fending off against the Star Fifteen angel.
Erin was taking the lead, with his broadsword Lightning, blasting and slashing while moving across the skies like lightning.
Normally, he would not be able to fly. However, after his Cyber Transmission, he had gained the ability to form some simple structures with the Cyber Matter. And forming some wings was not an issue!
This wasn’t exclusive to him, everyone else on the team has gained such an ability, this alone gave them a massive advantage in both delivering and evading strikes.
“Sara, go for it. Just like we planned!” Erin suddenly yelled while evading a close strike. Now that he had angered his opponent and caused it to lock onto himself, his task was to simply run and wait for the results.
Generally, the angels didn’t have anything but basic weapons that weren’t dangerous for him.
But this Star Fifteen angel had created a mana sword that was enough to cut him into pieces! With that being said, with his lightning speed, evading was not much of an issue.
Hearing his cry, Sara -who unlike everyone else, was flying by relying on her anemo skills- had a determined look on her face as she waved her hands and gathered her strength.
Around her, countless anemo blades were spinning in a frenzied manner, as if they had their own spirituality.
As she gritted her teeth, Sara released her anemo blades with a thought, causing them to be launched like bullets towards the angel who was focused on Erin.
With their sharpness and speed, the anemo blades reached the angel in no time. However, unfortunately, the difference between rank Star Nine and Star Fifteen was just too significant.
With that being said, the sharp anemo blades did leave their mark; small, almost tiny, cuts were left on the angel’s white wings and steel hard skin.
Seeing the results, Erin quickly delivered an attack of his own before increasing the distance between him and his opponent. “Shin, your turn! Vlad, you’re up as well!”
Receiving their signals, the two grinned. With a simple wave of their hands, one layer of water blades and another layer of mana beams were launched like missiles.
Within a few breaths worth of time, the two attacks hit the angel from two opposite sides.
Getting hit in this way, the angel didn’t get hurt, but it was enough to slow it down, allowing Erin’s lighting to hit yet once again, scattering some feathers around.
“Tch, what the hell is it made of?” Vlad complained while creating some mana orbs and throwing them at the angel, causing them to explode dangerously.
“Oi, don’t attack on your own, I didn’t tell you the command!” Erin said with a serious tone. “We can’t get tired, we must play this slowly. With that being said, everyone, charge your skills! Haruki, we’re waiting on you!”
Vlad, Shin, and Sara charged their attacks from a safe distance while preparing for the command.
Haruki, who was flying a little bit higher than the rest with closed eyes, seemed calm while listening to Erin’s command. “Give me a few more seconds, I’m both helping you evade the attacks and create an attack of my own…”
“Ha ha,” Erin forced a chuckle that barely left his lips. It was true after all. Currently, Haruki was controlling the space around him, helping him avoid any attacks that were too quick for him, because of Jina’s absence. And above that, he was preparing a big present for the angel!
After a few breaths worth of time, Haruki opened his closed eyes while cupping his palms together. “Now!”
Suddenly, the angel that was busy chasing Erin froze midair, as if some invisible force was trapping him. And that force was simply Haruki’s power of space!
“Attack!” Erin yelled. As his voice sounded, the three of Sara, Shin, and Vlad, let go of their charged up attacks.
Hitting their stationary target was rather easy, and this time, the effect was more visible; from almost negligible cuts before to small wounds that showed a hint of red blood droplets now.
But this wasn’t all. With a soft twist of his palm, Haruki waved his right hand downwards..
With his seemingly simple motion, the force on the angel increased, but this time, it was pulling it downwards. Quickly, a dark shadow covered its figure, as if something was blocking the sun.
Instinctively, the angel looked up. On its emotionless eyes, a reflection of a large rock flashed. Not a second after, this seemingly normal rock hit its face.
Surprisingly, or maybe not so, the angel was blasted downwards as if hit by an entire mountain… which wasn’t far off the truth!
With his space manipulation, and together with Gaia’s guidance and help, Haruki was able to take an entire hill and compress it into a small rock, which massively increased its mass and density.
If it was the same large size, the angel may have been hit hard, but the effect would not have been this great.
Receiving the rock on its head, rather violently, the Angel started falling like a meteor and hit the ground with extreme force.
With Gaia’s increased force of gravity, the angel’s speed had massively increased while falling and the blow was many times more powerful than what it would have normally been. Thus, a massive crater instantly exploded underneath it.
After such a hit, even though it was ranked at Star Fifteen, the Newborn Angel’s red blood flowed out of its wounds that were covering its head.
“I have worked so hard for only that small injury?” Haruki, who was left panting in the air after using so much energy, said with a disappointed expression. But he surprisingly didn’t seem upset, rather, a soft smile surfaced across his face, just like a grin formed on Erin’s face. “But for our purposes, it should be enough…”
“Tony, it’s your time to shine!” Erin suddenly yelled.
“On it!” A voice suddenly called out as a person flew closer to the angel; it was none other than Tony!
Although Tony was not part of Kayla’s group of friends at first, he was once her opponent in the Tournament of the Elite that was organized by the EDA.
At the time, he had shown some incredible power that was able to control causality; Causality Manipulation!
Although he is not very proficient in his own powers, the effect he can display is not something that can be scoffed at!
Raising his hands forward towards the angel who was trying to quickly get up from the crater it was buried in, Tony activated his skill!
Instantly, the angel froze and his movement stopped. His wounds, whether big or small, suddenly exploded and enlarged under the effect of the peculiar and strange power.
The small paper-cut like wounds that were caused earlier were suddenly overflowing with blood while the last injury that was caused by Haruki’s attack almost ended up covering its face in red.
“Come on, it’s weak, let’s start!” Erin’s familiar voice quickly sounded in the team’s ears.
Everything they’ve been doing now wasn’t simply done to injure the angel, but rather it was in preparation for this moment!
“””Cyber Formation!””” Erin yelled, followed by the rest available members.
Suddenly, six figures formed a hexagon around the heavily wounded angel and flared their aura.
Although they were all tired, especially Haruki, Erin, and Tony, smiles were covering their faces.
Strangely, their colourful auras suddenly changed properties and merged together. Swiftly, their collective aura became much stronger than the individual sum as a dark purple colour surfaced. Tiny silver circuit-like structures seemed to be floating inside of it.
“Hehe, although this is meant to function with all nine of us, this should be good after so many injuries!” Shin said with a grin.
“Don’t waste time, activate the formation properly!” Vlad said, unsatisfied with his behaviour.
“Cyber Formation, activate!” Erin yelled as he took command and control of the formation.
Suddenly, everyone’s expression got serious as they felt their aura being depleted.
“Damn it, this is really tough, huh…” Tony complained.
“It’s something that was given by Kayla, what did you expect?” Vlad asked in a mocking tone.
Yes, this was something that was taught by Kayla, who used both of Raven’s skill: The Elders’ Scrolls and her own Cyber Particles in order to create!